Two as One Princesses

gossip siel and tone * sawelna perspective

The day the ladies leave for Osente is now approaching.

Master Siermeer came to the center and the season changed twice.

In her life in the centre, Master Siermeer has come to give her a year-to-year expression quite often, attracting the hearts and minds of the servants of the mansion more and more.

Although Fiyanamia-sama is gentle and attractive, as a servant, she rarely takes care of herself and is lacking.

That's why the servants who had more work to do, such as think about designing Siermail and Einsel's clothes, were very happy.

The truth is that I wanted to think about it, but I gave up on the fact that if we took anything that was exclusively for the ladies, we would be dissatisfied.

Besides, it's also true that there are people better at design than us.

I don't want to embarrass the ladies with my hands poorly.

Although the revelations of the costumes were made in a few places, such as the superficial Fiyanamia, the dedicated servants (us) and a few others, many servants have seen them because they were actually able to sneak peeks.

Even if I sneak up, I had the ladies' permission, so there's no problem.

Ladies - Siermeer in particular will not be reluctant to be seen unless harm is done to them.

Speaking in the mansion, if I didn't even get in the way of interacting with Master Ayncel, I wouldn't mind staring at him - though I could say he wasn't so interested in people.

So if I asked, he gave me permission in two replies, and Master Einsel gave me permission if Master Siermail was good.

As for Mosa, he wants more of Dear Einsel's opinion. But I think Mr. Einsel is starting to think about himself more than when he first came to the mansion.

I got to opinionate on my clothing preferences, and they made me look like I was losing my mind from time to time.

I think that's enough of a change because it's like Einsel, who was so tenacious that he didn't even know when it would break.

But it's a waste of clothing preferences being plain.

I don't try to wear frills or lace clothes if I like, even though they look good on me.

Black-eyed Ayncel with dark hair does look good in a calm outfit, but I also want her to look cute.

In the costume revelation, I was able to see the two of the various outfits and all the servants were eye-catching. Among them, the last dress I wore was of a different character.

To the point of still being the seed of the story, the dress made for you two by the superior Spirit looked terribly good on the ladies.

It's not just that, it's enough as a combat outfit, and at least I can see at a glance that I won't be able to scratch that dress.

If you have some witchcraft in mind, you'll see that protection is stronger than bad metal armor.

Still, it's horrible because there's a connection between Dear Einsel and the emphasis they place on functionality.

Though I don't know if it is the Spirit who can make a robust dress that is terrifying to fulfill, or the Einsel who can develop more protection than the equipment the Spirit seriously makes.

Sometimes I teach the two of you to study as a preparation to go to school, but not to mention magic. There was not much to teach at a fairly high level when it came to studying either.

If this happens, you won't have any trouble going to school, and you can rest assured.

If you think of the strength of being a princess of misadventure but coming from Estoke to the center on your own, then maybe it's just useless to worry.

But I'm worried.

That's why I envy Mia for going to Osente with me.

As a servant, I am flattered to protect the mansion where the young lady returns.

I'm going to have come so that you two can think of this mansion as a place to go home, and I'm a little bit proud that you think so.

I find it fascinating to be closer to the ladies than that.

As usual, while serving Master Siermeer, I accidentally thought about that and said, "Luna, would you mind?," he called out.

As a servant, it is shameful not to be able to answer an immediate question from my husband.

I could not answer when I was asked in the voice of my master, whom I was accustomed to hearing.

Because Master Siermail spoke to me with the kind of intimacy he had when he called on Master Einsel and Master Fiyanamia.

Because I thought it was a mishearing or an audition, and even after I recognized it was true, my chest was full.


"Yes. Dear Siermail, what is it?

You perceived my joy, confusion, and confusion, which I managed to answer in my second call, somewhat intermittently, and the color of Master Siermeer's hair changed to black.

"Sounds like you surprised me."


"That's okay. I couldn't stay calm when I first saw Ciel talking to Mother Fi."

The heart that cares for me is well conveyed from Master Einsel, who speaks with a great deal of tea.

Behind the words "I just can't stay calm" would have been more intense emotions swirling than I am today.

"Why has Master Siermail changed his tone?

That's all you can feel close to me now, I ask, although I would be happy to say, but that won't be all at times.

"In the usual Ciel tone, I thought there might be trouble dealing with aristocrats in collective life…"

"... you can't deny it. It would be all the more so if they were going to hide their identities."

"I'm going to go almost as far as to be noble, but it's going to be boring in case there's a high nobility or a royal family."

So we're practicing our way of talking.


That's all I'm saying, Dear Einsel and Dear Siermail are replaced.

I hear you two were originally going to go as one civilian, completely hiding your identities.

However, since I may get into unwanted trouble being insulted with the civilian population, I was to act as if the Noble Lady was going to enroll in school with patience.

Because if the other person is also the son of an aristocrat, he will obviously not insult the aristocratic presence of another country.

