Two as One Princesses

157. Fire and maid seniors across the shore

If you think of something and you hear a voice, apparently Alclay, the lightning mage, is stuck on Giweldo. The venue is noisy and the people who were dancing also stop moving.

Multiply that, or Ciel stops dancing and tells the other guy, "It was fun," and he goes back to the maid seniors.

It's not bad in places because it's in the opposite direction from where the scratch is happening.

It's hard to tell what happened, but only to stay away from the problem.

Ciel's movements are very noticeable from my (bystander's) point of view as everyone looks at Alclay and Giweldo and moves as if nothing happened to Ciel.

But from a subjective point of view, it's interesting because they haven't seen it, not even if they care about Ciel.

Precisely only the maid seniors seemed to be looking at Ciel, and when Ciel returned, he said, "How about a drink first?" He has offered me a glass.

I guess it's not my fault that I feel like that look is funny.

"What is this?

"It's fruit water. You diluted the fruit juice of the fruit you can pick in Osente with water. It's after it moves, so I think it's hard to taste it."

"I'll have it."

Ciel takes it and starts drinking.

From what I said, I feel like Senior Maid found out I'm not from Osente, but I didn't hide it there more than I did originally, okay?

"Meals are prepared over there. Do you want to eat it?

"Yes, of course."

Finished drinking fruit water and Ciel returns to his meal.

Of course, Alclay and Giweldo have been heard during this time, and the dance and the welcome have stopped.

That's why a different space could only be created around Ciel.

Speaking of returning, Parra was also near the maid seniors, but now she's swallowed by the air on the field, and she spits and watches what happens.

So much less, two of the causes and a few surroundings were taken to the school side, and the party resumed.

I'm glad it ended without jumping over here. So, I can finish it, but let me ask you something.

When Ciel just finished eating the second plate today and asked him to replace it, he hit it like he did earlier and changed and got it replaced immediately.

"Senior, do you know anything about the disturbance earlier?

"You didn't seem interested, what's wrong?

"I'm not interested, because it's not the same as having information.

If you can ask people, it's a better deal to ask. "

I know how it feels because Senior Maid would try to look surprised, but Ciel wouldn't have been really interested, and wouldn't have been willing to ask.

It's a little fun to think about how it shows up to seniors after all. But I don't want to inflict much distrust.

Anyway, this senior has something. No, probably because this senior, not a person (...).

I don't think it means elves, beasts, dwarves, just people (...) outside (...). Hmm, isn't that the same thing?

People are people. Something in the shape of a person. I mean dolls.

Similar if you look, there are some strays. A level that is very hard to understand and unnoticed in Ciel.

Is it a level that those who notice my kingdom will notice?

Though, I don't think I can magically harm Ciel, and I keep my mouth shut because telling Ciel I was intrigued by puppet magic is going to show weird interest.

You might find out if you went to a "puppet magic" class around here.

And if this prediction is correct, I think he's a good person to talk to about everything.

"I wonder if the civilian child, who was carrying a lot of girls, just wanted to be tangled up by the Twis-el child.

Because the civilian child was prominent, hey. And I think I'm getting cocky.

By the way, can I ask you one thing?

"I don't mind if it's something you can answer."

"Can you tell me your name? Junior."

"It's Ayrnage."

"Yeah, yeah. I see. Is that all?

"Yes, I am."

"Let me call myself Yena"

This may have been noticed by our presence.

In other words, it is possible that this body of Ciel has been enlightened that Ciel and I are living together.

This would be tough if I didn't anticipate it, but I don't think it's off. At least I don't think we can do anything about it right now, and if you figure that out in the first place, you won't get your hands on us easily.

Leave it at that for today, and we'll think about it again after it's been in a puppet magic associate.

"Then Senior Yena. Thanks for the info."

"If that's all you need, I'll tell you as much as I can. Lady."

At the end of a superficially gloomy exchange, Parra has called me "Eirnage" in such a way as to fear.

Speaking of which, there was Parra too. Tieta seems to be immersed in the resumed dance.

And I have more eyes on the outfits around me than on the people who dance.


I reply, wondering if Parra would have felt anything if she had listened to me now.

"What's up?

"Oh, you know. Looks like he was eating a lot, which one was the best?

I don't think I can eat much anymore, but... "

Is it because I'm ashamed to say it because I'm ashamed of being tense about eating?

You didn't dare step into the earlier story, or you don't know what that means in the first place?

While I made a prediction that maybe the latter, I asked Ciel, 'Which one was tasty?' I ask.

"It was funny how that meat dish felt, but was it the last cake you ate that was delicious?

"The last cake I had was delicious"

"That's right, you know..."

Parra, who hears the answer from me, tries to speak to Senior Yena beside herself.

Senior Yena knows. Just so you know, I went to get the cake, but what would Parra react to if I found out who she was?

