Two as One Princesses

176. First battle against Parra and Bertina

"Ain, what should I do with this?

There's still a distance, so let's see if they notice. If you don't notice how close it is, I hope that Ciel will practice her sword as an avant-garde. "

What if you notice?

If there is time to give instructions, let Siel buy some time and have the two of us take them down. If it doesn't work for a while, let's take it down at Siel's discretion.

Okay. But can Parra attack Vertina properly anyway?

"Does it feel like you're going to see it? So I can think of a place to stand at the party."

Even if you say something is coming, you can afford it because it's a deviant wind goblin. I think we can protect both of them at the Goblin level - even if we think about it at the Eilnage level - even if hundreds of them come.

So I can afford it, and I'm more afraid of two attacks coming from behind - friendly fires. It also prevents everything. No matter how advanced they are, if they are attacked by people who have no combat experience, they can also be prevented by Eilnage. Speaking of which, how does a bow job defeat a high-ranking monster?

If it is a melee weapon such as a sword or spear, the blade - whether unconscious or conscious - can be covered with magic or the power of a profession to increase sharpness. Even if you are not a fighter, you will certainly be able to do the same as long as you look at the faces of the bunch of fools. Nevertheless, since my job is less effective than that, what kind of skill does it feel like to deceive me?

It's a bow, but even if you can strengthen it, it's difficult to reinforce the arrows that shoot. Melee weapons can be enhanced because they are held directly in hand, so it seems that there is a different story about arrows that get away from the body. I don't know much about that area. Because I can't use magic types to attack.

But if you try to reinforce it with arrows, you don't feel like entering the magic realm. That's why it seems like only bowmen and hunters and special professions can use it. I think I can defeat Wolf even with a regular bow, so if Parra works hard to fight any more monsters, that's fine. Perhaps we don't use bows.

I think the sword used by Siel is rarely used after school. No matter what you think, Sierra is better at handling magic.

While I was thinking about it, the Goblins were approaching, and I wondered if it was time for both of them to sense it, so Vertina began to shuffle. I looked at Siel and Parra like I said something.

And I realized that Parra said, "Belle, what's going on?" Vertina starts explaining to her how she remembered what was going on after a moment of happiness. In the meantime, Siel was taking out a fine sword.

"I wonder what. Little - like a dwarf, it's coming this way...!

You seem to have noticed.

"What? Huh?... ah!

When Parra noticed that the situation was late because of Vertina's words, she said, "I will stop you, so please take them down from behind."

As soon as I heard that, it would have been a splendid thing to put into combat, but it seems that both of us have not yet reached that point, and the tension has hardened and we can't move. In the meantime, the green dwarf, Goblin, appeared.

He rang with a deafening voice, and when he found Siel, he ran at a glance. There was a clumsy stick in his hand that could be called a thick wooden stick, and I thought he had approached at an early pace, so I shook the stick.

When she puts her sword on the stick, she slowly pulls and parries the attack. It is interesting that the stick moves as if it were pulled by a sword of Sierra. There is little impact on us, and I am impressed that I can do this without fully using Mai Hime's powers.

Goblin smashed the ground with a stick, and for a moment he looked stunned without knowing what had happened, but soon he noticed what he had done, and he shook the stick angrily. Sil distanced herself from the two back guards as she stepped on it.

These two finally catch up, and each starts to prepare for an attack.

What if I hadn't seen her move before? Or I'm wondering if I can't help it because of the beauty of Sierra.

Though not serious, I think the two of you are lucky to have seen Sierra's beautiful work, so I'll leave you to the latter.

Sil can spare much time to attack, parry, and occasionally counterattack as if dancing with a goblin. It will be fine to leave it alone, and in case the Goblin hits, it won't go through the damage.

Rather, the two of them in the back are unable to afford it. Parra, who is squeezing her bow, is nervous and can't target the moving goblin. Vertina is slow to activate one magic trick at a time in Vertina, but she is aiming for the day after tomorrow and there is no sign of hitting it. I feel like I can't defeat a goblin if I hit it. I've been watching the situation for a while, but I decided to call Siel because it's not likely to catch fire.

Sil, can you make the Goblin move a little less?

"Yes, but... you can't aim for it."

After a quick look at the rear guard, it seems that Siel noticed the situation and changed his movements. Previously, we focused on avoidance, but now we turn to the attack to block the opponent's movement. Try knocking the stick that you tried to shake first, or cutting it where the goblin tried to step in. It may be because the opponent is a goblin, but this time the goblin moves less.

