Two as One Princesses

153. Classroom, gaze and neighbor

I waited...... not that it was finally admission day.

Nothing has changed particularly since my conversation with Princess Lessimiyea, and I was welcomed without showing one disgusting face even though I was disturbed after the sun went down once they lent me the roof.

Maybe I couldn't possibly not welcome you in a position. Even though it's welcome, I had a light cup of tea.

I knew I told him then that I didn't love him.

Is there any inconvenience in living in a dorm, the national colour of the kingdom of Osente, and then about studying?

Though imitating me, Ciel is not much of a talker, and Princess Lessimiyea seemed to explore, so I don't think she had anything else to talk about.

Still, beside me, I guess it was because of Princess Lessimiyea's high ability to communicate that she seemed friendly.

Except for that day, he received his admission without doing anything extra and without interacting with the people on the same floor.

I don't have to wonder if I should have said hello or something, but I didn't go there because they have something to welcome me to on my admission day and in many cases it will be my first meeting there.

In our current position, it was also difficult to think about whether we should go to greet (take a position below) or wait (take a position above) to come to greet.

When something went wrong, I chose you this time because the latter is the one who can be strong. Although it is possible that an ignorant common man could be seen without courtesy, it can also be said that he threw a follow-up around it at Princess Lessimiyea.

Normally, I couldn't even afford to say hello when I was ready to go to the dorm, though.

"Even when it comes to an admission ceremony, it doesn't feel like an admission ceremony you know about, does it?"

"What kind of entrance ceremony does Ein know?

And even today, it starts with a chat with Ciel.

How much does Mia know about me in the first place, though Mia is going to evil my previous life from these conversations?

I don't think he told "people," except for Ciel, that he was from another world.

"It's an event where you're gathered in a big place with a roof and you listen to great people"

"Is that funny?

'No, not at all. But in the sense of feeling a milestone, maybe it was important.

Because my life in my previous life felt stronger that I was repeating similar things day after day. As far as I'm concerned, I never questioned its existence, so I don't know why. '

"You are. But this one doesn't look very interesting either, does it?

Listen to me. We're having a party. "

"Maybe I'll have to leave someday, 'cause a party sounds like a hassle."

"I'm just looking forward to cooking, so why don't we just eat all the time?

What a colorless story I want to think it's not my fault.

But when it comes to parties in dresses, it's not hard to imagine that a girl would appreciate a situation.

If you just need to wear a beautiful dress, eat something yummy, and dance at will, it seems like something you can enjoy, but that's not what a real party would be like.

Of course this is political. It would be a stressful factor if you tried Ciel to chat with people you're not usually close to.

This time it is less difficult than the original party because it also means giving the civilians who know nothing about the party a taste of the atmosphere.

They don't say anything loud about courtesy either, except for what seems overly eye-catching, and the school side gets in between and stops me where I'm likely to be in trouble.

Just someone who wants to dance about dance too, and there's no way I'm going to have to dance the first time.

It can be considered an easy place to practice.

Specific flows include getting together by class once in the morning and partying in the afternoon.

Those who change between the morning and afternoon, but do not have a dress, are loaned from the school.

I think this neighborhood was explained at the time of arrival, and people who wanted to rent it decided to contact them beforehand or something. I feel like I wrote it in the dossier, but I don't remember it properly because I have a dress.

I don't feel bad about being able to wear a dress that is a hassle to party, but I haven't worn it since you made it.

Exactly. I don't wear the one that Mr. Ricill made, but what Mr. Shy made me is also my favorite if Ciel is going to wear it.

"Shall we head to the classroom now for now"

"It's already that time. Bye, Mia. I'm coming."

"Yes, you're not coming"

Mia, who bows beautifully, drops me off and decides to head to the classroom.

The school building since the entrance exam has been vibrant, with a soothing atmosphere unlike when the entrance exam took place.

He was different from many students in the hallway, and quite often he followed Ciel with his eyes.

Ciel doesn't care at all, nor do I leave the basics unattended and alert. Because when you're alert because you're being watched, that's all it takes to exhaust your spirit.

Wherever you are, Ciel gets noticed. Whether you're in a hunter union or walking around town, you can turn your gaze.

And yet when I start to care, I don't have a kiri.

The classroom taught - take a seat in the Ayrnage reserved for Class A.

Is the status quo just being seen in far-flung windows? A lot of people care about this one, but no one wants to get close to this one.

Now, I'm curious about the guy who's here right now, a classmate and the most magical boy except us. He is also a boy with a profession "hero".

Luckily there are plenty of people around him and I don't think I noticed this one in the first place.

This was before, and it helped because if I could find it, they might say something.

Then there is Princess Lesimiya and a red-haired maid in the seat near her. If, in addition, some elf girls had the Spirit of Thunder, I have to say that this is all they arbitrarily collected about this class.

Though he doesn't seem to be here yet, I guess the thunder mage aristocratic boy is in the same class.

Even though it was collected, 5-6 of them are plenty. Basically, it seems to be irrelevant.

There may be times when people don't come under Ayrnage because the princess is in the same class. At least she'll stand out more than we do.

