Two as One Princesses

168. Puppet magic and chatter

"Yes, that's good!

"You're in puppet magic class."

Day four of school. Ciel's great fate, the puppet magic class, has finally arrived.

Ciel's tension has been high since morning, and Ciel's expectations are even higher because of yesterday's last hunter's studies being boring.

I think it's a good opportunity to talk to Senior Muñetika, except for puppet magic. I think I can hear an interesting story because I'm the first active S-class hunter to meet.

"You're in such a good mood."

"I have a puppet magic class today."

"I'm looking forward to that."

Mia smiles back too when she sees that Ciel seems to enjoy herself.

Then, as I noticed something, keep going.

"Then will you make Dear Einsel's doll?

"I wonder what will happen? But maybe we'll make it?

"If so, could you give the wax a doll for the ladies, too?

"Good, but why not?

"I want to decorate your room."

Ciel puts her neck on the sudden suggestion. I also want to tear my neck off.

But if you ask me if I want a Ciel doll, I'll do my best to affirm it, so I don't even know how I feel. But you don't need my doll.

They may think it's just different colors, but that's not true. Ciel is Ciel and I am me.

Ciel also promises "of which" that Mia's words could be digested within herself.

"Sure would like to keep Ayn's doll where I see it all the time."

"I don't think I have to put anything else down"

"Unlike Ein, I can hardly see Ein, can I? Don't you think it's as good as a doll?

I was just embarrassed to decorate my doll, so I rejected it with firm will, but I can't think of a word to give back to Ciel for what he said.

When I'm not on the table, I'm pretty free to move, but that's not what Ciel seems to be, so it goes over the mirror to see me clearly.

If I were in the opposite position, I would think about the doll, and I might not have been as motivated as I was in the first place in the mansion of Rispergia.

So give up and say, 'Okay. Fine,' he returns, "thank you" with a smile as if a small flower had blossomed.

"But you have to go to school first."

"Is it that time already? Well, then, Mia, it's time to go."

"Yes, you're not coming"

Mia dropped me off and headed to the school building.

I met Bertina when I was heading to the classroom in the morning.

Is it okay that in the end there are five people living on this floor (5th floor) with us, Bertina and Lulinia and Leenaetra and Seniors Muñetica?

I wonder if Bertina will be the only student who is doing it purely because Lulinia and Leenaetra will have a Princess Lessimiyea relationship, Senior Muñetika is a person on the school side, and we are us. As far as its Bertina listens too, though she doesn't want to study it seriously.

I meet that Bertina and talk to her pompous and she goes to school but the classroom is different, so she breaks up soon.

I'm sure you had a gloomy face when you broke up, because you don't have any friends in the same class. I want you to live strong.

I decided to head to the puppet magic class today and again because I almost just had to confirm my attendance without any particular contact.

Although I'm usually on the table in the morning, Ciel is the main one because I have puppet magic this morning. This afternoon will be the day Ciel will be on the table for the whole day because there is only combat training.

Ciel was reluctant, but all this has nothing to do with class. Depending on the number of puppet magic students, you can switch with me from time to time.

Well, the puppet magic class is behind the magic building. I saw a few along the way, but when I got to the front, no one was there. If you don't speak or hear, you don't hear footsteps or anything.

Really puppet magic seems unpopular. That would mean underrated. Sometimes it seems that classes don't open in the first place to remind me of Senior Muñetika's story.

"You're here."

Entering the puppet magic class, he was greeted by the voice of a high girl.

Only senior Munyechka is in the classroom. It feels like I've explored it. They don't have any other dolls today.

I'm glad I'm around Dr. Semiette, but maybe the state I'm in is a pain in the ass.

"Here we go. I'm Ciel Mail."

"I wonder if you are the main character. I know you do, but it's Muñetika."

I wondered what stance Ciel would go with, but he decided to deal with it normally because he would name it Cielmail. Let's try to be good because I feel like I have some managerial courtesy or something, but I won't show you how Senior Muñetika cared in particular.

More than that, Senior Muñetika's statement seems to have made Ciel a little grumpy.

"No, no. No, it's not. Which one of us is the Lord or not? This body belongs to me and to Ain."

"I see. Sounds like a difficult relationship. I'm sorry."

"I hope you understand. It's true that Ein came to me."

"Yeah, yeah. Well, good to see you again, Siermail."

"Nice to meet you today, Muñetika"

We exchanged greetings again, and when Ciel sat in one of the spare seats, Senior Muñetika sat next to him.

"Are we the only ones taking classes?

"Are we the only ones coming?

"I'm not coming. I can't believe we're taking puppet magic classes, because none of the drunken students are."

"Really? I'm supposed to have lived normally, aren't I?

