Two as One Princesses

Gossip Maids Night Out 2 * Mosa Perspective

Dear Einsel - After Master Siermeer is off, he usually goes back to his room and gets some sleep, but today he was called by Master Fiyanamia, so he's on his way there, including me and Luna and Mia.

Master Fiyanamia does not sleep.

I know I sometimes sleep, but I basically say I don't need sleep.

In fact, I've been awake for dozens of days, and vice versa before I welcomed the ladies.

It is Fiyanamia-like who does not need to eat or sleep, but possesses mighty power.

Truth is, when I started working in this mansion, that was terrible.

Master Fiyanamia is said to be a special elf. It does have an elf-like trait, and I would be more convinced to be told that its beauty is an elf.

But the elves sleep, and they eat.

Instead of the Fiyanamia-sama people and elves who don't need either, I have wondered if that way, unlike animals, is creepy somewhere and would probably kill them.

In fact, the servant who feared Master Fiyanamia and tried to escape was no longer shadowed or shaped.

I don't think he got away with it...

But that's something I can't help. As a servant, it is also impossible as a nobleman to keep alive those who flee if they cannot endure knowing the secrets of the Lord.

That's what serving the best.

Conversely, Master Fiyanamia would not raise his hand, nor would he absurd his voice, if it were not for such a thing.

Just be gentle and attentive when you fail, don't scold me, and be tolerant of failure. Although if I fail, I will be scolded later by a superior servant.

Dear Fiyanamia, I don't care about the difference as being when I can see the nature, spirituality, and personage of being an individual.

Everyone in this mansion admires Master Fiyanamia.

Above all, Master Fiyanamia must be related to the gods.

I don't know if I can hear the voice of God, or if God sent me, but if I serve that well, I can guess, and Dear Siermail - ever since Lord Einsel came, I've heard conversations like that many times.

At the same time, Master Einsel also understood that there was a connection with God.

Although I was surprised by that, I was also convinced that Master Fiyanamia had called her righteous daughter.


I was called by Master Fiyanamia like that, but I have not been asked why.

Still, I can somehow predict with the personnel I've been called in.

"I wonder if the prince feels like that and Osente will be okay"

"It's a fourth prince, so it's a big possibility that I'm daring to let him go free... but I want him to take some responsibility for this as a country.

But so far, as one hunter has received, it seems to meditate on his eyes, so it will be difficult.

Depending on the way you look at it, it's like an accident that happened with patience. "

"Dear Siermeyer and Einsel, it seems like a quality you don't want to take care of.

I wonder what Mosa thinks?

"I hope Osente gets the most apology he can."

When I'm listening to Sawelna and Smearia, I answer honestly because they shook me up.

No, to be honest, I would like an apology as a compromise because the Lord didn't mean it that way, although I really want the prince in the matter to be severely punished.

"Right. I think you'd rather burn that letter. When I found out what it was all about, all I could do was curb my anger."

"Of course I would have been the only one not angry on that occasion, Master Einsel.

My eyes weren't laughing either. "

Assuming Master Einsel is angry, he would be angry that he angered Master Siermail.

Not so long ago, Lady Einsel focuses on Lady Siermail.

Two people nodded as they were convinced by my words.

"Speaking of which, does Smearia know what the prince in the matter is like?

"Though I can imagine from that letter, you have little information either.

Does Smearia know?

I follow Sawelna's words, too.

When it comes to the servants of this mansion, especially the maids, there is not much information about other countries.

That being said, I've heard stories about the reputation of the king and the extent of leading aristocracy, but this is the fourth prince.

The ranking of succession to the throne is low, and influence will not be.

If you are so good, you can guess that you may have heard the story, but without it.

Smearia thought a little to explore her memory and then spoke out.

"I remember it was the opposite of my wasp sister."

"When it comes to Smearia's sister, could it have been Mr. Viviana?

"Yes, now is the time to be different, but Viviana had short circuits and was not good at using big magic.

Still, he had a lot of magic, so he was able to devise and do it as a hunter. "

"Does that mean that the fourth prince of Osente has a blessed magic circuit but less magic"

"Magic was mediocre, to be precise. Generally speaking, you can call it mediocre. But when I say royalty, I hear it wasn't enough."

Magic is proof of nobility. And it used to be said among people. Sometimes now, even civilians appear to have magic, but it is also said that it is because of the blood of the nobles.

Therefore, the amount of magic in the aristocracy seems to be one status.

I mean, it's unlikely you could be king just because you have less magic power, and your expectations from around you would have been small.

"Happiness or unhappiness."

"If you're too good, you might have cracked the country."

It may not be a bad thing to have a good royal family.

If that were the first prince, the country would be cheap.

But if that's the subordinate inheritance, there could be disturbances.

If we did poorly, there would have been a future in which the fourth prince was being killed on the issue of succession.

After listening to this story, I think back to my letter to Lady Einsel... and I only get the impression that he is not a prince.

There may be parts of my background that I sympathize with, but there's no way I can forgive you for being disrespectful to Dear Einsel.

Speaking of background, Mr. Einsel would have had a harder time.

In the end, anger at the fourth prince stayed put, because the air got worse, or Sawelna changes the story.

"Nevertheless, Master Siermeer is going to Osente.

I thought I was leaving the mansion one day, but it was faster than I thought. I don't think the ladies need to go to school, but should we go?

"Considering the aristocracy and similar, I don't think it would hurt to go. I was studying wasps at home, but it's not uncommon to have other countries study in the center.

But when the ladies ask me if I need it, I can't say anything... "

"In the first place, this story seems to have some aspects of reaching from God"

"I know. That's right..."

Sawelna sighs.

If possible, you want to stop your daughter from going to school. I know how you feel, but it's impossible to stop just because you feel. Maybe that's why I want to persuade Master Fiyanamia.

