Two as One Princesses

154. Introduction and school description

Where all the classes are, I'll look around and see who's there again.

Though most of them are strangers, there was still a Thunder Mage boy.

I thought I was looking at the heroic boy abominably, stealing a look at Princess Lessimiyea and flaunting her face even more.

It felt like I was proud to be a nobleman, so maybe I'm even biting my teeth without being able to like it because I have someone higher than me.

Honestly, I think even the red-haired maid has a pretty high title, so I don't think I can help but turn my eyes to the princess.

There were no other faces I could see, but the only ones I remember are about the boys who stuck around at the time of the acceptance announcement, so almost all those who seem to have passed will have been gathered in this classroom.

Oh, and the teacher is Dr. Crawler, so she knows.

Is it possible that the reason why the young girlfriend was in this class was because we are here?

Having seen up close the heterogeneity of the existence of Eirnage, it may have been decided that he would not do anything weird by appearing fooled.

Or maybe, unlike what it looks like, he's an agile teacher who can put this class together.

"Yes, gentlemen. Congratulations on your passing. You will be a second school student from today.

I know it's an unfamiliar environment, but let's start tomorrow so we can graduate. "

Would it feel like half the people who honestly nod to words I've only seen twice but feel like her, half the people who don't?

On the other hand, though the reaction is not uniform with indifference or ridicule.

Needless to say, Ciel is an indifferent group.

"I know I sometimes take different classes, but sometimes I act with someone in this class with something, so shall I introduce myself first?

I'd like to start by saying from the end of my seat... let's start with the teacher "

So write the name "Crawler" with a white pen on something that looks like a blackboard.

I don't think the words in this world, like kanji, had more than one reading in one letter, but does it make sense to write?

"The teacher's name is Crawler. Some of you may not take it because the person in charge is elementary magic and elementary magic for hunters. Nice to meet you.

Before I came to this school, I was a class C hunter, so maybe I can tell an interesting story to someone who wants to be a hunter.

During the Hunter years, he was good at witchcraft with wind. "

"You were her hunter."

Perhaps it's true that it was C-grade.

"I wondered why you were playing in the juncture, you were exploring"

That's just what Ciel had noticed. By the time I heard about Hunter, I was just trying to figure out if maybe he was strong enough to spot Ayrnage's prowess. The method covers Dr. Crawler with a junction, then lowers the level of cover-up slightly from the line, which is also unnoticed by the Class A hunter.

I don't know if I would notice the B level, but it's unresponsive, so I thought it might be about C level strength. Nevertheless, many people who do not notice do not notice the concealment of their class C counterparts, even if they are grade A, so it is only a criterion.

Especially this time I just wanted to make sure I was sensitive to witchcraft, so if that's about it, it's fine.

I think the Spirit noticed that as such, so Mr. Ricill was on his way to pause at the stage where I played.

It helps in the sense of just in case, although I don't think the Spirit will bother to tell you.

When Dr. Crawler went to the edge of the blackboard and touched the two, what was written on the blackboard disappeared all at once.

Unlike blackboards, they don't mean they produce chalk powder.

Maybe I wrote my name to explain this to see where I heard a little voice from some of it.

"I know some people don't, but classes are done using this magic tool, so remember.

Then please introduce yourself from Princess Lessimiyea at the end "

"Okay, but in school, call me Lessimiyea. Dr. Crawler."

"Oh, yeah. That's right. Well, good to see you, Mr. Lessimiya."

Princess Lessimiyea stands up and looks at her classmates. He sent his gaze here at that time, but Ciel didn't react much, even though he noticed.

Princess Lessimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

I think the introduction has progressed and ended so that the order of Ayle (Ciel) can also be buried.

Whatever. "It's Ayrnage. I enrolled because I wanted to learn about magic in general and hunters. Nice to meet you," because I sat down just saying the easy stuff.

Now that I know what to say to some extent by the time I was in Ciel's order, and I have been through these occasions several times, I was talking to Ciel until the order came to me so that it would be easy and easy anyway.

I think it was also worth it and I was able to introduce myself with no taste at all obligatory.

And with the introduction that flowed to the end, I could grasp the names of those who had never known their names before.

First, the red-haired amber eyed courtier who was with Princess Lessimiyea was Lulinia Haunsen. It seems to me that she was a courtier of the Duke of Haunsen and a nobleman with a strong connection to the royal family.

I guess that's why I was with Princess Lessimiyea. Maybe I was just fine thinking about my identity or my age.

The next boy with the profession "hero" is Giweldo. I don't have a family name because I'm not noble. Roughly nobles even gave it a family name, and only civilians had a name - or no family name - but they seemed to have said it.

The Giweldo boy was like making people feel righteous, like a boy like the main character in a juvenile comic book, and I want you to say it because I'll help you if you have any problems.

He wants to be a fine hunter, and all of a sudden he wants me to call him "Giu," well put, he's a friendly person.

The Thunder Mage boy is Alclay Twisuel. The warrant of the Count Twis-el family, which appears to be anti-central. The introduction seemed great with the type of aristocratic son who wanted to inspire his power, not unlike previous expectations.

