Two as One Princesses

gossip Ein's past and tone

"I wonder what you were saying to Fi at noon, what it is!

Ciel asks tense.

I feel like they're expecting something, but I don't know what they're expecting.

When it comes to "naming," do you mean knowledge from a previous life, or setting in the entertainment of a previous life? I don't know much about it either, so I can't answer even if they ask me to explain exactly how it is.

It's just that if you name a demon unnecessarily, you've seen settings like that where you transferred some of your powers and the demon got stronger.

I was curious because that was popular for me.

If I told you, I don't think that would satisfy Ciel's curiosity.

Well, I'll explain.

"That's the kind of story that happened in the world before."

"I knew it was an old story, huh? Could there have been a lot of stories in Ein's world?

'You had it. You probably won't be able to read all the stories while a person is alive, even if it's limited to what remains of form.

No, I didn't just read the story in the first place, so I think it would take even more enormous time, and I think many new stories were being created while I was reading one book alone '

I don't know the exact numbers, but I definitely think the publishing speed is faster than the speed with which you read them if you look around the world.

I wonder if spending an entire day reading other than eating and sleeping can't keep up? Maybe I would have looked in the world, but if it was me, I'd try my best to have about 10 books.

In addition to this, cartoons, comics, movies, dramas, etc. So there is.

"You have so many books. I think the book is quite expensive, but maybe it wasn't in Ein's world?

'That's easy compared to this one. Is it as good as a single meal?

When it's the feeling of college students eating out, I think it's almost equals.

I don't know about society.

Beyond 1000 yen, I began to feel high, and if I looked, I could also find things that cost thousands and tens of thousands of yen.

"What do you mean, you don't just read stories?

'Um, can I borrow your body for a second?

"I don't mind."

He lent it to me as soon as I asked because it was difficult to explain it in words.

Then ask Mosa to bring the paper and pen.

It's an easy one this time, so just two. This world paper is not cheap.

I think it's because of the presence of spirits and the inability to deforest on a large scale, but I don't know the truth.

It seems likely that there is opposition around the elves.

Draw a picture of Ciel on the paper you brought me.

I don't mean to be good, but I don't think it means bad.

I wrote only features, amateur paintings, but now I just need to know, so I enforce them.

On the way to writing, I told Ciel, "That's a lovely painting. Is that my painting? 'So I was kind of embarrassed.

Still manage to complete it and alternate between the two paintings. Yeah, I'm teasing you, but you'll look like you're walking.

"Is this walking?

"Yes. With this procedure, if you paint a lot more, you'll actually look like you're moving.

Some of the things I could do, I put my voice and sound on them, I made them into stories. "

'You're very handy. Can you show me what you can do in a theater?

"Right. Sometimes you do that.

But it was predominant to show the finished product to an unspecified number of people in a magical prop that immediately conveyed information to distant opponents, used between hunter unions. "

'You have amazing things in Ayn's world. Surely there was no magic or magic, was there?

"There were no demons, and the conditions are completely different. Perhaps if we fought, this world would win?

I can't think of a weapon that could do anything about my junction, and if I wanted to defeat a Grade A or higher demon with a weapon from a previous life, environmental destruction would likely come with it.

When it comes to S-grade - though I only know about Toul - I wonder if I can't take it down no matter how I raise it?

I wonder under what environment this neighborhood has developed rather than which is better.

'Maybe so, but it seems like a lot of fun, doesn't it?

In this world, there's only so much entertainment as reading a book except dancing '

"It's the kind of world where those professions are being treated cold."

'That's right. I wonder why.

"The church seems to have something to do with it, but you don't know the truth."

"Why do you think the church is involved?

"I haven't had much contact before, but it was like there was something about the misadventure."

Especially when it comes to the singing princess, she obviously wouldn't feel good because she's offending church territory.

I don't know how the church works in detail, so I'm not sure, but if I were to come up with it, this is about it.

'You are. By the way, in Ayn's world, couldn't there be anything like a church?

"You went to a hospital to cure injuries and illnesses."

"You're cured to the point of illness!

"It didn't mean anything could be cured right away. Special, this one would be better when it comes to injuries.

It depends on the money, but it looks okay if it's missing. "

'Well, how about school? It was in Ein's world, wasn't it?

"You had an educational institution. It varied from country to country, but I think all the people in the country I lived in were educated about three to seven more times while the season was at least nine times."

"I wonder how long Ayn was?

"I've died around 14 tours of the season, but you had 16 plans."

It's even longer considering graduate school, but you won't have to explain that much.

'Oh? Speaking of which, is Ayn of a different age to grow up in the world?

"You were supposed to be 20 at a time. But there were quite a few people going to school beyond the age of 20. Neither did I."

'That's what it is. It's kind of funny.'


"Yeah, it's about Ein. Everything's so funny! It's funny."

