Two as One Princesses

gossip siel and exam * sielmail perspective

What I come to Osente to think is that the world had so many children my age.

At least we weren't in the Hunter Union this much, and even if we ever saw it all over the city, it never meant everyone was the same age on the road.

Well, when you think about it, if you have fewer children, the number of people is decreasing from the world, so it's not surprising that there are a lot of them.

I'm sure I've been there quite a bit, even if not so far, where I've been.

But I don't think I saw it because my life was completely different from that of a child my age, so I didn't get a range of actions.

That's why - although I don't feel the need - I think Ayn and Fi are telling me to go to school.

Even if I turn everyone against my enemies, I can be different from people because that's all I want with Ayn.

Nevertheless, that's not necessarily what Ain is.

Because Ein basically doesn't like to fight. Though there are some verses these days that I wonder if I can manage with my strength when cleaning up the hassle.

But I guess that's because I exist.

Assuming Ayn was the only one, he must have lived in more harmony with people.

Because I'm sure Ayn can do that alone.

But Ain made it better to be with me than to live with people.

That's very pleasant, very bullying, very adorable, very sweet.

I can't believe I shouldn't have, I'm not willing to think about that, but if Ein wants, I can go to school. In order to be at ease there, it is not a problem to put up with it to some degree.

Besides, if you go to school, you can learn puppet magic. Ein said he'd get a body someday, but I want to get in touch with Ein as soon as possible, day or second.

Besides, when you're in school, you just have to imitate Ein, so that sounds fun too.

Ain't rarely seen in a grumpy time, but that's what makes it look good and cute at the same time.

I don't think you can give me that cuteness, but I'm so excited to imitate Ayn.

Okay, now it's in front of second school, and today is the day I have my entrance exam.

Inside the second school I entered for the first time, it felt strange. White walls on stiff floors like stone but different from regular stones.

The ceiling has a chandelier, and it has such an atmosphere as Fii's mansion or something different.

When I came in, Ayn was crushing, 'You're going in with your shoes.

Probably remembers the world Ayn was in before.

Sounds easy to remember the world I was in before saying it was about school, although it might also have something to do with what I heard when I was in the center.

Did the school mean anything to you in Ein?

That's kind of a bit lonely, but this is not a bad idea for the school itself when I think that going to school might help me figure out how Ayn feels at all.

They call each room a classroom at school, and it takes a breather when I go into the classroom I'm supposed to go to and sit in a designated chair.

"Somehow, it's a different vibe."

'It's an exam, right? I think they're all nervous.'

Speaking to Ain without thinking about the unique atmosphere in the classroom, that came back from Ain.

Seems to be nervous about taking exams, but I don't know for a second.

But it's okay because I don't have to interrupt anything, but I have trouble doing anything in particular. Had Ain't been here, I'd have been in trouble.

"I don't mind because it doesn't seem like I care about this one, but I don't have anything to do with it."

"You just have to get used to it around there."

Looks like you're studying at the mansion.

"There was something like practice for this."

The mansion had set time to study for the desk, not so much bitterness, but it was kind of unsettling.

It's not like I've never studied, and I don't understand what I've been taught.

But I rarely studied.

Before you go to the center, let Ayn teach you while you walk, or wrap up your thoughts while you dance. Didn't you have a desk or a chair in the first place when you were at the mansion in Lisperghia, and wouldn't it be the first time the center had changed and studied towards your desk?

But I didn't like to show Ain what he looked like, so I worked hard, and now I think I'm a lot used to it. However, I don't even study now. Very boring.

"You're bored until time comes. Why should I be here?

'Shall I sing?

'That's fascinating. But I think I'm going to want to dance, so maybe I shouldn't.

Although it's really fascinating. '

'Then do you even read books?

'Shall I? Is Ein okay?

"I'll keep an eye on you, you'll be fine."

I don't mind if Ain't bored. I decided to take the book out of the magic bag and turn the page with paralysis.

After a while, I wondered if an adult had come into the classroom and talked a little and the exam started.

What I told you is that you should not look at other people's answers or how long will it take you to solve the problem?

At the end of the conversation, the forms are handed out and there is a signal and everyone starts to solve the problem at the same time.

It seems to be called a written exam, just answer the questions written on paper in the answer section.

At first they told me I could solve everything I could figure out, so I go through the first problem.

Yeah. I know what I know, but I don't know what I don't know.

Economics, imperialism, design, everything you don't know, fly and do what you know.

Ein and Mia say you don't have to solve what you don't know.

It is so acceptable to me that I should only do what I can, as Ein and I divide roles.

Because that and this is where I could do it, and in the end, there's only so much I can do.

But apparently there's a lot we can do now.

Even after I've solved everything, I still have more time.