No. Do you want to know who Ayrnage is? Though I don't know how awesome the central princess (targeted being) is perceived to be for the average Osente.

He switched with Ciel as he sideways watched Parra, who received the cake, eat it looking delicious.

"Looks like you had a rough day."

"I'm sorry for your concern. But I'm glad Master Ayrnage didn't have anything."

"Looks like he was involved in an example, was he okay?

After the party, I'm having tea at Princess Lessimiyea's now.

I may be more right to be talking like this because I had something to ask as I played with the Spirit.

He welcomed me happily when I said "I need to ask you something," although I might have been tired at the end of the party.

Princess Lesimiiah thought it would be acceptable because she would want us (the righteous daughter of Fiyanamia) to make a loan even if we were small.

Instead, I don't have to wish making a loan to the princess in this way would reduce the princess's stress at all. When the princess falls under stress, we may also be in trouble.

I know what I want to know, and the princess will have a little less mental pressure, the win-win relationship.

As a matter of fact, what I want to hear is trivial, though it's not even such a big loan.

For now, it means chatting, and we're talking about what happened today.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Because I told him beforehand that these things could happen.

Oh, and that collision. Again, he'll need it. Essentially, I will look aside, but I also tell you that I will follow up with Twisuel here when he makes a big move or does a big disservice to him. "

"If it's okay, more importantly. Because if Osentre is broken, the world can be confused."

Instead of "gone" or "disappeared," I used the word "destroyed," because there would be no problem if a new rule began as soon as Osente disappeared.

I don't care as far as Ciel and I are concerned, but Mother Fi, it won't be a good idea for the forces of all countries to change too much, so I'll keep it in mind.

"I'll carve it in my heart," Princess Lessimiyea nodded with a serious face.

"Speaking of which, you're the first person to see it. No. You're the first person to see it here."

Although I have had a few teas with the princess, the landscape is a little different today than usual.

I didn't know if I could ask, but I decided to point it out for now. Anyway, my classmate is here.

You won't have to worry, but I want her position clarified from the princess's mouth.

"As you may already know, she is Leenaetra Gaierzon, like my side"

"I am Leena Etra. I will be the princess's escort and servant. See you later."

Although I watched this one with a surprise and a carefree eye, the greeting bows my head firmly.

At the same age, he seems to be someone who can make a solid switch around it.

I saw it when I introduced myself, but with straight hair with brown hair close to black, would it look like a quiet warrant or something?

Now that I'm wearing made-up clothes, I get the impression that I'm a modest made-up. However, it felt like listening. I got the impression that it was serious and solid.

"She's a fine person to be here, isn't she?

"Yes, of course."

"Then I'd like you to tell me, is a student named Yena enrolled in this school?

"Yena......? Leena, can I help you?

Please wait a moment.

I heard the princess, Leena. Etra has left the room, is that good?

Wasn't it an escort?

"Is it okay to let go of the escort?

"Because if Master Ayrnage doesn't do anything, it's fine. And..."

She whispered deeply, but I knew what I wanted to do.

Assuming Leena Etra was there, there would be things like not knowing if she could play a role as an escort.

I don't know what her strength is, but I don't think it makes any difference if she is or isn't capable of excellence among the students. It is more certain to use the magic props that interfere with that sorcery that the princess used before.

Well, I'm sure the princess knows that Ayrnage will never break out.

Maybe it's the pose of trusting this one.

Then I started talking like the princess had re-divided it.

"I'm confirming, it's not like that student named Yena did something, is it?

"It's not like that, but the princess wasn't grasping about her, was she?

"Yes, I'm ashamed to say that when it comes to my senior students, I still only know some of them."

I mean, he said he remembered his classmates.

And the presence (maid seniors) is not seen as a problem in the second school.

Do they think they don't have to, or don't they know they exist?

Either way, I don't think it's harmful in my expectations.

"Neither do I know the exact thing about Mr. Yena.

Another confirmation, does it not mean that high ranking hunters are getting mixed up in this school?

"Highly ranked hunters......"

The princess begins to think about whether there is any catch.

Then, as I remembered something, I looked up all the time.

"I've heard of a requested hunter in this school."

"Is that a request?

"I think the request was about lurking in this school, and giving students credit once they recognized their existence with evidence."

"That's what you have."

"Does that mean Yena is that high ranking hunter?

"I don't think he's in person, but it's my expectation that he's not related."

I feel like I've been talking a little too much, but considering the princess's stomach, you can say so far.

I have trouble falling.

Besides, I could hear some useful information. Though not critical, because it only reinforces my expectations.

What a talk, Leena. Etra's back.

Then he hisses and tells the princess something.

"Looks like you have a student named Yena in your final year."

"I see, thank you"

"No, it seemed to help, it was good"

"Well, let me go upstairs,"

"Yes. Take your time"

Well, what shall we do and play with today?

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