Two as One Princesses

gossip A Country Talk * Threesome Perspective

King Osente Capital is the largest school city on the continent.

There are two schools, one Osente First School, which educates nobles in their own country.

It is a compulsory school for the children of the Osente aristocracy, who are 12 years old, as well as royal families who have a high right to inherit the throne, and are also allowed to enroll, even if they are not children of the superior aristocracy.

Studies are not only a place to connect faces with other nobles - they also have a strong aspect as a place to socialize.

Because the strength of witchcraft as a nobleman is also required, it can be said that those who attend this school also acquire more than a certain strength.

In contrast, the second school is open to a wide range of students.

In the country nobility, as well as leading merchants and highly capable civilians, can be admitted to school.

In the case of civilians without money, it is also thought that they can borrow all the costs by accomplishing more than a certain amount of grades, thus bringing together more competent personnel.

Students and technicians from other countries may also be accepted, and although enrolment at the age of 12 is recommended, as is the age of enrolment in the first school, no clear restrictions exist.

Some of them may include top nobles from other countries, who are committed to safety inside and outside the school.

As a result, there is good security in the central city with regard to districts where schools are located.

Within the second school it is decided to live irrespective of identity, but it is said that this was once born to the superior nobility of another country because the children of the lower nobility of Osente worked disrespectfully.

Not just in this matter, but in order to attract students regardless of their status, there was a variety of troubles and these decisions were put in place.

This is not the case, however, when asked whether his identity does not matter at all within the second school.

There are few examples of friends between nobles and civilians, but after graduation they have their own positions, and if they work disrespect that has passed, they may be retaliated against after graduation.

In the second school, with the exception of basic subjects, you will choose and learn what you want to learn.

Basic subjects also have history, but only require a degree of general common sense.

Outside the basic subjects, there is a wide variety of political science and economics, magic, chivalry, magic, magic props, etc., and the class can only be connected to the degree of companionship it receives along with the basic subjects of what exists.

The royalty of such an Osente country is now king and queen, then side chamber. Two princesses for every four princes. The king has brothers, but he has already let go of his inheritance rights and become a duke or a dowry.

The first prince, Prince Wang, was already over the age of 20, and the second and third princes were not dissatisfied with the position, favoured supporting the first prince, and were told that the next generation would be Antai if there was not much left to do.

In fact, the royal castle rocked when the fourth prince was living in the side chamber.

The profession "Ahead Chant" possessed by the country prophesied that "the genius of the Fourth Prince's sorcery is one of the best in the world, and the castle may crack".

To be king, you don't need excessive combat power, but you need magic and witchcraft. Because we need to activate the magic props that inhibit the activation of magic.

Precisely within a junction that inhibits witchcraft, it takes magic power and skill to be able to exercise witchcraft.

That's not the kind of force Einsel does, it's a well-set right offense. Still have to be good at witchcraft.

The skill of witchcraft does not determine the king alone, but it is safer for a king to be good at witchcraft.

There is also a tendency to say that abundant magic power is a testament to nobility.

Prophecy of an earlier chant under those circumstances.

If it is true, there will be something out there that lovingly complains that the Fourth Prince is the King Prince who should be enough.

It is visible to be a successor contender as it is.

I am delighted that my son is excellent, but the king, who cannot but think so, had complex thoughts about the prophecy of the first chant.

It was thought that the Fourth Prince, born in that way, possessed one of the world's leading "witchcraft talents", as foretold by Chanting earlier.

In fact, the Fourth Prince became young enough to handle witchcraft and to be expected from various figures.

Especially anticipating was the Count family, which heard rumors about the Fourth Prince and bought an educator to leave. His enthusiastic education will make the Fourth Prince more and more powerful.

It was that that showed so much talent that it might be said that he was worthy of the next king.

But by the time he turns 10, the Fourth Prince will see reality.

As a nobleman, he only had mediocre "magic power" and "magic manipulation" with him.

The basis of witchcraft is a circulation of magic. The Fourth Prince had an excellent "circuit," and when it came to circulation, that was just the best talent in the country. That's why I've been entertained and raised.

Since the amount of magic gradually increases, it will hit the head at about 10 years of age, so until then it has not been considered much of a problem. If there were to be more afterwards, that would only be when something big happened that would change my life, etc.

In fact, by examining the amount of increase in magic, you can know the maximum amount of magic from an early stage.

That's why the King allowed the Fourth Prince to have an enthusiastic education.

Because I knew this child (Prince IV), who lacked enough magic power, would never be king.

And with all the political thoughts, I thought that doing so would increase my child's options for the future. Even if the magic power is low, there is enough for a nobleman to talk about if the condition is "to be king".

Did he (the fourth prince) also understand that, since he was 10 years old and gained a profession - royalty - he became interested in hunters.

The fact that the royal family is to hunters...... is not to be recommended, but it has not been in the past.

By distancing yourself from the castle, you can show that you are not interested in the throne, and it is not difficult to be a superior hunter if you have magical arms as royalty.

Having an advanced hunter in you is not a bad story even as a country, but also has the advantage of having the Knights move as hunters if they can't.

