Two as One Princesses

gossip siel and ○ ○ ○ * sielmail perspective

[Ciel watches dance]

At the end of the exam, Ain and Lessimiyea somehow decided to dance together.

I had decided Ayn would do the dance here, and I admitted it in two replies because I thought I could see Ayn dance, but later I thought I should have danced to whatever it was.

Because Ayn couldn't be the first person to dance on these occasions.

I can't help but be jealous, although I'm glad Ein was doing the dance, considering the conversation he had with Lessimiyea.

I wanted to be the one who reached out to Ayn to dance.

I wanted to pull Ain's hand and dance surrounded by spirits.

But even if it wasn't Lessimiya dancing here, Ein was supposed to dance with someone.

For the first time in my life, I wanted to be angry about dancing.

Why do we have to dance in pairs for the party?

Fortunately, there's no way Ain is enjoying the dance, and it's filled with conversations with Lessimiyea.

The unfortunate thing is that Lessimiyea is dancing to bring Ayn to life.

But I'm the first to have fun dancing with Ein, and I swear to my heart, I'll look at the two of you - even though I only know the extent to which Ein is visible - and watch.

Although Ain't seemingly unaware, Lesimi Yea still dances to see Ain.

But Ein is also Ein, because he avoids contact with Lesimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Gradually, Lessimiyea began to explore Ayle, and I can see that Ayn is in trouble.

I'm the only one who can get Ain in trouble, you know what I mean?

Don't let Ain get in too much trouble when he's in trouble. You're just gonna have to aim for the critical point where you can see the cute Ayn, right?

Thinking about it, Lesimi Yea hasn't yet.

Ein seemed blurry for now, but he was showing how Ayn was surprised when Lesimiya mentioned Ayn in the mask.

Even though I showed you how it was, just a little bit.

I'm surprised Ein mentioned that to Lesimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

"Can you come up with anything about how Ayn was noticed?

"There was a red-haired maid next door when I first met Princess Lessimiyea, wasn't there?"

'There you are. I wonder if they were taking the test in the same room.'

'Right. I think she probably has an appraisal profession. Or because I was failing without realizing something.'

'If so, you were an appraisal profession. Something Ain't supposed to be failing'

I see Ein looks closely.

But you think Ein thinks a lot too much.

Something that I think anyone else would fail if Ein were to fail.

'I'm glad you said that, but I can't say enough that you haven't failed, can you?

What Ein says is to protect me. I don't just regret it, but if there is any downfall on Ayn himself, I think it's a manifestation of Ayn's upliftment trying to get rid of it.

I'm glad you got that far, and I'd like to support Ayn like that, but as usual, I think Ayn's working a little too hard.

Even I know Ain't about to fail.

Because thanks to Ein's failure, I could see a lot of cute Ein.

I know, and I'm not telling Ayn. I'm a bad kid, aren't I? He's a bad boy!

But now I want Ayn to know that you don't have to go that far.

Even if I largely fail, I won't be in a crisis.

It kind of spilled a grin when I thought of the bully Ayn, and I mixed it with the voice 'I know it'.

"But if Ain't even started thinking about the possibility that he's failing, I don't know. Most importantly, Ain't never been out of hand or distracted from protecting me before, has he?

Besides, I wonder if there's any harm in thinking about the possibility of having an appraisal profession?

'Sure, but there's nothing more you can do about the appraisal than now,'

Ein's words speak fast. Did my feelings make any sense?

I think it's because it's lit up.

'Rather, I don't think many people are taking more measures than Ein when it comes to appraisals, do they? If so, do we have no choice but to break it off?

'Well... it's...'

'What's wrong with Ein that he blames himself for what he can't do and what he couldn't do?

Ain't that sweet, of course, but it makes me worried. '

It has been since I was in the mansion of Lisperghia. Even though I think Ein has done his best, Ein himself doesn't think so.

That way the gentle Ayn gets hurt.

"Thank you"

I didn't know how to return it, and Ein's gratitude, which I would have accidentally spoken of, seemed kind of very Ein, and I also accidentally said, 'Ein is so cute' back.