"Good for you, then."

It's kind of weird to talk about the old days, but it's good if you enjoyed it.

I don't feel bad that Ciel's interested in me.

"Speaking of Ein's world, Ein was originally a man, wasn't he?

"Yes, I am."

"Was it a polite way of speaking then, as it is now?

"Uh... no"

"So what was the way you talked? I'm so curious! I care!

"Um, the..."

I can't find a way to return it to the expected voice of Ciel.

I wish I could change the way I spoke so much and show it was like this, but honestly, I hardly remember anymore.

It's even vague what a one-person name was. Like it was me, like it was me.

Yeah. Do I have to answer that I honestly forgot?

"Excuse me. I don't really remember. It's been a long time since I've spoken, so I forgot."

'That's a shame. Then why don't you stop talking politely and try talking?

"Should I talk like Ciel?

I can't even do that. Because the imitation of Ciel has been quite good in itself and will continue to be so.

I thought if it was that much of a favor, it might be a bluff to ask, but I heard a merciless voice saying, 'No.'

"Something that doesn't taste fresh."

"Do you need a fresh flavor?

"Yeah. It's important? It's important!

A chance to discover a new Ayn. "

"That's important, right?

'That's very important. But if Ayn doesn't like it, he won't be forced?

"Erm, yes. I get it. Um... can I have it replaced?"

"? Yeah. I don't care. '

I thought it was because it was Ciel's favor, and it wasn't difficult, but it's kind of embarrassing to try and change the way I talk.

Still, I've managed to talk to him, but I'm worried about Moses' gaze, so I'll have him replaced with Ciel again.

Then take just a deep breath of your feelings and make a voice that should listen to Ciel's request.

'Uh, what am I supposed to tell you... okay?

…… Right, right! Can I ask you something more about Ein's world?

'Fine...... but what do you want to hear,?

'Right. You're going to school, so can I ask you more about Ein's school in the world?

Would it have taken into account me that Ciel began to speak without speaking out?

I don't know, but it helps to be helpful. Because it's embarrassing.

Consciousness brightens my head and I don't know what I'm talking about.

That, and I have one thing to say.

"Ciel, I have one thing to say."

"I can't hear you, you can't hear me?

'I have one thing to say. There is.'

Hard to talk to. Embarrassing and gaze swimming.

My appearance now looks like Ciel, so this behavioral suspicion will also be seen.

When I think about it, my face feels hot. Though it doesn't get hot.

"What could it be?

'Because my world is here now, eh. The world before Ciel...'

'Right. Right! The world Ain was in front of. May I?

"Yeah. Like that, nice to meet you."

Somehow, wouldn't you be too young to talk?

It feels like I accidentally cut it in the text. But Ciel has nothing to say in particular, and he keeps talking tense.

'Okay! Well, then, can I ask you a story about the school in the world where Ain was?

'Right, right. Uh, I'm going to school around the age of six in the country I was in, so I'm going to school.

I'll go to the same school while I tour six times from there and spend the next three tours in another school...... Everyone has to go that far. '

'Does going that long mean that everyone in the world where Ain was smart?

'What do you think... what do you think? I don't want to go, so a lot of people don't know me.'

While talking, I have myself that I'm not sure what I'm talking about.

I don't feel confident in the content even if I explain it in the current state.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could talk back?

"Um, Ciel. The way you talk, can I put it back?

'Yeah. Okay. Sometimes this is good stuff.'

"What is that..."

'You don't have to worry about it. But let's talk about it like this again.'

"Yeah. Okay, yeah."

Nodding back to a satisfied siel.

Because I honestly don't feel used to talking like this, and although I'm ashamed, I would probably do it if Ciel asked me to do it again.

Because at least Ciel seems satisfied with it.

"Well, I'll explain it again."

"Yeah. Nice to meet you."

That's how I was supposed to explain to Ciel about my previous life's education.

(Plus: Ciel Perspective)

Today I could hear a lot from Ayn about the world where Ayn was (...).

Since we were going to school, there was a lot of talk about the school, but it was still fulfilling. Somehow, I was glad to feel a little closer to Ein.

Plus the way Ayn talks. I always asked Ayn, in a polite tone, to speak in a shattered manner, but that was already quite correct!

It might have been a little forceful, so I'll have to be careful next time, but it was cute anyway. It felt like it was younger than the usual Ein and the way it was lit seemed to tickle my mind so much.

Ayn, who usually looks straight at me and talks to me, turns a blind eye.

I couldn't help but feel cute and cute about how I felt a little nagging.

Even if Ain't on the table, it's great to see Ain.

Besides, the fact that you told me that the world I'm in now is Ayn's kind of made me feel very excited.

The back of his chest pounded and his cheeks seemed to loosen naturally.

Oh, no. It was a very fulfilling day.

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