I conclude that I don't know which is better if I'm going to be a complete civilian, but this is more convenient if I'm going to end up shielding myself from being the righteous daughter of the center.

Though Master Fiyanamia is inherently a person who has nothing to do with it, and nothing to do with it, I will leave such details aside.

"That's why I want you to stay with me."

"Of course, we'll be happy to follow you. But can I help you?

"Yeah. Looking for something else, something that makes you carol or something. It's not enough to go out on purpose."

Without further ado, it means that even the servants of the mansion have not yet completely forgiven themselves. But when we think that we are forgiving our hearts somewhat, it complicates our minds.

I'm happy. I'm so happy. That means keep it in mind. Because I am the servant of this mansion.

"Okay. By the way, what way do you intend to talk in school?

"Honestly, you don't care. You're not, I don't want to talk to anyone if I can. Trouble."

It's adorable that Mr. Puffy Siermail swells his cheeks in a grumpy manner.

Tighten your cheeks, which seem to loosen unexpectedly, and think of answers for Siermail.

In learning about relationships, the choice to say you won't talk is not very good. Above all, Lady Fiyanamia and Lady Einsel will not.

But I don't have an ex or a child to stress about Master Siermeer.

"But that's not how Ain and Fi say it, is it?

No, could it have been a little different from Ein?

Anyway, I decided to talk to Luna in order to make a compromise. "

"I mean, as a Siermeyer, you're in the midst of exploring a different way to talk about leeway than you've ever had before, right?

When I asked him that, there was another time and Master Siermeer nodded.

He was probably talking to Master Einsel. I don't have a problem with that, but would I have used any hard words?

Master Siermeer is a very good person, but because of his origins or because of his life, there are things that we don't envision.

Even though he doesn't attach much importance to the area, it's not amazing enough to be able to talk so far.

For now, we need to figure out if we can solve the ladies' problems.

"Perhaps, but isn't it hard to get used to being forced to figure out how to talk now?

"That's right. Something I'm not motivated to do."

"So I think it's a good idea to imitate someone..."

"I can only imitate Ayn."

I am convinced that this would be the case for Master Siermail's answer.

No one is more with Master Siermeer than Master Einsel.

The question is, is Einsel-sama's tone polite, or soft, or familiar?

Although there are many advantages to being easily spoken to by many, it must not be the situation that Master Siermeer wants.

"Dear Einsel, it's kind of you to talk, but it's probably not what Siermail wants,"

"Really? I thought it was a pretty good idea."


"You just have to imitate Ayn when you're grumpy, right?

"Is this a time of grump?

Although I am only supposed to repeat what Master Siermail said, I can't really imagine that Master Einsel is upset.

But Master Einsel will also be more grumpy than he is a person, and if he is Master Siermeer, maybe he has seen enough to manage.

"Well, I'll try."

"Right. What shall we talk about?

"... right. Anything is fine."

Suddenly Siermeyer's voice gets cold.

Sure, with this, there won't be a problem. Master Einsel's politeness is out there, and I don't think there's anything to be praised for the way he talks.

The problem is with your voice and your back, Master Siermeer is nicotine. Probably enjoy imitating Master Einsel.

"That's how Ayncel is sometimes spoken to."

"Ain't that what Ain't telling you in his head, though I wouldn't put it on the table?

"You don't put it on the table, do you?"

"In Estoke, Ein was imitating me"

"I see."

I guess Ayncel has never directed those emotions at Siermail himself to see Siermail speaking somewhat pleasantly.

That's what I can't think of.

At the same time, I don't have to wonder what it would be like to imitate Mr. Einsel, given the reason why Mr. Einsel was imitating Mr. Siermail.

But I reconsidered that this was only because of the way you two, and not the two of you, "Eirnage" spoke.

"Speaking of which, did you decide what Hunter's rank would be?

"I've decided to keep it an E-grade. I really thought I'd keep it D or C, but it's something that's going to get noticeable."

"If it's inconspicuous, E must be the limit, because at 15, you'll still be impressed with C as the fastest promotion"

In fact, although the ladies turned A at age 12, it is considered an exception.

If normal, would a very talented person be 15 years old and have a D grade?

At 12, he's high enough for an E grade, but it's not like he's not here, and it wouldn't be uncommon if he was the kind of person who goes to school.

"I wonder if there isn't that much C-grade?

"If you go to school, it seems that there are certain areas where you can be a C-level hunter."

"You are. Come to think of it, in my case, it was largely because of Ayn.

There are more things I can do on my own, but Ayn is at my disposal when it comes to safety. You can sleep in the woods at night or anywhere. "

"That's Mr. Einsel."

"It is! Ein is amazing!

I wondered what happened to imitating Ayncel to Siermeyer, who began to talk about Ayncel with pleasure, but my husband, who spoke so aggressively, was adorable and I decided to end up hammering him.

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