Two as One Princesses

152. Rooftop and Hidden Passage and Why Called

"On this floor. What about using the rooftop?

"You can go to the roof, right?"

"Yes, we can have a tea party on the roof."

"But it's not an easy place to go, is it?

It won't be that easy to find than having to go up over the (this) floor used by the royal family. But it can be said to us too.

I also need magic props to come up on this floor, and I have to ask Princess Lessimiyea every time. That's a hassle, and it's... it's nothing else to be known what you're doing. I'm just playing with the Spirit, and even when I'm seen, I just look like I'm playing alone.

Or it is not much of a problem to be known to see the Spirit more than it is known to be Cielmail.

Unlike Estoke, where there were no other races, I don't even think that Princess Lesimiiah, who is royal, knows the existence of the Spirit.

I don't know how to handle spirits in Estoke though.

"That's okay. Just from the penetration of the hallway where Master Ayrnage's room is located, there is a hidden passage that leads here, so you can easily get here if you use it"

"Would you have trouble if the princess's servant found you?

"It's part of what we can get here, and I'll tell them, so it's okay.

What do you mean instead, but if you don't mind, will you still have a chance to talk about it here in the future?

'Instead of offering a place, it sounds like you want me to be gracious, but what do we do?

"I don't think that's a good idea. Which way does it look like you're gonna need a chance to talk to Princess Lessimiya? It doesn't seem like it would be more conspicuous to talk here than to speak out loud. '

You're right when you ask me, and I don't have that many problems for talking here.

It won't mean that students suddenly show up in accidents, and it's many times better than being spoken to frequently in the classroom.

"If that's the case, I think I'll sweeten it to your words"

"I'm glad I could help. May I ask what you do, by the way?

Princess Lesimiya asks, shaking her blue eyes anxiously.

I wish they hadn't asked, but that's exactly what the Inquirer didn't wholesale.

There's no way you don't know what key people in other countries are going to do out of sight, and this conversation falls within the scope of the contract, so I'll get confirmation from Ciel that we're not going to cover it up.

Ciel agreed with me in two replies, but I don't have to worry about the speed of this response the other way around.

Will Ciel affirm me, even if I try to do evil? That too, well, now.

"To interact with the spirits."

"Interact with the Spirit......?

Was it an unexpected answer, Princess Lesimiiah repeats my words?

"The Spirit knows, doesn't he?

"It's a natural blessing that people like Elves and Dwarves can see."

"I see the Spirit. And for some reason, they liked me, so I interact with them from time to time. If we don't, we'll get together unexpectedly."

"Will the spirits gather..."

"There are many non-human races in this country, and when the Spirit drops by, it's weird."

Princess Lesimiya has come up with a difficult face, but she's not lying. I think we talked pretty deep about anything.

But I don't even know what it feels like to not believe that. Our background, not just the Spirit, is just incredible.

Locked up for 10 years from birth, let the demons attack where they were sold and escape, stopping the demon flood alone, albeit artificial, at the age of 10, the status quo is almost S-class A hunter, righteous daughter of Mother Fiyanamia. And I'm stepping into God. I don't know what that means.

"Thanks for letting me know. I'll show you the way to the roof, so can you follow me?


After Princess Lessimiyea, who has somehow finished digesting my words, I head to the roof. That's when I spoke to the servants and told them that the story was over.

The rooftop of the dorm, which brought the servant, is laid with lawn, and there is a day like the East House in a place that overlooks the area, underneath which is placed a wooden garden table and chair.

Except there, it's like a small park, and if it's open to students, it'll be a popular spot. Is it the royal power that can monopolize it?

"Right here."

"You're properly maintained"

"It seems that a royal family once liked this place, and some dedicated gardeners have said that it can be used at any time since. The gardener also maintains it in class, so you can usually come whenever you want."

"Thank you"

The guide is over and we return to Princess Lessimiyea's room again.

Then when we are taken to the point where it falls into the servant's holding room that it is our room, there is a slit in the back wall, perhaps the slit is usually hidden.

As Princess Lesimiyea shook and pushed near the cut in, the wall appeared as she proceeded along the cut in to the back and down the staircase.

"This is the hidden passage I told you about earlier. Please note that it's a little narrow"

"This one hasn't become a demon prop, has it?"

"It's a passage when something happens, so they're able to escape without having to rely on witchcraft.

You can go to every floor from here, so you can use it. "

"Does that mean you can trust me so much?

At a time when I could be taught a direct passage to a princess's room in one country, I think you're asking me to trust you and trust you. Or maybe that's the kind of pose you're showing and holding back.