Of course, there are disadvantages, but it was the King's idea that being a hunter would be more helpful than disturbing the castle in terms of the status quo, and he was lonely and happy that the prince himself had decided to go ahead as a father who could not deal with his children very well in his position.

At this point, the prophecy of the first chant was worried, and he was driven to the edge of his memory.

Rumors have been circulating that some time after the Fourth Prince enrolled in the First School - he was initially planning to send him to the Second School, but there was an offer to attend the school to which his brother and his princes attended, and he attended the First School.

He was told that Fiyanamia, the Lord of the centre, had adopted him.

As a nation, we cannot ignore what intentions we have had and what the person who adopted us is.

While the king was haunting his head about what was going on, the nobleman, who was the Fourth Prince's educator, suggested, "How about asking the Fourth Prince to go as a hunter?"

In fact, it means that the Fourth Prince will have the experience of going to another country - not exactly a country - and gather information from those who will infiltrate him together as a hunter.

There was some anxiety about the King, but he eventually agreed that the center would be a good experience for the Fourth Prince, too, where the Hunter Union headquarters were located.

If you don't make so many mistakes, you don't have to be fruitless.

I guess I shouldn't have thought so cheaply - the king sighs when he sees the parent book of the Hunter Union Grandmaster delivered from the center.

The Fourth Prince, who went to the center, was unluckily captured by demons.

In the shallow layers of the nest, which should have been able to operate well enough for even lower hunters, we encountered a demon that seemed to cross the A-rank.

Although the sudden encounter with the advanced demon is a rare occurrence in doing so as a hunter, the king held his head when he was reported to have also worn an escort.

He was told that the prince had been safely protected in less than a few days because a speedy resolution had been reached, but until the news arrived, the kings and queens continued to guide him while keeping him from appearing on his face.

Having heard of his safety, the king gave the order to bring him back as soon as the prince recovered, and was finally relieved to see with his own eyes my son, who seemed a little dissatisfied.

Offering the Fourth Prince a report of being central, the Prince began to talk about a brunette girl who had helped herself with pleasure.

A beautiful singing girl who instantly healed people attacked by demons.

Having asked the prince about the girl as if to sell her in, the king recalled the existence of a certain profession (the singing princess). And born confused, not discrimination-conscious.

Occupations that have not appeared on the tabular stage for a long time, either because they are synonymous with misadventures or because princesses are rare again.

It was supposed to be an affair. From what the prince has told me, it offers more advanced healing than a lousy clergy. I mean what does that mean......

Though it seemed to be an important fact, the king soon pushed his thoughts into the corner of his head, realizing that there was nothing he could do, regardless of the occasion.

"Anyway, thank you for this investigation. You should heal your body for a while."

Although as a king, as a father, he also speaks earnestly to the Fourth Prince (son).

Even though the Fourth Prince was such a father and had some inner thoughts about the King's response, he honestly went down.

The king then receives a report from those who went with the prince to the center and asks for the name of the righteous daughter of Fiyanamia - the Siermail.

Being a girl of the same or younger age than a fourth prince like a puppet with a silly, poor doll. But it becomes clear along with the story about the raid on the Fiyanamian mansion that he is not the person he looks like.

That is how the king understood Siermeer to be the same opponent that Fiyanamia should not have his hands on.

It is not hard to imagine that if we are in contention, even if we do not lose, the damage will be enormous, and if we do that much damage to each girl against each other, it is the defeat of the real Osente. Besides, given that behind it is also Fiyanamia, which would have even stronger powers, it may have been nothing of a difficult decision not to get your hands on it.

Anyway, where I was reassured that I had one paragraph, it was the parent book that made the king sigh.

When you scratch the contents, you say, 'Your fourth prince wants to invite our A-level hunter to school who helped him, but what does that mean?' Something called.

Behind it is, 'What do you mean, you want to be a concubine for the favor you helped? It means something like'.

There was also a report about the earlier Siermail, and the King, who wanted to avoid a deterioration in his relations with the center, sent it right back because of something like 'verbal and no other'.

He then returned to the Fourth Prince, who, together with the educator, summoned him, if he was able to marry himself, who is royal, because he is a hunter and other civilian, he would be happy.

The king held his head in the Prince's reply, just until the beginning of the school, which was closed - cautious until spring, ordering him to re-educate and return to his room.

Then as this responsibility to the remaining educators, he dismissed the educators and referred them to fines and demotion to the Viscount.

As a thought in the first place, the King suspected this educator.

Whether the right to inherit the throne is inferior or renounced, those who try to take it out if the blood of the royal family is mixed appear.

I dared admit to becoming an educator in order to broil it out. If an enthusiastic education makes a prince an excellent minister, fine, then when the prince blows something in, he punishes and collars it as the responsibility of the educator.

This is a form of education that has made my face appear at a bad time.

It was the fall of the king who was alarmed that the Fourth Prince would not threaten the country because of his interest in hunters, as the educator thought he was instigating the prince to do so.

That he was captured by demons in the nest, that there was a girl with enough strength to help the prince from the demons, and that the prince felt something for the girl. Several coincidences overlapped, reaching unexpected places for the king and for the educator.

Nor did the king realize the relationship between the brunette girl who helped the prince, and the gray-haired girl, the righteous daughter of Fiyanamia.

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