You don't have to come here, there are a few people who are going to the princess while worrying about this one.

Even though I care, I don't think we know how that goes from Ciel because the prominent group and our seats are apart.

I also feel that this seating order gives a glimpse of Princess Lessimiyea's consideration, but I wanted it to be in a different class if possible. What a thought I have, Ciel looks out the window without looking particularly concerned.

"Oh, um..."

Such tranquillity was blocked by a voice that soon became smaller for what she had been tempered to talk to.

Apparently, the girl in the next seat has spoken to Ayle.

It means that even if no one comes all the way out here to talk to you, you can talk to them from the beginning from someone nearby.

Thinking of it as a school, it's not uncommon to talk because your seat is next door.

The kid I've been talking to doesn't seem prominent, but he has bright brown hair and an adorable look. Height is probably higher than Ciel's and feels average height shape compared to the surroundings.

He seems to be the type of person who doesn't like to talk to people, and he tries his best to call out to the other guy, Ayle (Ciel), who doesn't even realize he's ignoring him. "Um, um..."

'I'm being spoken to,' I teach Ciel, as it's troublesome to be looked over by someone who keeps ignoring me like this.

Ciel finally turned to her as she slipped her gaze back into the classroom.

"I'm sorry. I was confused"

"Yes, no...... Never mind..."

"What can I do for you?

"And now that I'm in the next seat, let me say hello... I want to..."

Is it strange how she talks in a way that's understandable and nervous because she thinks she's noble about Ciel? Does it at least look like the daughter of a well-known merchant or something? By contrast, she may be from a small village.

I don't have any friends, I tried to speak to someone close to me thoughtfully, and he said they were presumed aristocrats.

"It's not obvious, so you might want to ask them to talk normally."

"I knew this guy was talking weird."

"Speak normally. This school has nothing to do with identity."

"Ha, yes, no... thanks. So, but then..."

"Because this is normal for me"

Oh, I see. Is it also because of the way Ciel spoke, who imitated me, that he feared so far?

Then you'd better change the way you talk, and I don't think so, but then Ciel's serious. Let's give up.

Then she seemed to have some glitch in her, and wondered if she'd been thinking about something for a while, like the first time she talked to me, she started introducing herself with the way she thought it out.

"Oh, I'm Parla. Nice to meet you."

"It's Ayrnage."

"Ayrnage is... noble?

"I don't have a family name."

"It is. But somehow, it's beautiful.

No, you know. You didn't burn it in the day, or your hands weren't rough. "

Parra starts excusing herself early, but Ciel looks like she doesn't even know why she's excusing herself.

I'm sorry for her, but let's just keep on being Ciel's conversationalist.

"My story is fine, so can you tell me about Parra?

"My story? I'm sure it's not funny."

"Parra is also a civilian, right?

"Ugh, yeah. I'm a civilian from the village of Berte."

"The village of Berte...... Never heard of it, is it a village on the west side?

"Really? You got it all figured out!

Whether you're getting used to talking to Ayrnage or like to talk, Parra answers vividly without hiding her surprised look.

How do you know, because I never heard of the village of Berte when I was northbound on the east side, but I'm not going to tell you that. Ciel said, "What village is it?," he asked.

"It's a village near the woods, and we use magic props like fields, but hunting is like doing it ourselves. I have a small hunter union, but I guess it's a small village where hunters seldom come from the outside, and where there's hardly any problem that would require hunters."

"Was Parra working in the field?

"Yeah. My dad was a hunter, so I was imitating it and helping him dismantle the animals he'd been hunting.

So 'advanced hunter' has become a profession, and I'm going into school...

Wang capital is really a lot of people, isn't it? There were only about 10 kids in all in the village, and I'm just gonna go over this room. "

Apparently, this kid has a mouth that he was able to enroll in the profession.

It's rare just to say advanced, and if you're a hunter, you'll be good at handling bows and traps.

The rest seems suitable for things like how to erase the signs and explore. A type of profession that makes activities very easy when you are alone at a hunter's party.

Of course, you could have lived in the village as a hunter, but this way of enrolling in the school would mean that your family is asking you to do something bigger, either from your country or at your own will again.

Then Parra talks a lot about herself, so I think I got to know her next about her.

Though there seems to be a lot to forget tomorrow.

As he spoke, Ciel was appropriately hammering and prompting the next story when he was about to be told the story.

This wasn't about Parra being funny, I'm just letting them talk because I don't want to. Without interrupting the conversation, I guess it has a wormless connotation that I was dating.

Because I don't think anyone else will be forced to talk to me while I'm talking to Parra.

After a while, you noticed that you were just talking to yourself, and Parra suddenly shut her mouth and said the words again, presumably.

"Oh, um... I just talked about it, and I'm sorry. You were bored."

"Right. I was bored."

Parra shows how shocked she is by the clear Siel's statement.

But Ciel continued, "But it helped," without even looking like he cared about it.


"Gentlemen, about your seats," Parra said as she tilted her neck, voicing from the front of the classroom.

Speaking of which, shouldn't I have told people it wasn't easy to teach them the profession?

I've given it some thought, but I think I'll let it go until Ciel wants to tell you = you can care less.

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