Two as One Princesses

gossip ciel, pseudonyms and new costumes

Snow dyed white through the center began to melt and warm up little by little.

With that, the city regained its vitality, and a stall appeared in the square.

That said, it's still cold in the morning and evening.

Unlike before, the insulation in the junction is enough, so the morning cold pierces.

If I make it too overprotective in these places, it's bad for Ciel's body, so he's ghosting his mind and feeling the cold, but Ciel's captivated by the comfort of the morning futon.

For the record, until now, I had been unable to guarantee my safety in the event of a breakdown, so I had eliminated all external factors.

I have been maintaining my ties for the past few years, so there is also the idea that I should continue to use my ties forever. Somehow, they're going to wonder if he was really trying to disappear from before Ciel.

But at the time, it was not thought of by tying the area together. They were cornered while I was there.

It's about Ciel captivating the morning futon, but that's not bad.

Whatever, because Ciel's been sleeping for a long time. It didn't change the time I woke up, and the time I was stuck in the futon was longer.

He's blurred consciousness in the meantime, and for Ciel, it's rare. He's so cute to come and call me "Eun ~" with a little smile.

To put it modestly, it could be comparable to an instant death attack.

If we could create this one, would Ciel shell it and follow it?

Assuming Ciel falls asleep in one of these places, he won't catch a cold because I can walk to bed.

It might be interesting to try making this one goal when you go to school.

The ultimate goal in the sense of a magic prop is to make a proper time-stopped magic bag, but because it won't be so easy, it's one of the small goals.

I think I, the future, will figure out how to take it from this one to the magic bag.

To the extent that you start to think about these things, it's close to leaving the center.

Though there are 2-3 months before the entrance exam, I would like to leave the center by 1 month, given the travel.

There will be an entrance exam in 2-3 months for the schedule until admission, from which the results will be available in roughly a week, and the entrance will be imminent.

I thought it might be a date I couldn't afford when I thought about it in college in my previous life, but I feel like it felt similar when it was a high school entrance exam.

As Ciel's central departure nears, preparations are also moving forward a little bit.

I'm going to pick up the costume I was asking Mr. Shy for today, and I'm going to go with it and reveal Mr. Ricil's dress at the mansion.

I throw what I'm likely to use in food and hunter activities just in case, and what I'm going to need in school, into a magic bag.

I'm studying for the entrance exam preparation, and just in case, I'm touching on courtesy - mainly me.

Is there two more things to do except to go get the costume?

One is as Ciel's problem......

"What will you do..."

"Ayn, what's going on?

Unexpectedly snapped words are picked up by Ciel, who tilts his neck.

I don't know if I can say that it was crushed by the current situation.

Leave that bullshit alone, I can't help thinking about it alone, so I'll talk to you.

"I thought it was time to decide what to do with pseudonyms."

"That's what we talked about."

"If you keep putting it behind you, you're going to pull it right before you leave,"

Like homework for the summer holidays I'm not saying......

I don't mind, but maybe Ciel will eat up and explain the summer vacation.

That's how we talked about it, and I'm going to forget about the fake name again.

What a beneficial thing to think about, "Ayn?" Ciel asked me.

Deceive me that it's nothing, and I'll resume the conversation.

"Can't you think of any good pseudonyms for Ciel?

"Right...... you can't think of much. We both use pseudonyms, don't we?

"You will be."

Schools aren't just about Ciel, they're about to give me more time to get on the table.

That is why the pseudonym will show both Ciel and I. Although it is different from both in the first place because it is a pseudonym.

It may be appropriate to put it on. I want to think of something decent, though, because Ciel uses it, even if it's temporary.

'How about, say, a roome or something?

"Is there anything else?

"El or something."

"No, you can't."

"I knew it."

"Because it's just my name. Then you can have Isel or Sern, right?

"I hate that."

I feel somewhat different from what the girl's name sounds like, and I want to properly incorporate the ciel element because it will be called that for a while.

So even at Ciel's request, I reject it. Ciel would feel the same way.

Then there is the hand of making it completely different from its real name, but then it may be called this time and I can't react.

The easy part is sticking the two names together, but it's hard to use if you shrink and use "Einsel". As Ciel just let me out, I don't look like a girl anymore.

Desperately thinking about it, Ciel's spine stretched out as perfectly as I came up with something.

"Then why don't you stick Ain and I's names together, Eil or something?

'Uh, that might be a good idea. But I feel the siel element is thin, so why don't you stick your nage together and say' eilnage 'or something?

"What could it be, Nege?

"It's snow."

He said, "Flush, talk to him, right?


I honestly affirm it because I know it's French from the sound, or because Ciel is going to be happy to ask.

Apparently, Ciel likes French... or because I used it in Ciel's name.

Now I thought, should I have kept my name in French too?

Then I feel my name was "nage".

Because the French dictionary in me is truly poor.

"Well, that's settled then! We're going to breakfast!

Ciel gets up in momentum and walks out.

I thought it would be so easy to decide, but I decided to get my mind back on it because it's a fake name and I can't help worrying about weird.

I went to Mr. Shy's and got a costume and came back to the mansion.

The last adjustment made me a dressing doll, but that's a discount. Because Mr. Szczy just really fine-tuned it in your work mode, too.

All of this is as requested and seems to be well received by the servants.

Running hunter's clothes are thick skinned vests and trousers. The rest comes with a heartplate and a robe.

Overall brown and inconspicuous. Even Ciel would look like a general hunter everywhere if he hid his hair in the hood.

For A-level hunters, demonic materials of B rank or higher are fully used. Even on the same chest, this one using Wyburn is overwhelmingly more defensive, and the robes coexist in toughness and suppleness. Running out and looking only at the parts is similar, but this one has a lot of decoration, and even if the amateur sees it, it feels fancy.

