Two as One Princesses

164. End of day one, magic formation and little girl

"How was your day?

"What do you think? I think it went by somehow."

"Surely from Dear Siermail, there may have been more you already knew"

"But yeah. Demonology was a little funny."

At the end of the day, Mia was bathed to sweat in a marathon named Combat Training. In short, Mia washes her whole body, but Mia washes gently and gently as if dealing with a baby.

As for being washed, I feel a little tickled and proud whenever Mia says, "Dear Siermeyer's skin is as beautiful as ever".

Mia is unbound when she washes, so in the sense of hanging out with a handful of people, this time is arguably a special time.

And it's also the time I can't give Ciel, and I'm flattered.

"Is it demonology?

"Yeah, I didn't know anything about demonic ecology."

"Dear Siermail, if you are a low-level demon, you will be defeated by a single blow. Has it been so for a long time?

"When I was a cyclops, it couldn't be a blow. But Ayn can protect us, so we can try and make mistakes."

"When it comes to cyclops..."

"The first demon I've ever fought."

The first battle I miss now. And the embarrassing memory that inspired Ciel to protect him and to be called a princess by Ciel.

But Ciel looked good then.

"The first battle is cyclops, which is a desperate situation if you try to wax it."

"I wonder if Mia can defeat you right now?

"If you had an avant-garde, you might be able to take him down, but you can't do it alone."

"I can't do this alone, either, can I?

"It's because of Lady Einsel."

"Yeah, yeah! Without Ain, I'd be dead by now."

Mia looks in trouble at Ciel's words.

Even though I have difficulty reacting, the quality is unmistakable because what I am saying is an undisputed fact.

"Speaking of schools, you had a tea party"

"Oh yeah. Although Ein was the one who had the tea party."

"Is this a tea party?

"Princess Lessimiya and I had the same class, so we had lunch in the stream, and it was a tea party."

"Was it good?

"I don't know exactly because it was Ain who received it, but I was wondering if you thought it would take some interaction with Princess Lesimiya?

'Right. I wanted to ask you something. The results were subtle.'

There were no more candidates for people trying to come into contact with contraindications.

I knew the dean would be good before I heard the story.

"People don't know about contraindications."

"How was combat training?

"It's not as good as how it went. I was just running."

"That's what happens at first."

"You need strength, right? Wouldn't Mia be more physically fit than the people we were with today?

"Because the wasps are deluded by magic."

"Speaking of which, yeah. But if Mia's tired, maybe Ein can protect her?

"Hehe, that would be a great honor"

Mia will protect it, but I don't know if she'll be able to protect it if the other person becomes Mother Fi or Tulu or something. You'll protect Ciel at all costs then, and I can't believe it.

As a matter of fact, Mia would defend it if she could afford it. I don't think I'd fall into that much of a pinch in their case, although I think I'd also protect the people at the mansion, Mr. Carroll or Mr. Shy.

No, did you protect Mr. Szczy once?

I think Parra cares that it's a school. And then there's the princess. In the case of the princess, if she dies, it's probably because we're in trouble.

"Yes, well, take your time."

That's how Mia leaves the bathroom after washing Ciel.

I dropped it off and Ciel relaxed and stepped into the tub.

"Magic formation is what you need to use complex magic, which cannot be done with chanting magic.

It will be difficult to handle for that matter and will require some magic and control. Therefore, I will remember to control my magic from chanting magic, but I will not do it in this class because being here means that I have at least enough strength to use the magic formations.

If you are not confident in control, take the elementary of general witchcraft. "

The first class on the second day after school is Magic Matrix. He took a class when he heard about elementary school, but as a class, he was a one-step class.

I don't mind because they took it, but I thought it was only reasonable for people around me to never see it.

It seems that some people have the upper grades, they have big bodies, and they feel intimidated. Than freshman year. Cyclops is a few times better in terms of intimidation.

I thought it might not be noticeable because I don't have a princess or other freshman year, but apparently that's not how it works, and there were quite a few people watching this one before class.

Most of all I was looking at this one was a female student who sat next to me, not a male student - basically in charge of Ciel this afternoon in relation to the class.

She's a little girl, though I say, and she's been a lot suspicious since she went into the classroom.

Looks like a freshman from height, but I don't think he was in the same class.

Dark hair and bob hair. Girl with a pulling atmosphere that is always scary about her surroundings.

He probably came next to me for the same reason as Parra. I guess I came next door for now because I had a little girl. So, as a result of stealing this one, I was watching this one with my eyes round.

