Two as One Princesses

At the gossip hunter union * receptionist perspective


"Yes, I accept. This will be your last reward."

Receive two bags from a girl like a doll with white hair and blue eyes and give her a bag she had prepared in advance.

The girl gave me a magic bag prepared by the Hunter Union side.

It was also the Hunter Union magic bag that I handed to the girl.

Two of the three will have moved three magic bags that are supposedly expensive in the present moment, albeit cheap ones that can only be small items or wallets.

It's an anomaly when hunters who have hunted big guys hand out magic bags at reception or when they do it at the same time, although there's no way more than one magic bag moves.

It's unusual that all magic bags are provided by the Hunter Union, and I know that the contents are probably unusual.

Because there will definitely be a few A-rank demons in the bags they give you.


The girl leaves and sighs while the next person comes.

Anyway, the girl is the most unusual thing right now. No, if I say anything abnormal, I won't be able to stay in the center.

I understand and am satisfied with the treatment given to her by Hunter Union officials as well as by the hunters in the centre (...) and (...).

Then there's the significance of an apology on the part of the Hunter Union for once. But what is helping by that is still the Hunter Union side, so I think it is only the self-satisfaction of some executives.

Well, it's none of my business up there.

If the hunter union doesn't go away, let's keep quiet without saying anything.

And the sigh was because such a receptionist is not a good person to deal with.

Ha... nervous.


"Yes, what have you done?

I was called out, so I smiled and responded.

Then sigh inside.

Centrally located, this is where the Hunter Union's headquarters in each country hits.

That's not why I'm here, but I'm limited to being able to come.

As a hunter, you have to be Grade B or higher to cross the border. It seems to have spread that it was originally "to get into the center".

It's not just the arm's length that involves the reputation and the contribution of the hunter union to becoming a B level, so there are few roughnecks often imagined in hunters to become a B level.

I mean, he's not here, but that would be nice here.

Central Hunter Union = Grade B + comes together = lots of common sense people, that's not true when asked if it will be.

Rather, it's not true when people ask if there are a lot of hunters who stay in the center - although there are quite a few who come to sightseeing.

So many of them become hunters in the center.

This one is less like a so-called hunter.

Besides, for some reason I have a verse that I think is above hunters in other lands by saying hunters in the center.

From what I can tell, hunters from other countries are more impressed. Like the girl just now.

I wasn't thinking about this. We have to deal with this central hunter.

"What the kid had earlier was a magic bag, right?

Give it to me, too. "

"May I see your card?

When I said it, he gave it to me reluctantly and so on.

Mr. Garin, Class D., 22. Does the rank correspond to the year? It seems like a solo, D-grade, so I might say it's quite a strength.

But it's going to be a long way to go to level C.

... I really don't understand why you can call her a kid.

That's all I called for.

People who want information must get hurt within a short distance. Hunter is such a thing, though he could die if he was bad.

If the receptionist was overjoyed by the life and death of a general hunter, he wouldn't have the spirit.

Because the boy who left well yesterday goes through so many times that he was found unharmed.

Just take the record and return the card to Mr. Garin.

"Sorry, I can't lend you this"

"Why not! You're giving it to that kid!!

That's how Mr. Garin looks back. Free space with desks and chairs, not exactly behind you.

There's an earlier girl sitting right there by herself.

It's so adorable what you're thinking and giggling about.

What a rare look, even though he's usually as faceless as a doll.

I can be proud of other officials for this.

Then the girl immediately went back faceless and got up and left the Hunter Union.

He's a very good kid to watch, though he's nervous about coping.

I'd rather be a fan.

Well, we need to get back to it.

"What's the problem with that?

"I know there's gonna be a lot of problems, but hey!

"Then make sure you do your best to be an A-level hunter"

Mr. Garin in my words - Garin rounds his eyes.

I know how you feel, but that stage has already passed.

"That kid's an A? Are you licking me?

The raw one of these hands is somehow very persistent.

If you insist, did you not go directly to that child - Master Siermeer?

If I complained to Master Siermail, I think Garin was in trouble. Nevertheless, it is distressing as a hunter union to bother Master Siermail any more.

I was wondering what was going on, and I said, "If you don't need me, could you take my place?," he called out to Garin.

"What is it? You can complain to this receptionist."

The first thing Garin looked back at was Mr. Carroll, who has two names: Ice Witch.

Young and graded A, young ace. Aren't you also famous as a competitor, Mr. Freele, going up to level A not far away? It is said to be secretly exuberant among union members.

Because as an official I would be happy to have an A-level hunter from my town.

It was very exciting, unlike when Mr. Siermeer - although Siermeer's well-known is not exciting in the first place - because he also knew about Mr. Carroll by tongue-in-cheek, trying to get away from reception.

But I could hit something.

That's embarrassing. "It's bad for the subject I bumped into.

It was the brunette girl there. I feel like I've seen it somewhere, but I don't remember being a brunette.

In addition to the rare hair color, it is pitch-black so that the color of the eyes is also inhaled. I don't think I'll forget it at first sight.

Apparently, Mr. Carroll brought him here, so I guess he's not an ordinary kid, I could imagine.

"We've bumped into each other from there, haven't we?

"Oh? You don't?

"Oh, you have guts selling fights to A's."

"You didn't say anything to me..."

"He's an A-level hunter."

Though Mr. Carroll says that with a laugh, I think the only A-level hunter that age is Master Siermail later and earlier.

Something like that catches me,

When I look at the brunette again, she looks a lot like Master Siermeer.

You can call it two melons.

"Huh? What is that? Is it fashionable?

If you're really A-level, show me the evidence. If I win, you'll give me an A, won't you?

That's how I'm going to look at this one, but there's no way.

If you're going from D to A just because you beat A, Master Siermeer is said to have risen to B two years ago.

Anyway, apparently Garin wants to fight this girl... When I look at the girl, she looks like she's in trouble, and then she looks like she's in the mood that she made.

"We won't fight. Because it's a hassle. Whatever you say, I'm an A-level hunter. If you have a complaint, tell the Hunter Union."

"Damn, he's always licking me too."

That's how Garin punches a girl. These fights happen every once in a while, and I'm used to seeing them. But I accidentally turned away.

I think there's also the guilt of not being able to stop Garin's outrage.

Turning to his fearful eyes, Garin's bush stopped in space and the girl was instead putting a knife on Garin's neck.

If you look closely, there's blood coming from Garin's neck.

A girl gives a chilled voice to a grumpy garin.

"You've often complained about Ciel to this extent."

I'm a little scared of cold voices. Can a child of this age be put out?

Garin, directed at him, escaped with the vice of "damn".

Oh, it feels good. Not if you say so.

"Thank you for waiting. What can I do for you today?

"Greetings...... is it? Mr. Ravelt...... may I have the Grand Master?

Speaking of Einsel coming, I think we'll get through. "

"Is it the Grandmaster? Er..."

Should we go through with this? Though I come with Mr. Carroll and think he is ok because he looks a lot like Master Siermeer and seems to be a class A hunter.

"It's okay, come talk to the Grandmaster. I'll take it from here."

"Mr. Celia!? Yes, I understand."

Mr. Celia came from behind, so I'll leave this place to go to the Grandmaster.

From behind that time I heard Mr. Celia saying, "Master Einsel is here today, isn't he?" Could it be that Mr. Celia knows that girl?

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