Two as One Princesses

165. Lunch, residents on the fourth floor and demon eyes

I was not sure what to make for lunch, but there was an egg sandwich so I made it. A set of three sandwiches to be exact.

Even when I say sandwich, it feels like an English muffin instead of pinching ingredients in what I cut off the ear of a bread.

The price is a little above the middle. Would it feel like a slightly higher lunch if you think about it in an off-campus meal? Unlike yesterday, it's hard to find a seat because of a lot of people in the middle of lunch.

Use your best detection to find an empty seat and head straight for it.

"You use extravagant magic."

"I intend to use magic in a convenient way."

'Right. Will I be able to do it someday, too?

'If you concentrate on detection and train, won't you be able to do it soon?

So that Ciel can stand around in his favor when he fights to use his detection, I use it basically because of his enemies. So Ciel doesn't need to remember such extensive detection. Because Ciel recognizes herself that, or not as powerful as I am.

So my words are just saying it for now, and Ciel also laughs when she crinkles, 'Looks like you should leave it to Ayn'.

"By the way, Ein likes sandwiches, doesn't he?

'I don't hate it, but I felt like eating it. I want to eat eggs. "

"Eggs are delicious."

"I had eaten raw when it was the world before me."

"Eggs were eaten raw, right?

'You should stop it. I'll probably bust your stomach.'

Even in my previous life, I was told that it was not something to eat that was outside of Japan. I remember being eaten in Japan because it was definitely managed thoroughly.

Basically eating raw eggs is not sanity shabby. Eating raw eggs is amazing! I think it was treated like that.

I don't want to eat so much right now either.

"Ayn was eating something like that, wasn't he?

'Is it a problem where I lived? It seems there were quite a few things that managed to detoxify the poison and eat it, and look for conditions that would make it edible.'

'That bothers me a little. I'd love to go once.'

I do think if you go around the world, not just in Japan, you'll find something delicious, something gettey.

I don't really think I'm going to reproduce it this way. It was just the right dish to live alone, so I don't feel like I could reproduce it.

There are four available seats in all. The four in front are empty from the aisle, so sit on the aisle side.

Then naturally, the presence that was following me will also sit in the same place. So I don't know why I'm sitting in the front.

Well, it's basically someone else, so let's just go through. If they talk to me, I decide to deal with it.

"I knew the food here was delicious."

'You have a good taste for the price, don't you? It looks easy, and it seems to be taking a lot of work one at a time.'

"And then the flavoring is a little different from the center, and it's funny."

'Right. Those things make the country distinctive, don't they?'

Although I personally prefer the central flavoring, this one feels delicious here.

In other words, the center feels like the flavor is deep, and this one feels like the flavor is intense. It is difficult to explain the flavour.

'Well, what did the girl in front of you want? Though it seems to be eating all at once and not eating much'

As Ciel puts it, the mysterious girl is eating properly, looking at the plate all at once. It has a different small animal feel to Parra.

'Maybe, but you simply didn't know where and how to use learning food'

"Really? If so, you're a little cute. It's not like Ein, but is it okay to be cute?

'Isn't that good?

Nothing cute is a word that was born to describe me, and I have no problem using it on another person. It was me or the Spirit that Ciel was cute, so I'm just a little jealous that I could have done something else. Just a little.

What a thought, I noticed Ciel laughing when I dull.

"Ain't the cutest one, huh?

'That's... thank you'

It's kind of embarrassing to be seen through. If I was wondering if I could manage to deceive you, someone who was going to be a pain in the ass - I noticed Alclay coming this way.

It's an unseen distance from the other side, but with very few seats available on the route, you'll definitely get here first.

It looks like we haven't noticed yet, so if we move in now, we won't be able to get along.

"Alclay, you're on your way over here, shall we move?"

"Alclay was in the same class, wasn't he?

"He's the one who was rambling thunder magic on the entrance exam."

'I remember. Yeah, that sounds like a pain in the ass.'

There's one more sandwich left, but I ate enough for it to move in the afternoon, or for now, you can put it in a magic bag and eat it after you move it.

Stand up, then weave the robe so that you don't know just the length of the long gray hair, then hold the dishes for return. Apparently the girl in front of me didn't really have errands for me, and she eats silently without looking like she cared at all. I'm only about half done eating and I'm going to unwittingly loosen my cheeks.

I can walk away without saying anything, but I just tell him, "There's a troublemaker coming," because Ciel is the one who showed a little interest, and he walks out.

Speaking up, she shook her body all the time, then looked at the entrance and turned her eyes round.

Then he hastily grabs the dishes and follows me.

As I can't see this one from Alclay, I'm not supposed to see Alclay from her either, but I still think it's because of that eye (...) that I noticed something.

Has really handy eyes. It's a profession that is anything, but I wonder if it's a special profession among them.

