Two as One Princesses

167. Demonic Props and God

School life is also on the third day. I have a demonology class today. Because it is an area that we also want to invest in as a school, or because it hosts a good number of students in a large classroom.

Maybe it became a large classroom because of the high number of people who wanted it.

As for size, I get the impression of a university lecture room rather than a school classroom.

About half the seats were already filled when I entered the classroom, and my gaze turned this way as I entered the classroom. Even before, when I entered the classroom, my gaze turned, but here I feel more gaze than ever.

That's probably because there are more male students. It's not like you don't have any girls, but aren't you about 80% boys?

That's why I sit in a seat a little further away from the men's group.

At such a time that I can say right after that, a familiar girl asks, "Is it good next door?," he called out. The impression was never good when it used to be, but did it come after realizing it or forgetting what had happened?

Even though I don't have a good impression, that would be fine if you were careful around there with the story of me talking about it as grumpy as it sounds.

"You can do whatever you want. Mr. Tieta."

"Then don't hesitate."

So Tieta sits next to me that she is in Parra's room.

Let's just say it's better than having a boy student you don't know come. What should we do if one day this one boy tries to come next door?

I can't think of a positive reason to decline my seat, or if I sit next to you, I'm going to be bothered to talk to you and depressed. Well, we'll think about it one of these days.

"I'm surprised Ayrnage is here. Didn't you already do the hunter?

"I'm intrigued. Sometimes you can use it when you do hunters. Isn't it true that Mr. Tieta isn't the main prop, either?

"Sort of. Because I want to be involved in clothing and armor. If you complement your protection with accessory-shaped magic props, isn't the design going to expand?


Magic bags come to mind when it comes to magic props used by hunters, but the truth is, they don't. Though it may be obvious because you can't even get it if you don't get to a high rank.

Although there are no accessory-shaped demonic props, this seems pretty expensive, so I don't think so when people ask me if it's popular with hunters.

We've barely had a chance to throw a party before, and we didn't need it, and somehow we only know it.

But I think that if you have a magic device or something that can tie the line, it's going to be quite popular.

Props can be used in a decent way, even by people who can't use magic. The rear guard can use it to combat stray bullets, or the avant-garde can have it just in case.

Assuming you can stay tense at all times during your activity, your outfit will be at a level that is fine with your pyjamas. No, is it up to the strength of the magic that activates it?

"Ayrnage is a hunter, isn't he?

"E-grade, but you must be a hunter."

"I knew you were wearing a leather breastplate or something? Like thick robes? You don't wear heavy armor when you're a hunter."

"It's no different than a typical Hunter magician's gear."

Because I asked you to make it that way.

"I knew I'd put more emphasis on functionality than I looked... I can't ignore my defenses and mobility, but trying to fill both makes me really boneless..."

We would be able to hunter in dresses, but I know it's not usually the case.

What our gear needs is not defense, but ease of movement… but most importantly whether it looks like a normal hunter. I don't care what you're wearing at a time when you cross my boundaries, I think it's pointless.

Although it is similar to what Tieta aims for because of its emphasis on appearance in a way, its direction is very different.

Though if the hunters start to include the item "Fashionable" in their status, they may be looking for fashionable.

"Strong demonic materials make it light and strong."

"Well, then, it doesn't make sense. More than anything, I can't handle it."

"I've heard of wearing clasps under clothes, and why don't you think about how you can consolidate your protection where you can't see it?

"You have that idea. You might be able to wear some fashionable clothes on top of that."

That said, someone would already be thinking about that. In any case, a clasp has already been developed that can be worn by mages.

But Thieta seems to have something to hook up with, and yeah, she's thinking about something with a groan.

"Don't you think Ayrnage wants to be stylish or something?

"What do you think? Because survival is our priority."

"I'd like Ciel to be stylish."

"Oh, I want Ayn to have a cute outfit, don't I? And there's not a lot of cuteness these days."

"I've been dressed up in a lot of places."

Talking to Ciel sideways about Tieta snapping and something, someone came a little further away from Tieta on the opposite side.

Take a look, Bertina was coming to sit down with her nappies, so I wave her gently.

Parra, anyway, because it doesn't seem compatible with Tieta. Bertina has waved back modestly after rounding her eyes to her surprise.

While I was doing that, a teacher of magic props came.

The name of the teacher of magic props is Liens Coaltro.