[Ciel and Class Selection]

"I know magic props, but I don't think Ain't gonna be able to do anything about the foundations of magic anymore."

The acceptance announcement is over, and Mia left the room to take the money, so I'm thinking about what to do with Ein and the class.

But somehow, Ein wants to take elementary magic classes.

I don't think Ein will learn anything more now.

'It may be futile, but especially since I've done my magic on my own, you're a little concerned, aren't you?

Explorer, there may be new discoveries, and you may be able to indulge in magic that seems good to use in Eirnage. '

"Is that what this is all about? Does that mean the hunters do the same?

"It's something similar."

Sure, it may be important to find out what to do with the magic that Ayrnage can use.

Otherwise, it would make no sense to have created Eirnage. But as far as I'm concerned, I guess I don't have to worry that much.

I was impressed that the classes for hunters were also meant to be taken from where the beginners came in and thorough.

"Ciel is still puppet magic,"

As Ain says, all I want to take is puppet magic.

Though I thought the golem relationship seemed interesting, I had to give it up because puppet magic and time go hand in hand.

It feels strange that there are things you can't do even if you want to do it this way. I wish I could have been with Ain until now. That's good, and I will continue to be, but is it because there's more I want to do apart from that?

"It's like being admitted to school for this. I would have liked to take a golem class if I could, but I couldn't have done it because time was with me."

'That's true. Speaking of which, what does Ciel want with puppet magic?

"You're going to build Ayn's body, right?

What else could it be?

The doll means it may not be too big, but the little Ayn also thinks that's cute.

Imagine Ayn singing on my palm, and that's going to make my face burn.

Of course, I don't want to force Ain to, but sometimes it might be more convenient to have a body when something happens.

'It could be difficult, right?

"You learn to know if you can, don't you?


"Don't you think Ayn wants you to visit again that day early?

That was the day Ayn was given a body.

I'm always waiting, but if Ain't, I'm a little in trouble.

But Ayn affirmed, 'Of course I can't wait'.

That may mean that Ein is anxious about puppet magic. That's it, let's think about it when Ein's anxiety didn't pay off.

"I want to have that happy time again."

"I'm going to drown you out, though."

"Wouldn't that be okay? If Ain't with you, you can stay put forever."

"We'll have to create a place where no one can interrupt us then."

"Right, right!

I'll take care of it then.

"Can you do something about it?

"I'm sure by then"

Does that mean you can't do it now?

I wonder if the fact that you've been on this story at any rate means that you're willing to.

If so, I'm very, very happy.

Now if Ayn can do something about it when the time comes, let's get back to class now.

"I wonder what Ayn is willing to do with the magic props?

"I was wondering if I could make a magic bag."

"Speaking of which, you were squealing before. And we... or we can only use it for Ein."

The little magic bag I used to get for Carol was only available to those who were protected by Ein instead of the capacity being increased by Ein's hand and the time progressed slowly.

I'm always protected, and I don't think I have to think about people trying to use our magic bags on their own, so I don't think it's okay.

'I want to make it generally available, and I want to make something that stops the time inside.

Capacity also aims for something bigger, but I still feel this is easier than the rest '

"Wouldn't a lot of people be surprised if they heard that?

Magic bags are so hard to make, aren't they?

'Right. I don't think I can make it unless my profession is a magician or something. "

"How could that be?

'I think a lot of magic props are just things you can do with normal sorcery if you want to do it, like brighten up, water out, make certain movements, whatever you think, but some of them stepped into the magic realm, right?

"If you ask me, yes."

Needless to say that the representative example is a magic bag.

Other magic items that make it impossible to use magic would be comparable to magic.

There is no way anyone can make such a thing, and it is still convincing if it is the power of the profession.

"But then maybe Ayn can't even make it?

"Perhaps so."

"But you think you're going to be able to make it, right?

"Maybe I can, that's about it."

"Hehe, Ein is amazing, amazing!

Ein is reacting that he doesn't know if he can do it, but what he said is that he has quite a basis.

Kind of very proud, considering Ayn I'm sure I'll accomplish.

Don't tell Ayn that even if it didn't work out, I wonder if I'd be depressed or shy, and I wonder if that might be too.

Something to comfort you properly then.

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