Two as One Princesses

135. Near the capital of King Osente and the occurrence of problems

Leaving the centre, we go around some towns and villages, and next we finally reach the capital of King Osente.

I was in the center for less than a year and not a tenth of the time I was in Estoke. Even after you escape the Rispergia mansion, it's about half.

Still, when we are told which is our hometown, we can stretch our hearts that the center is our homeland.

That much is thoughtful and reassuring.

When I left the center and was in Osente, I wondered if I was bored, but that didn't happen and I was able to stay in the country smoothly.

In fact, I was very suspicious when I showed him a grade A certificate because I wore a mask with dark hair, or because of my height, but as soon as I gave him the Grandmaster's memoir, he put it through me.

The mask contains a dragon feather design in what was a bright white faceless look covering the entire face.

Perhaps Fiyanamia - to show that she was the edge of Mother Fii, but it would have proved to be of little significance.

Although I don't complain because it looks somewhat better compared to the white.

Once in Osente, it's something I'm used to later, just going for Wang Capital while huntering.

Just this time, I realized I hadn't put Mia's presence in my plans for the trip.

That's true from when we headed to the border, but at first we were going to head straight for the sky.

Naturally, Mia can't fly, she can't run through the sky, she can't jump through the sky. Not to mention not dancing in the sky.

For a moment, I tried so hard to get out of the sky that I could only run through the sky for a moment. I fell in the second step.

Mia was shining her eyes when Ciel danced in the sky.

Because Mia is also willing to be a magical geek, although not as good as Mr. Carroll.

Come to think of it, there's no way you can do something overnight like what you're doing utilizing two of your finest professions: the singing princess and the dancing princess.

I recognise that it is insane for a person to go to the sky alone, even in this world where there is magic.

Then it is common to use carriages, but the carriage journey is bad for Mia because we are not used to it, but we made it a walking trip.

With physical strengthening, you can go faster than a carriage, and most importantly, you can't take care of a horse.

There are few places you can go if you are alone, or not available because you have a horse.

Mia also said she immediately accepted it as she had expected it around there, and that it looked more like a hunter and interesting.

Try to stay in the towns and villages as much as possible, and make it good because there was no danger, because I was also bound when I camped.

As far as the hunter industry is concerned, Mia also qualified as a hunter, so she is partying with E (...) A (...) L (...) NE (...) - (...) J (...) U (...).

Basically, he was just giving away the materials and demonic stones of the herbs he got on the road and the demons he defeated, limiting himself to requests for collection and material recovery of what he already had when he received the request.

Mia, who is truly a rookie, decided to do the request mainly because she promised the Grandmaster that we wouldn't take too many downstairs requests.

Mia was frightened, including that I was the night's turn, but made her compromise because she was a party member at the same time as she was obedient. I can even say I gave you an order as my husband.

Whether camping or deciding to go to the Hunter Union, Mia seemed nervous at first, but now it's grand because she went on for less than a month or because she's seen us not moving.

Two women, so I'm used to the extent of paying back the person who calls me a little.

I guess that would have left me with nothing, but there was one problem.

There's a country called Osente, where there's a dozen elves. That's the level I see as a slightly larger town.

It wasn't possible in Estoke, and I didn't care because I wasn't traveling in the center.

Elves see the Spirit, so they notice us - or my heterogeneity. The spirits come close to play even when Ciel is on the table, and I try to be sweet when I'm on the table, so I'm talking about finding out and nothing.

Where the elves were at the reception, they looked at the E-class cards and opened their eyes.

It's not that I have a high rank for my age, because I have this much affinity with the Spirit but only about E grade.

I had no choice at that time, so I presented my A-level card again. Then he guessed a lot if he grinned.

Needless to say, if you're a visible person as far as the Spirit is concerned, having a Grade E and A card at the same time would have made you imaginable enough to be influential in the upper echelons of the Hunter Union.

So just here, I did everything I could to make a grade C or higher salting request.

Now the Grandmaster for a while - you shouldn't be complaining to Mr. Ravelt.

Because of this, I also asked him why he often sees elves in Osente, and apparently it is near Osente where there is an elf settlement.

Though it's close, it's hidden and it shouldn't be easy. It would be called a hiding place.

I wonder if I'd like to go if I had the chance. Even if I had the chance, they'd have something exclusive, so it might be just enough to watch from afar and go home.

Now let's get back to the King's Capital today or tomorrow.

Three days after the entrance exam, I had the application done through a hunter union where there are magic props for communication.

So we won't be able to afford it, but we'll be in time enough.

"Is it time to take a break?

"Thank you for your concern. Let me sweeten your words."

Like, three hours of physical experience since I left the last city?

Ciel speaks to Mia and goes into a break. Not to force Mia, an unfamiliar sorcerer type, to travel, but at first I couldn't realize Mia was tired.

He seems to be a former aristocrat, good at hiding his expression, and he doesn't want to bother us.

I'm sorry that I didn't notice, but I have trouble getting weird and sick, so I took care to speak up when I was tired.

Since then, he has taught me before I was at my limit, and Ciel and I have been able to pay a little attention to Mia's health.

Speaking of which, it reminds me that collective living is important to use these kinds of minds.

We're going to need to revisit the priorities a little bit more, assuming Ciel is important.

"It's been a long time since I've had these lives, but you're almost done with them, too"

'Is it a shame?

What do you think? Wherever you are, if Ayn will stay with you, that's fine. '

"I will follow you everywhere Ciel goes, too."