Then I started introducing myself with "I am," but I'm impressed that I was "me" along the way. Is it somehow the type of person who wants to change their name in public or private?

Although it was him, I was looking at Ayle (Ciel) with a flicker. Especially though the boys students mostly watched the flickering. I want you to leave me alone.

The elf who had the Spirit of Thunder was Suela Hogo Vnos Larfia. From the way the elves are named, they have two spirits on them. Or there are two spirits near her.

One is a lower fire spirits. Thunder Spirit the other one has seen before. I thought the introduction seemed like a high flying car and you seemed to have a high level of self-esteem, probably because you have the pride of having two spirits on you.

She must have talent because she only had one of the elves I've seen so far.

Honestly, I don't know much about my talent as a spiritual user. Because I'm sure the spirits will do most of the work if I ask them.

People who stood out so far at the time of the entrance exam.

Then there was only one other aristocratic child who was told it was better remembered in the centre.

His name is Leenatoela Gaielzon. A Marquis of Gaielzon, she is soothed with brown hair close to black, elevated height. He introduced himself with polite language, but his eyes looked sharply at his classmates.

The Gaielzon family is also a well-known martial family in Osente, producing many important roles such as Knight Captain and Kingsguard Knight.

So I wonder if Leenatoela is a princess's squire or a close candidate.

Feels like I've seen it. Though I feel closer to being an acute maid than a female knight.

At the end of everyone's introduction, Dr. Crawler concludes, "Well, everybody, it's good to see you soon." Then I started writing schedules on the blackboard.

"Today there will be an admissions party in the party hall after this. I've been in touch with you beforehand, but I'll lend anyone who doesn't have a costume for the party, so stay here when you're done.

Otherwise, get dressed and then come to the party hall where the dance exams were. If you don't know where it is, see it because there's a map on the ground floor of the dorm, or catch someone from the school and ask. "

Write briefly what you just said in the part about today, and the teacher's story moves on after tomorrow.

"Tomorrow you will be given hope as to which class you want to take, so make up your mind by tomorrow.

Look at that and decide which classes you can take because I think it's in the material you gave me when you were in the dorm.

It doesn't mean you can't take it if it's an authorized class, so take a good look. Because usually, someone tries to pick an unauthorized class and it gets noticed. And then some people choose the same time class, so be careful.

After submitting tomorrow, feel free to look around the school to confirm the classroom you will be taking, etc.

And class starts the day after tomorrow.

I'll be here one morning before the four bells ring, and I'll let you know if I can confirm my attendance.

When the five bells ring, the class starts... "

And, he gave me a description of the class, but I don't have a clock - an explanation for illegible civilians, so it's a little hard to understand.

Though it will be a sensory story, come to this classroom by 8: 00 in the morning and the first limit is from 9: 00 to 10: 00.

After that, there will be a 30-minute break between them, while the one-hour class will be up to the fifth limit.

Lunch breaks are not limited to lunch breaks at 11: 30 to 13: 00, and breaks are taken longer by 30 minutes, probably because travel takes time.

If I suck, I'll be traveling from the end to the end of the school grounds, and if I'm someone who doesn't have the strength, I'll be using a full 30 minutes.

The fifth limit ends at 17: 00, and we'll meet again in class at 17: 30 before heading back to the dorm.

Speaking of bells, it rings at the beginning and end of the class exclusively in this school, so you just have to be ready by then. I mean, there's a clock in the school, so I think it's a good idea to learn how to look at it and see it and move.

We don't really care because we have clocks in our magic bags so we can see a little bit.

It doesn't mean that classes have to be filled all the time, they can be without classes all day, and classes can probably only be consolidated in the morning. Still need to go to class classes first and last, so I don't think many people will.

I don't mind spending my free time. I have a place where I can exercise freely if I want to train, and a private room if I want to have a tea party with a friend. There is also a library where you can study yourself.

If he can come back in time, he can do the hunter's activities.

In addition, although classes are basically one hour long, some of them last two to three consecutive hours.

Sometimes high technology, like the last grade, is taken up as a class for a whole day when it's long.

Still, without this and greed, if you concentrate on one thing, you will be able to live a school life that you can afford.

We are going to get sorcery-related and hunter-related so we might get a little busy.

You won't have to think about it that far, as the first semester of the first year (the year is divided into pre- and post-semester periods, where you can choose classes in each semester) is originally considered so that you can learn extensively.

It's like taking all kinds of elementary classes and continuing what you're interested in.

Well, if you're noble and you're learning originally, you can go from intermediate.

We also have a number of things we can go from intermediate to intermediate, but we're going to do it from the beginning for now.

"Then that's it once and for all. We have time for the party, but be careful not to be late."

As Dr. Crawler finishes his talk, his classmates start exploring and exploring.

No, Alclay, the lightning mage, or Suela, the elf, though she moved instantly.

It can be said that the others were able to move because they moved out as quickly as possible.

When Ciel tried to get up after a few moments, he heard "Ayrnage Chan" from the next seat.

When Ciel said, "What's going on?" and responding to the emotionless feeling, Parra waves "I'll see you later," naughty.

"Yes, I'll see you later"

Ciel returned Parra's words as he repeated them, leaving the classroom behind again.

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