I think this is possible because Sierra knows the rhythm of Goblin's movements. Sil said that there is a rhythm of attacking everyone, and by moving along with it, you can cope with most things. And by breaking the opponent's rhythm, both movement and movement can be stopped. I don't feel like I can do it because I'm a Maiko with a lot of combat experience.

Now that the situation had changed and the two attacks had finally begun to strike, the time was running out, as if they were torture, so Sierra put Goblin to sleep in peace with a merciful blow.

There were scuffs all over the remains of the cut goblins, burned and cut halfway. They were torturing each other like that, and they were breathing on their shoulders, and they said, "Are you done? He looked at us anxiously. Sil took out the Goblin magic stone and burned the remains of the two of them in confusion. After routine work, by the time Sierra went to them, they were both calm.

"Thank you very much."

Yeah. Good day.

"Good work...."

It seems that Vertina, who is feeling sorry for Parra, is feeling her own indifference. Considering the first fight, I think it's enough, but they didn't think so.

It was tough, but it was so cute when I remembered Ain back then.

She was dressed up.

If so, I'd be happy. But I was convinced that Ein was protecting me.

I wish I had been able to help Sierra.

It's kind of embarrassing that I'm going to give it back to someone who's a little groovy. My cheeks must have turned red when I appeared on the front. Such a cover-up seemed to have found out to Siel, and it was even more embarrassing because she just made an expression that she didn't know.

Then, when she saw the two with dark expressions, she called out as if she had come up with something.

"I think there are some things I think, but you should get used to it gradually."

"That may be true, but...."

"I will give you this to commemorate your safe return."

That said, I gave Parra the Goblin magic stone that she had just taken out. Parra stared seriously at the magic stone, but she shook her head to the left and right without trying to accept it.

"I can't. This should be kept by Aernage."

"If that's the case, I'll give you this, so please take down the goblin while you're at school and return it."

The monster's magic stone that was defeated for the first time. I think it is perfect for commemoration. We don't need it, but it's going to have a special meaning for Parra.

Sometimes she couldn't pull it off, or when Parra broke and tried to reach out, she and Parra noticed that Vertina looked envious. It seems that Parra noticed it and turned away.

I wonder if magic stones can be processed?

It was smaller when I used it on magic tools, so I think I could do it.


"That's right. I'll keep this for you once. Then I'll find a way to process it, and then I'll give it to you both, so please return it someday."

After she had finished saying that, she started to move, "We won't make it back in time," without waiting for both of them to react. As she watched the two of them coming in a hurry, she questioned Siel.

Why did you think I'd let you go so far?

I just remembered.

"What are you doing?

Look, when I first got asked to be a hunter, Ain said it was good to collect herbs at first, right?

I told you. Speaking of hunters, I thought, "

As a hunter, it's an adventurous feeling in the story of the previous life, but I remember how much I wanted to do because of it.

That's why I thought it was important to start. In retrospect, what I did with Ain for the first time is an important memory of everything. "

That's true. Shall we continue to do a lot of things? "

"But if Ain were here, I wouldn't have to do the first thing, would I?

Isn't that boring? I thought so, but that day. If that day lasted forever, I couldn't help but think that it was very attractive.

"Tomorrow is my first day off from school."

At the end of the day, Dr. Crawler talks about tomorrow's holiday in the home room after returning to Class A. It was just the right time to return after defeating the Goblin. Then, when she split back, her expression of sorrow seemed to indicate her situation in the class, and her sympathy boiled slightly. I want you to live strong.

"People who are looking forward to it, people who are thinking about doing a lot of things, people who are thinking about taking a break, I think it's each of them, but be careful how you spend it. You can go out of school, but do not be ashamed of yourself as a student.

Especially if you're thinking of working as a hunter. No, but don't cause trouble. I want you to act to protect yourself if you get involved, but don't cause any problems from yourself! That's good. "

I wonder if there were people who caused problems every year, or if there were people who caused some kind of big problem. There is no denying that there are people in this class who are likely to cause problems. I have a verse in mind, but I'm sure that Einage is also counted as one of the problem children.

If it seems easy to get caught up in problems, it is already caught up at the time of the acceptance announcement, and I think that it is often more recognized as a problem child to get caught up in such a time.

Honestly, I'm not sure I'm in any trouble. Because I thought that only two people in this class might be causing problems.

On this day, I was told to come to school properly at the end of the holiday and was dissolved.

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