I don't help, but in my heart alone, I just decided to stay supportive, and Smearia made a rough voice.

"After all, does Master Fiyanamia and the ladies have anything to do with God?

"Smearia's been here a short time, hasn't she? It is good to say that there is so much to do with God that this mansion itself can serve as a temple.

At least to Master Fiyanamia, existence itself is different from that of a person.

This is the place where you will receive the presence of a human being. Have you noticed?

Guess sooner or later, even if you don't know it. Those who do not check will probably not be hired in this mansion.

Tell them to threaten you and see how they react.

If this seems to change the attitude, it is necessary to ask Lady Fiyanamia and the ladies to think about the communication and response.

Smearia lagged behind with a little fear in her eyes, but at the same time gave the same expression she was convinced.

"If you say you didn't think of anything, it would be a lie. But at the same time, I was convinced. Such a presence - ruled by Master Fiyanamia, so the center can be centered enough.

I was not wrong to say that it would only be foolish to abolish Master Fiyanamia. "

I know you had predictions, but excellent as the reaction of the first person to be heard.

At least, I was upset the first time I found out.

I already have power in my eyes, and I'll be a good servant.

"I called you guys to talk about sending those kids to school.

I don't think I want you to go around Sawelna. "

"I'm sorry"

When I arrived at Lady Fiyanamia, they said so as soon as possible.

Nominated Sawelna turns her face blue and bows her head.

"I'm not mad at you, am I? Rather, it's a pleasure to have someone to think of those kids. Just so you know this is where they're going.

Right, right. I was going to tell you about those kids to tell you why I wanted to send them to school. "

It was predictable about the school, but what does it mean to talk about Master Einsel and Master Siermail?

Wait for Master Fiyanamia, who is concerned but with a serene expression, to speak out.

"There are a lot of reasons to send them to school, but it's like not to warn anyone who might be contraindicated. Punishment just goes down even if contraindications are made. Honestly, the supreme god doesn't care either. I just asked because you two are going to be able to move."

"So why?

"Because of this, there are times when I wanted to try something like a parent.

It's the first time I've had a child, though it's been around for a long time. And no child is more worthy of me than they are of me at the same time. "

I know what Master Fiyanamia is going to say.

Master Fiyanamia picks up people like us and makes them servants, but there is a clear upward and downward relationship there, not the standing position of a child.

Even if I raised him as a child, he would be crushed by the position of a Fiyanamia-like child.

That's all the ladies deserve to be respected for being flat.

Just because he is a Fiyanamia-like child, he will be seen with a variety of eyes from around him, and he will be involved in every hassle.

In fact, the ladies would have seen those too.

But I won't show you how I cared at all.

We have gained enough strength for ourselves not to care.

If you think about it again, you would be more deserving of being Dear Fiyanamia than you can possibly possibly think of.

But at the same time, they don't even deserve it.

The conversation goes unanswered to my question as to why.

"And then yes. I think those kids can deal more with their age.

They've lived as hunters since they were basically 15. "

"Dear Siermail, who did become a hunter at the age of 10 and ran up to Class A without waiting to be 15, it seems that Ayncel rarely deals with the same age.

Even when dealing with the same age, the ranks are already too different for a reciprocal relationship. "

"Right. Then the position that you left Osente's school to explore the countries would be somewhat positive, wouldn't it?

They had better be free to travel to and from the country for their purposes.

Well, I don't know if I can graduate safely. I'm tired of coming home. It seems like a normal thing. "

That's how Master Fiyanamia laughs.

I don't think it's a laugh, but since neither Mr. Einsel nor Mr. Siermail are in detention, they're likely to come out as soon as they feel unnecessary to them.

If you are the righteous daughters of Fiyanamia and the two of you are A-level hunters, then this is true when it comes to the school's voluntary expulsion and the like.

"At the end of the day, they'll be able to go to school again and again, so I thought I'd let them go at their original age."

"What does that mean?

I accidentally put it in my mouth, but Master Fiyanamia doesn't show how I cared.

Instead it even looks like I've been waiting to react that way.

"That's the real deal from here. Those kids - although I doubt Ayn fits into this a bit - are definitely human now, especially Siermeer.

If it was meant to be, it would grow up in the course of a few more seasons to make you look like an adult.

But that won't happen. I will step on my side not far away. No. Speaking of Ein, I've already stepped in a little.

Step further and Ciel will be pulled too and he won't grow old. Now that you know that, you don't have to hesitate to step in.

Still, do you think you'll remain their exclusive?

Words, though cloudy, are almost like saying the answer.

And the real reason I called you here is to ask if you can keep up with the ladies who are no longer people?

Can you continue to serve someone whose appearance remains much the same, clearly of a different character in existence?

Though I may do the grubbing-up if I think about it earlier, it's not like something is going to change dramatically either, because me and Sawelna were serving Master Fiyanamia in the first place.


"Naturally, I will continue to serve you"

Me and Sawelna respond almost simultaneously.

Then I was a little late and said, "I'm the one who saved my life. Until this life runs out," he bows his head.

Seeing that, Master Fiyanamia looks a little happy.

"Yeah, yeah. You asked for it. So take precedence over my words."

"Are you sure?

Though exclusively for the ladies, me and Sawelna are hired by Lady Fiyanamia.

Because we must listen to Fiyanamia-sama's orders as a matter of priority.

However, Master Fiyanamia immediately replies, "It's good."

"Because it's not so much those kids... it's Ain. Ein is better than me. I'm still stronger now, but I'll be caught up and outrun in no time.

And when that happens, I'll be higher than I am. "

I had a very headache, though Master Fiyanamia says as there is no such thing.

Still, I could only understand why the ladies were not worthy of Lady Fiyanamia's child.

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