"With all that ability, you're just crazy enough to say that."

Ciel hangs his neck, but he can't deny it. In this case, it may be more right that I am drunk than that of Ciel. Because he kept doing his magic research without going to bed.

Nevertheless, I don't think that Ciel's strengths line up in the same age without me, so when it comes to liking, you'll like it.

"Shall we start the class with that?"

"You kind of suddenly start?

"Because no one else is coming. Honestly, I don't think there's anything I can teach you, and I think it's more meaningful to be chatting."

"But I want to learn puppet magic."

"Puppet magic will probably be available by the end of the day."

That's how Senior Muñetika takes out enough dolls to get on her knees.

"So this is the doll we use in puppet magic, do you know how to use it?

"Hmm... can I touch it?

"Oh, because it's the one I made for the material. You can touch me if you like. It's not a hobby, but it's easy to understand."

Get permission and Ciel starts touching the doll. It was slippery and I thought something for a moment, but maybe this is made of wood. I think it's the same as the touch of a carefully scratched tree.

She was dressed in a blue dress, but Ciel didn't hesitate to take it off. Because if I don't, I can't even look into it.

Besides, Senior Muñetika won't say anything, so it's probably okay.

When I could take off my dress, I was thorough in my underwear, but I could see that there was a magic formation painted on my back.

Then the demon stone also seems to be used, in short, there will be no mistake that this is a form of demonic prop.

Because all you have to do is decipher the magic formation, so you'll know how to use it right away. Although it could be a hassle because there are two magic formations.

"I see. I hope so."

and Ciel also immediately understand and activate the magic formation. They don't use ink that makes the example magic easier to pass, and Ciel runs the magic the same way he always does.

As for how this doll works, first activate the magic formation - those who do not need it as a magic prop. Then the magic formation as a magic prop is also activated automatically, and the thread of magic stretches from the doll. That, combined with the magic formations that activated it, will allow you to move the doll like a marionette.

Unlike the actual marionette, it doesn't pull and move the threads that are connected, it can be moved by magic manipulation, but until you get used to it, it seems that the movement of the fingers and the movement of the doll interact. When you bend your right index finger, it winks or something like that.

But Ciel has already moved it with some magic manipulation alone. He's letting the usual Ciel dance, though a little shabby, and the doll is spinning as he twirls.

"You see. I've already finished more than half my class."

"Wouldn't it be too easy?

"Ordinary students can't just move a doll with magic moves. You can't activate this doll's magic formation in the first place.

Enough to activate the Magic Formation if you're good. "

"Is that going to be a class?

"I'm supposed to pay for Doyle as a magic prop and write a magic team on it. You're the first to learn what kind of magic formation you need and what kind of ink you want to use often."

"Is ink different? We're not familiar with it."

Instead of using regular ink, I used a magic formation or whatever I drew with shoes on the ground, so the area is refreshing.

Senior Munyechka reacts to the senior-style that said "I guess so" without looking surprised.

"From the fact that I don't know anything, can I say that it's the first time I've known about its existence since I enrolled in school?

"Yeah. Ein said it was too easy to activate the magic team in some class and the other way around."

"You guys - especially Einsel - activate it to breathe, right? I think it was probably generic ink that was used at the time."

"There's more, isn't there?

"I don't care what kind, it's enough to change it depending on what you write the magic formation on. What they call generic, they don't choose what they write. It can be used in addition to paper to be exact, but other than paper, the effect is slightly diminished. If the amount of effect is 10 when I use it on paper, it would be about 7 when I use it in addition.

Otherwise, it will be tailored to each material. If you want to use it for this doll, use it for a tree. I can give you about 9 if you use it on a tree, but I can't give you 2 otherwise. "

"Sounds like it would be easier to keep it general purpose."

"Right. So normally I don't study that much. Writing besides paper makes it a little harder to shed magic, that's about it.

The ink used for the magic props is special again, so they only teach details about puppet magic or golem magic. "

I see. Subtle when asked to use it honestly, although I'm convinced. I have never felt any inconvenience before, so I don't think I will get my hands on it unless Ciel wants to try it.

"Well, you don't seem to be using it."

"You wouldn't use it. When you get used to ink, magic manipulation can be rough, and it's only for auxiliary use. I don't know what you're saying, though. I usually use both ink and cane.

Now, back to class, the goal of the class is to be able to move the doll somewhat freely, so all we have to do is teach you how to get the doll. "

"Wouldn't you like to make a doll?

"I'll make it. But it's not like the average student can make it. I have to be able to make magic props first, and when I get to that point, I don't have enough time, because I'm going to be in another class."

"Is that why you're not popular?

Senior Munyechka laughed hahahaha and nodded at Siel, who clearly said so.

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