'That's nice. Really.'

As you can feel it, Fluffy and Ciel laugh. Ciel is also 13 years old. Speaking of this world, adults are two years away. Sometimes it's just a few moments until the adult, and the look on his face is somewhere grown up.

Nevertheless, in previous life, he was still a junior high student. He is also old enough to say he is still a child.

But even in middle school, I think there was a grown-up kid...

Ciel spoke to Mia as I was puzzled by the look on Ciel's face.

"Is Mia used to it already?

"Yes, there was some consideration for the ladies, and I think I can do it as a hunter enough"

"Good for you, then."

"Because we've had a lot of different experiences so far. Thanks to Ayncel, for one thing, for making the battle against demons so safe."

"Right, right! Had Ain't been here, there'd have been some dangerous situations!

The tension of Ciel rose because it was my story... or Mia lifted me with care. Whatever you say yourself, praise me if you want to get Ciel in the mood.

Though I would be angry if I praised you to make an obvious fool of me.

As for the story, but I was bound, I could certainly have experienced the battle against the demons with my security of breaking.

Enough to defeat a Class C demon if you just look at the attack power. In that case, it would be completely reckless, so if there were no wall player, they would be knocked down immediately.

Focus on protection and you won't be attacked by a Class C demon. In that case, they can't even afford to attack, so if they stick until the magic runs out, they are knocked down as is.

Thanks to my kingdom, or because of it, even if demons are imminent in front of me, my legs won't shudder and I can activate magic, so I would be competent if I put them in a C-level party.

Anything could even be mixed up with a B-grade party.

Such a Mia profession (job) is "senior magician". I'm not a specialist magician. I'm balanced, but I'm a good hit. At least it is appreciated to such an extent that it is not comparable to "Mai Himei" or "Sing Himei" or anything.

When you become a senior magician, you don't have to abandon the chant to shorten it.

Furthermore, in the case of Mia, magic can be used in "O" as a result of independently poking magic. "Fire," I can get out an arrow of fire or something. Shape Other is the addition or subtraction of a teaspoon of mia.

For that matter, magic controls and other difficulties seem to be jumping, but unlike specialized types, it is quite a strength to be able to use various sorceries in a short time.

Drinking water, of course, can also create space to prevent rainstorms if you want to. Doesn't it feel like it's a comfortable space but many times better than wild?

I thought the servant of the mansion was so competent, but it seems Mia is the only one who can get this far.

If you continue hunter, is it not something that has so many qualities to reach not far away but also A level?

Yeah, I feel like I've seen a lot of people, but that's probably one of the reasons why the upper classes are so qualitative that they can just be advanced hunters. And then we're senior hunters too.

Or because I barely remember the lower hunter.

The only thing I remember up to my name on a junior hunter is about Perla. What is she doing by now?

I noticed that something was going to go wrong when I was thinking about things that were not beneficial but exploring things farther away in a different way than what I usually use.

I can't use this detective magic on the move, and I only know the rough stuff because of its poor accuracy. It's too far away to be able to detect anything. So I was using it for magic and magic training... but apparently this time it's not something I can do with training.

"Ciel, we have a problem."

"Problem? What could it be?

Something like a small demon flood (stampede). That said, about 100 bodies. '

'That's what I heard somewhere. Though there were more stories I heard.'

There is no seriousness in Ciel's voice, but rather he can afford to joke.

Ciel knows that there is no danger to us.

I'm confident that 100 bodies can protect it all, including Mia, even if it's a Class A demon, and I won't let Ciel scratch one, even if it's a Class S.

Then he also seems to be aware that it would be an artificial demonic flood.

If it's a natural occurrence, it can't even happen on such a small scale. Normally, a naturally occurring demonic flood cannot occur near Wang Du.

It happened in some country, though.

"So why is it a problem?

'Cause you don't have time to wait until it fits in, and if you suck at solving it early, the road might be temporarily sealed off. It happens not so far from the king's capital, so if it is small in scale and the king's capital is protected, it is unlikely to be trivial.'

"What can I do?

'Right. Will you ignore the stampede and get through it, or will you solve the stampede and then get through it?

If you just get through it, you can, and if you solve it before things get bigger, it won't be a problem, so it ends in peace.

But there's probably a cause for this because it's an artificially woken stampede, and even if you ignore it and enter the King's Capital, you could be worst suspected of how it came out if it were told that the stampede had happened.

Hearing my words, Ciel was consulting Mia.

"I think it would be a good idea to solve this without being noticed by the person causing it..."

"I knew that was the best part, right? But you can't do that, can you?

"Dear Einsel and Siermeer will stand out professionally."

"If it works as a premise to be found, I wonder if I can go with Ayrnage or see Mia"

"Do you hide your hair and face and Ciel moves as Ayncel?

I wish I could work it out as me, but I just have to get Ciel to move because there's nothing I can do about stampede anyway if it's a people-to-people fight.

"Yeah, that's it."

I'll be on the table before the battle, just in case.

If you look at the dark hair, the gray-haired ailnage is easier to move.

"Don't you have to change your costume?

'That's excessive. I don't want to change here.'

It's a shame.

I look sorry for Ciel, as she put it. Beyond that, Mr. Ricill looks sorry, too.

I know how you feel, but I don't think Ciel would know what to do in the first place.

'In the meantime, can I have it replaced?

"Yeah. Nice to meet you."

"Yes. I've been entrusted"

Get the lead and change the color of your hair and eyes. Then I briefly explained to Mia and wore a mask.

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