Also notable is the dress for the party?

He seems to be making it for Ciel and for me, a silhouette dress called Left and Right Asymmetrical Princess Line. They say the upper body fits the body and is spreading from the waist.

From the time I was in my previous life, I knew there was such a thing, but it was irrelevant to me.

The colour is mainly Ciel is yellow, and I am the blue main.

It has a symmetrical left and right design with Ciel and me, making it a cute design for frills, ribbons and mashimasi.

I think it's a good design for a girl to wear, but I don't have to wonder if it's too cute for me to wear.

Fortunately, it feels calm thanks to the shade of my dress.

The dress design is the same, but the accessories are quite different. While many of the things Ciel wears are made of small, cute gems, what I wear is a big, gorgeous one.

The earrings are only one ear, as one day, but the jewels on my earrings are bigger.

This design - mainly accessories - but you think there was a lot of debate before the decision?

Do you make the accessories completely symmetrical from left to right, or do you make them feel different like they are now?

So, this is what happened when the latter won?

Mr. Szczy was satisfied to speak.

And the mansion's clothing room. I still have another dress in front of me.

"This is the dress Ricil made for me, isn't it?

"Right, right. Looks like you've been working pretty hard, huh?

Fi. Mother nods pleasantly when Ciel asks next to Mother.

Beyond that, the smile and Mr. Ricil are laughing.

A bright, gentle green dress that you can see inside a leaking day.

A calm silhouette with a high waist and little spread, unlike the gorgeous dress Mr. Shy made for me.

Leafy embroidery and silhouettes that can be seen in the summer will also add up to make Ciel look mature in some ways.

Apparently the accessories imagine the flowers, releasing a presence without being big but buried green.

As an overall impression, is it a beauty in the woods? Or the evolutionary system of Forest Girl.

I think it's a delicacy that looks like Mr. Ricil from the Forest Spirit.

That is actually an escape from reality, this dress but I feel something magical about the whole thing.

More precisely, the power from Mr. Ricill is braided.

"This dress is amazing"

"Yeah, that's amazing. This is like a piece of magic in itself.

I think it'll keep us from attacking more than bad armor. "

'I guess. Wouldn't the Wyvern class endure if I saw it just for the endurance of my clothes?'

Though clothes just hold up and the person wearing them isn't always safe.

It's horrible that it doesn't seem to be swinging all over endurance while it has all that endurance together. Mother Fi tells me something to back it up.

"Still, they keep it down to the point of defense. Because of Ein's connections, you don't need it so much."

"Yes, it is."

"So... no, you're faster wearing this. Why don't you try it on?

"Yeah, all right."

Mother Fi urges me to take Mia and move.

If it's simple clothes, Mia will still be with me because I can't wear it alone when it comes to a decent dress. It's not Mosa or Luna because Mia is supposed to follow Osente.

I was actually going to go with Ciel, but it was decided to follow me to see if the aristocratic warrant lady hadn't brought one with her, albeit with her.

She's the only one in Mia's employ.

There are also aspects of her choice that are most suitable for escorts, as she also has appearance escorts.

Neither Mosa nor Luna have anything to say as a samurai, but they are not strong in arm.

By contrast, Mia is fluent in witchcraft. Speaking of hunters, would it feel more like a D than a C?

With experience, you'll be able to get right up to level C.

gossip. Mia helps me, Ciel changes into a dress.

Bright green looks great on Ciel. The little flowery gems are also making Ciel more decorative.

If you go to an aristocratic party, you'll definitely get your attention.

I feel grown up in childishness, and the unique charm of my current age is packed with goodness.

Plus the presence of the dress itself is amazing.

The worse someone wears it, the more the dress will lose its presence.

"It suits you"


Receive Mia's praise and confirm yourself as Ciel twirls.

That's when I found out that this dress has a long hem but is very moveable.

That's as much as I'd like to wear from time to time. If we do that, it is regrettable that it is sure to stand out.

"Oh, you're so beautiful," he praises when he returns to Mother Fi.

It's about Ciel, but I'm happy as I am about myself. Even more so because Mother Fi is not of much quality to flatter.

Mr. Ricil also nods satisfactorily as he looks at Ciel.

Both Luna and Mosa are blinded by Ciel.

Yeah, yeah. After all, it means Ciel is attractive.

I'm not going to make it a spectacle, but I'm really happy to have someone I know admit it.

"Ciel, by the way"

"What could it be?

"I'd also like to see Ayn wearing a dress, so could I have it replaced?

"Right, right! Like me, so I'll replace you!

Mother Fi suggests with a deep smile, so I have a kind of bad feeling, but Ciel, who was put on board, does not hesitate to replace me.

I guess that's all you expect to see where you didn't even confirm with me. I'm happy, but I get nervous.

And I was also thinking for a while, 'Ayn, wow, wow!' and Ciel echoes his excited voice.

It's kind of weird how you feel about me in a dress being "amazing," what a change of color the dress was when you looked at yourself.

It was the bright green that transformed it into a deep, dark green.

Somehow, is it the image behind the deep woods?

The jewels that were like flowers are demonic and fantastically rocking.

"Beautiful, beautiful! Ayn '

'Thank you. Ciel was beautiful, too.

It was like a forest spirit. '

Return the words even as you are about to be lit by Ciel, who praises you for letting go.

"Thank you, Mr. Ricill, for a wonderful dress, too"

Then, with the lightning out, I thank Mr. Ricill.

Mr. Ricill shook his head to the left and right, then laughed happily.

It's harder not to worry because this is the only dress that uses super technology, although I may mean not to worry about it.

I wish I could return the favor one day, but how can Mr. Ricill please me?

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