I was just trying to get as far away from Alclay as I could, and Alclay said, "Oh, you are." Though for a moment I thought it was about me, it didn't seem like it was pointing this way. I heard a "hiss" and a small scream right after, so maybe she knew Alclay?

"Bertina. I can't believe you're in this school. Well, come on."

As Alclay makes a fool of himself, the two people behind him still laugh like they made a fool of him, then they go.

The stalker girl, called Bertina, makes her little body even smaller, then comes to me early on. I don't think there's any point in following me anymore.

It's not like I'm having any trouble following you, okay? Feels like I'm being followed by a dog who's been lost in school. You won't get empathy for telling Ciel, so I won't.

'Where shall we go?

"It's kind of like the kid behind you getting there, isn't it?

'Right. You may leave after this, but you don't know when you'll be gone'

"Hmm, we still have time after this, so why don't we go back to the dorm once?

'Right. I don't think she can make it to the fourth floor of the dorm, and maybe she'll go back to her room, too.'

We have free time next, but we don't know if she is.

Depending on that, she probably wouldn't follow me to the dorm, but she followed me to the fourth floor of the dorm.

I kind of guessed it when we got in the elevator together though.

I was just getting down the elevator to the 4th floor talking space, and I was finally called out, "Oh, that."

Maybe she's more familiar than Parra because I think she sat next to her for a little while. The feeling from me that Parra doesn't feel that familiar is because I have the impression that it's chatty.

"What's up?

"Yeah, Belle says Bertina."

I'm surprised because it's been a lie, and I introduce myself with momentum, but I remember the nostalgia of not having these kids in my past life.

"It's Ayrnage. So, Mr. Bertina, what is it?

"Thank you for earlier."

I keep my head down so vigorously that I think my head will be on the ground.

"You don't have to worry about it. He didn't seem to get away after all."

"It's better than seeing you when you're having lunch..."

"Speaking of which, Mr. Bertina has a room on the fourth floor."

"Yes, no... Bell has a lot of magic, but he's so bad at using magic that he's abandoned me... They told me to cut the edge in exchange for my freedom in school......

But. Being free means you can pull, so I had the room on this floor ready for you to pull!

I was depressed, but suddenly I was feeling better. He's kind of like a kid who doesn't know if he's positive or negative. It also seems hard to talk about staying negative all the time, so if it isn't, I don't mind. Anyway, I hear Bertina needs to be able to do some work by graduation. It's none of our business, so I want you to do your best on your own.

"So why have you been following me all this time?

"Oh, you know... that's..."

Out of sight as Bertina stuck her index fingers together or let them go.

I start talking about if it's also something nasty, and if I had a hard eye for it, I'd have noticed.

"At first, I thought there was a little girl younger than Bell, so I was wondering if Bell would ever be bullied."

"You were sneaking up on me when I went to the dining room, weren't you?

"Er, erm... I never went to the dining room. I thought if I followed someone, I'd go, but I didn't like to be angry when they found me, so after the kid who didn't seem angry."

"Oh, Ain't that what you expected?"

'I didn't think you'd really hit it, but it doesn't even sound like a lie to me when I tried to talk to you'

I don't think there's any point in coming into contact with me this way if it's for surveillance purposes or sneaky harm, and most importantly, there's too much of a gap in how I react when I deal with Alclay.

"You seemed to realize my strength, but still thought to follow me?

"Huh!? Um... Um... where, is it?

How did you realize my strength?

"He seemed surprised when he saw me, and he seemed to have magic gathered in his eyes at that time.

It's a violation of manners to pry into a profession, but isn't it something like magic vision demon eye use?

"Yep... no. Yes......"

A weak voice, but he did admit it, so I'm glad the predictions were met.

Demon Eye Users are a profession that can be found in an extreme way, and it becomes a generic term for a profession that uses the eyes to manifest its effects, with different abilities, such as seeing what is invisible or seeing farther away. When it comes to demonic eyes, I've never seen any information about petrification, charm, or anything like that come to mind, but there was such a demonic eye.

"Um, I thought it was a strange juncture to wrap up, but that's all Bell thought about. Okay?

"Are you lying?

"Er, erm... yes, no... I was surprised that it was such an amazing junction that I couldn't see the bottom, but I thought it seemed to be safe somehow..."

"Are you up to something?

"Don't, don't! Who are you talking to? Bell needs to be secluded for the rest of his life, and pulled back!

The dream has been... turned down... "

They abandoned me at my parents' house, and it's going to be hard to pull off and live.

A magician certainly doesn't interact with people much in that respect, and the basics may be that you just need to pull back and keep making magic items.

Nevertheless, I didn't think it was an issue that I would be involved in, so I flushed it out. "Really, thank you for your answer."

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