Princess Lesimiya looked like she was in trouble and replied, "I mean, I had plans," so I think it's a lot of trouble.

"It's this aisle, but I don't need anything if I'm going to get out of here or if I'm downstairs than here, but if I'm going to get into this room or if I try to get into this aisle from another floor, I'm going to need a key.

That will be here, so take it so you don't lose it. "

That's how he gives me the little silver key. I thank you for the keys so small that I think they belong to the locker in my previous life before I receive them.

As for all the confirmations later, I decided to ask Princess Lessimiyea only one because they were going to remain open.

"It changes the story, but can I ask you one last thing?

"Yes, I will answer you if you can answer me."

"What do you think about contraindications?

"I don't care what they say... only that it's something you shouldn't offend"

Because it was a sudden inquiry, or because Princess Lesimiyya reacted like she was taken aback, but I don't feel like I'm in a hurry for my word or anything, I doubt this one.

Are you saying that you are not country-led about contraindications or that Princess Lessimiyea hasn't asked you about them? You might want to ask Mia later around here.

In the meantime, "I'll trust that word," I decided to put pressure on it and leave this floor behind.

Princess Lessimiyea drops me off until I'm in front of the room and asks me to return what I left when I came to the elevator.

He didn't need demon props when he got down there, so he could come back to his room.

Swap with Ciel and sit back on the bed to sort out what happened earlier.

"You just asked about contraindications first, didn't you? From Mia's point of view, did Princess Lesimiya look like she was lying to you?

"It didn't look that way. I was suddenly asked what I wasn't thinking at all, and I was stuck with words, which is the impression of wax."

"If so, at least Princess Lesimiya doesn't seem to have anything to do with it."

"I think it would be nice to think about it as likely as that"

Mia can't read her mind either, so she may be a bad pelican, but she's more trustworthy than I judge.

"In the meantime, you don't have any information on this at the moment."

"You won't be in a hurry because you're still in school."

"You're not in a hurry, are you? Ein was the one who asked."

"I'm only going to ask you once, too, right? It's one of the purposes of this one, so I can't even do it. '

Though I thought it would be a pain in the ass if the royalty had anything to do with it.

Good because it doesn't seem relevant.

"Speaking of which, Ain't Ain't going to have somewhere to think about why Princess Lessimiyea called, is she?

'I was wondering if there were other purposes for Princess Lessimiyea, to say what I think'

"What do you think?

'That's why Osente collapses, but I think we're probably also thinking about the possibility of causing it.

I wonder what made non-interference more difficult because it became necessary to monitor Eirnage. '

If you know the rumors of Siermeer, you might imagine the possibility that Siermeer, the righteous daughter of Fiyanamia, could drop the country, perhaps if you want to.

We can't ignore potential opponents more than the reasons for collapsing are unclear, but we also have to make sure not to undermine Eirnage's mood.

As a result, I gained the right to be close to Eirnage in these roundabout ways? Though I don't think I need the right to be close.

"Even if you think so, you're looking for (...) or (...)?

'Cause when I asked, Princess Lessimiyea's hard work was going to be a big deal'

"I mean, Ayn cared about Princess Lesimiya, right? You're a little jealous, aren't you?

"It's Ciel I care about the most."

When I return it that way, the recalcitrant Ciel laughs "dull".

"I'm sorry. You're not doubting that, are you?

Ciel looks at me with a smile, but I can't help but look away. On the other hand, I can't wait for Ciel to say, "Ain't she cute after all?"

I wanted to go in if I had a hole, but now I heard a little laugh "hehe".

"Oh, Mia. Why are you laughing?

"I'm sorry that I feel envious of the ladies' friendliness"

"Unfortunately, Ain't gonna give it to you, is it?

"Of course it is."

Put me down - or Mia won't hear me - but she's talking to me as she pleases.

It's a good thing Ciel had someone to talk to easily like this. But I'm not happy now.

Fortunately it didn't seem to last long, and Ciel switched and talked to me.

"As such, I think Ein is kind to someone like Princess Lessimiyea.

And then there's Viviana, or Shass. I think he was showing kindness to some guild master. "

'It's hard when you ask me why, but you sympathize with people who are struggling'

"You are."

'Even those who seem to be struggling, I will not forgive you if you threaten Ciel'

Whatever you say, I can't just give in there.

All in all, Ciel is the top priority. I think I would care enough about that premise.

"Princess Lesimiya also has an example brother. I know it's really hard. '

"Oh... right. From the standpoint of royalty, it seems difficult to escape."

Princess Lessimiyea is tough, but that ended the conversation by trying to find someone who is trying to contradict her while living her school life as originally planned.

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