He's a former court magician, but he was obsessed with the charm of magic props, and he quit as a court magician and became a school lecturer? I guess I wasn't on the princess's list of talented people, so as a court magician I couldn't leave so much results. Maybe he went the way of the magic props because he can't leave results as a court magician.

Well, it's just an unfounded reflection on the status quo, though I can't help it if that was the case.

Dr. Lewens is a 40-year-old or so man with mixed gray hair with glasses, and he has that kind of vibe, bright or calm.

"For the first time today, I'm going to talk about the basics of magic props, but first of all, can anyone see the difference between a 'magician' system that is also in a profession and a magician that doesn't have a profession?

When Dr. Lewens asks the students, several students raise their hands.

Side by side because I don't know. I probably won't raise my hand even if I know it.

"One is that if you don't have a profession, you need a special magic item to make a magic item. Then there are magic artifacts that can only be made by a magician."

The teacher nods back to the answer of a student whose name is unknown.

"That's two things to say to the big mess. As something you can't make without a magician first, the famous one is the magic bag. It depends on the size, but they also say you can't make it without a skilled magician.

And then they say you can't make magic props that protect the throne without a magician. "

"It's a weird story about magic props that inhibit the use of magic."


"By the way, Ayn can't seem to make a magic bag, but is it okay?

Ciel asks to tease me. The slightly mean way to put it may sound disgusting depending on what you hear, but I know that's not what this is about in Ciel.

I've already been thinking about this area, and I'm sure I can make a magic bag.

The trust in the name of that certainty is heavy, but I don't think Ciel cares if he probably can't make it. Nevertheless, to some extent I imagine the way to do it. Though I don't know how to make regular magic props, so I'll start there.

"I'm talking about whether I can do it depending on my job (...) business (...), so I'm wondering if I can do it."

"You can't tell me, can you?

'Cause I'd be embarrassed if I couldn't.'

"Oh, you want to see Ayn shy, too?

"I don't want to be seen here."

"Ko (...) n (...) and (...) ko (...),"

I know what you're trying to say, though Ciel's kind of in the mood. Because it's like saying it's good to embarrass me about something else.

But if Ciel is happy with it, I'm going to put up with it for a little while. Though I'm not going to pretend to be shy.

I'm ashamed of what I'm ashamed of, so I hope you don't.

"Then if your profession is not a magician, you need to use this magic feather pen."

That's how you showed me the feather pen, a feather pen that at first glance doesn't have any weird philosophy. If so, would the wings used be of unusually good quality?

But that's something special. To the point that I don't know if I can say magic props, it's something special.

"When I try to use this magic prop, I suck this magic out on my own and turn it into ink. Write a magic formation with that ink or you won't be a magic prop.

I'm supposed to buy it at the temple or church, but I'm supposed to rent it out while I'm at school, so I don't have to have it. Hand it out in the next class and collect it in the last class so you don't lose or break it. "

"You buy it at church, right?

"I made that one because it's probably a divine relationship."

Oh, you are.

'Cause there's such an atmosphere'

I have a godly presence that is difficult but indescribable to say anything about.

Structurally in the world, it would be better to defeat demons and consume a lot of demon stones, so the creation and use of demon stones, the epitome of demon stone consumption, must be divinely recommended.

"I'm not a magician. This pen is very useful and very inspiring. When you first tried to make magic props, you didn't know this pen existed.

I've been trying to make it look good, but I don't know what I can't do. After researching it, I finally got to this pen, and from then on, as a court magician, you said it was a falling out. I don't know how great the magic props are... "

"Doctor! Can you please move on?

I get an indication from the previous seat to Dr. Lewens, who started talking to me early.

I thought you were a moderate teacher, but you actually look like a demon geek. He's not even a magician, but he looks like he's got a court magician on his neck, and an hour would be easy to crush if he let him talk about the magic magician for real.

Which would be longer than Carol or Mia's sorcery rigging? So much so that the enthusiasm is amazing.

And then, when I was talking fast, I got a somewhat muddy impression.

I wondered why people like this are doing teachers, but maybe there aren't many other teachers I can teach you about magic props.

Apparently she returned it to me. Dr. Lewens coughed up and then started writing something.

"I want you to somehow think about what you want to make from now on because in this class, which is elementary, you're going to be making and submitting something simple magic props. And once you decide, tell me what to make."

Then while Dr. Lewens ran wild from time to time, the Demon Prop class was over.

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