I don't know about the manners, but it's not really harmful, and I've noticed this one over there, so I'm going to decide which way to go.

"Neighbor, what's wrong?

"Looks like very good eyes (...)"

'You are. Are you all right?'

"I think you'll be fine."

"You're not the kind of kid who feels like turning us into enemies."

And when they scattered about us, so be it.

Assuming that she is the righteous daughter of Mother Fiyanamia, there will be fewer people with potential teasing. Instead, those who seek to use our power may appear, and may be targeted for their lives by those who do not often think of the centre.

But neither Syel nor I will be able to help, and I am confident that even if I am targeted for my life, I will only return the favor.

'So let's just take classes normally'


and classes are also progressing while we are doing it. For once I had heard, but there was nothing I could not understand. I mean, I was just saying something like I can still get elementary general witchcraft.

"Give me what I need when I write my magic formation... you answer me."

"It's a pen made for magic formations that uses ink that's easy to pass through magic."

"You need that."

'I just found out too. I felt the magic formations I used in general magic classes were prone to shed magic, but that was more common, wasn't it?'

Until now, I didn't even know that there was such ink because it was written on paper appropriately or because Ciel or something just left a mark on the ground.

"It wasn't in that mansion book, was it?

'I didn't write it. Maybe you didn't write too much ground?

'Or did you dare to keep all the books you didn't write, but you were surprised'

"You didn't have to use that kind of ink."

I also listen to the teacher as I talk to Ciel.

"Right. That's the basics, but that's not mandatory.

For example, if you become a court magician class, you can activate a magic formation with just paper and a pen. "

"Can the teacher...?

"If it's easy, you can do it."

"How long are you a hunter?

"Something like a B hunter."

Yeah. The teacher in this class didn't get his name as a good person from the princess, so that would be about it.

Or was Ciel also in the court sorcerer class as of the age of 10? Well, it must be my fault.

If you think you have a solid foundation, you don't care because nothing is wrong.

Although the court sorcerer class and teacher said it, it's not like court sorcerer = class B hunter either. The court magician is wide in the first place. Even if you come in, a veteran can be a court magician.

But think about it, what the hell is a magic formation? I had some thoughts, but the class moves in a different direction from my thoughts.

"Instead of using magic formations in this class, I teach them how to write. If you know how to write, you can also write safe magic formations. The goal will be to write magic formations that are OK to fail, not magic formations that can be activated first"

When I looked up next door here, my neighbor was kind of horrified.

Yeah, I think this confirms my predictions. I guess I'm relieved because I don't seem to be using magic formations for the time being.

"Then the magic team will also use it for magic props, so some of them will have taken this class, but I intend to do so because it will become a practical magic team beyond the intermediate level."

I think there was some magic formation for magic props. We cannot take this because it should have required more grades than elementary in magic formation and magic props. Whatever the magic formation, it was more like magic props.

As for the magic props, is it natural that they are as good as modified magic bags?

Could she be a magician aspiration next door? Can you do a good job with her eyes (...)?

"That's what I'm going to do because I'm going to have a good class next time"

When I realized that, the class was over. Maybe every class doesn't really do that much for the first time.

If so, I'm going to be bored this week.

"Now what shall we do?"

"One more class is available today, right?

'I'll pinch my lunch break, so you'll have plenty of time. Even if we think about lunch time, we're going to be able to accomplish it with a little request.'

I had tea with the princess yesterday, but she didn't look as close as she came from the beginning today.

Like I said, it looks like I'm inviting someone else to lunch.

"Shall we have lunch for now?"

What do you want to eat?

'Will Ciel choose?

"Oh, Ain't that a good choice? I look forward to everything. I'd rather know what Ayn chooses than that. Yesterday was just for Princess Lessimiya, wasn't it?

He wasn't hiding it, but he was also noticed that it fit Princess Lessimiyea.

Then it feels like you really want me to choose, not that maybe you're reluctant to do this.

'Okay. Then I'll let you choose whatever you want.'

"Now you know what Ayn likes."

What a joy Ciel says. My tastes will vary greatly for some time in my previous life, and I may know my tastes. But I can eat pretty much anything if it's food, too, so what do you think?

'What does Ciel like?

"I love what you've eaten since you left Rispergia, don't you? But you might prefer something sweet. '

"Ciel's a girl too, isn't she?"

"Oh, I wonder what that means?

I'm heading to school to eat while I talk to Ciel, but what am I supposed to do with her sneaking up next door?

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