Ein's gone to see what's going on around him, and he's bored and he can't help it.

When you have finished your written exam, take a magic measurement and take a practical exam.

It was just a little dizzy in magic measurements, nothing particularly interesting.

No, in the sense that I was able to recognise the bullshit in Ein's junction, it might have been meaningful.

That's how I moved to the practice exam place, but I figured Ein would be in a mock fight.

I wasn't convinced that Ein had made up his mind about what he was going to do because there was a chance that he might be able to relieve me if I left.

Because that's the role. Ein protects, I fight.

Ein protects me, so I can fight fully.

That's what I came for, and I don't have to think about it.

But I know this is selfish.

The only reason I've fought so far is because it's the best.

I have to put up with Ayn because this is the best time to fight.

So I said, "You're not convinced? 'That's just the word.

I've already given my body to Ayn, and I know that Ayn's words, 'You can't go into battle with someone whose attacks are effective to my extent,' are comforting to me.

'Mmmm... ok. I can't help it. "

So let's not be any more selfish because Ain got me hooked up.

Because I don't want Ayn to hate me.

I think Ein conveyed my feelings.

It's not about roles, it's about staying with Ain.

Even if I know, it's hard.

Maybe it's hard because I know.

It's important to be together, but if you're with me, I want to be of use to Ayn.

I was thinking about that, and Ain's mock battle started.

Ein fights, so we need to take a good look.

Feelings are complicated. But I don't have that many chances.

Instead, I think they switched their minds just because they see Ain's rarity.

Well, the way Ein fought, but we've only talked about it.

Ein can't use magic when attacking. That's a really strict one, and probably strengthening your body won't change the amount of damage, Ein had decided.

So Ayn can only beat his opponent who can wound him with Ayn's own physical abilities.

Assuming Ein and I fought, we would have a situation where I could not break Ein's bond, but Ein could not break mine either.

It won't be settled for long, and depending on the rules, it will only be a draw.

But if Ayn meant it, I'd probably be negative for Ayn (...) Kang (...) Ru (...).

Ein can beat me, but I'm sure he can't beat Wyburn.

Because I'm a person, and Wyburn is a monster.

But the preconditions for this simulation are different. As an ailnage, Ain't that strong. I only use junctions.

So I was grand enough to surrender if this broke.

Well, I know it's a reasonable place because Ain't gonna be able to get a decent knife on an advanced hunter.

The result is a loss as expected. Ein never meant it.

Although Ayn felt more like he was playing than fighting in the first place, so it wasn't even a mock fight (...).

Maybe you didn't fight, thinking about me? Oh, my God.

Then it just got noisy elsewhere, so I moved from far to the visible position of what was going on and Ain switched with me. I'm glad it stayed the same.

I'm not too interested in the noise itself, but Ein brought me here because of it, so I'll see.

Someone who had so much magic, if anything, was waving a lot of swords.

So they're making a scene, but they can afford to take it, and they're trying to build strength because it's an exam.

I'll see the students end up in a trap and lose, and I'll also hear Ein's views.

"How does Ayn see it now?

'I don't think you can win if you're an ailnage. Does it feel unbeatable, depending on the rules?

'Well, that's the place, isn't it? That's usually what surprises you, isn't it?

That student will be strong based on Eirnage.

And it seems surprising how strong you are at your age.

But it doesn't pin much. Ein said we must have gotten too strong because of what happened at the Rispergia mansion, he said.

In fact, I was dying many times in that mansion, and there was not much I could do, so when I wasn't dancing, I was studying witchcraft, and most importantly, the amount of witchcraft increased considerably with the medication I was taken every day.

Ein says as if that was a tough special training. But as far as I'm concerned, I don't feel that much by now, even though I sometimes think of it when Ain falls asleep or spiders, because it's a memory that I met Ain and was with Ain.

Ein overlaps words to try to explain it because my reaction was one too many times now.

'I wonder what it is. Look, there's a junior hunter involved with us.'

"You were there, too."

'What tangles me there was far older than Ciel, but weaker than that boy, wasn't it?

'That's true. I think there were as many of them, but even so, the students just now are amazing, huh?

'At your age, you mean. Ciel feels a lot stronger than he did when he left the mansion.'

"You're just like Ayn's connections get more and more amazing. In a few more years, will we be at the level of a bunch of fools or carols or something?

'It seems likely that it will just have the potential to be, but it will depend on him in the future. The more you lose your hand from this, the more strength you may end up with'

The more you get out of your hand, the more you end up with is not a limited story for that student.

Even I would be left everywhere by Ein if I lost my mind.

Because Ayn is still working so hard.

"Well... I'll have to be careful too"

"Let's work together, shall we?"

'Yeah, yeah!

Whatever it is, I'm glad Ain't got you with him.

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