Two as One Princesses

Vertina's past and school life (before) * Vertina

Me - Vertina suddenly told her father to leave the house. If I talked properly, the flow would be different, but when I heard the story, Bell was worried, but I also felt reassured.

When I was born, my father and mother were happy at first. I remember my noble father angrily saying that he was happy about Belle because he had the idea that "the amount of magic must be a noble thing".

It changed after the magic class began. The amount of magic grew steadily, and it was so much higher than the aristocratic standard, but no matter how hard I tried, my father began to yell at me. Soon there was no magic class, and her mother stopped looking at Bell.

Then I began to pull myself into the room and always looked for signs of my father. Because if you face to face, they will yell at you. I didn't have to yell at you, but I looked nasty and it seemed frustrating. As soon as I felt scared, scared, and my father approaching the room, I hid under the bed. I was eating alone in the room, not eating together.

But I couldn't eat decent food, so I blew it off one day and sneaked to the kitchen to have my meal divided. Since I started to leave the room, I began to explore my father's movements more and occasionally I was yelled at when I looked at him, so I went back to the room crying.

The day when I was to be taught a profession after such days had lasted for some time. In other words, on Bell's 10-year-old birthday, Bell could see things he had never seen before. I didn't notice it at first, but when I was looking for signs of my daddy's routine, I found that something pale was attached to a lot of things. The color in the air was somewhat dim, and the closest thing to the magic equipment was dark. When I looked in the mirror, I found something blue and white in the bell.

Then I rushed to see if your father was approaching, and I could feel the pale beyond the wall. I realized that the blue and white thing was magical, especially when I realized that there were signs of strong blue and white things approaching. When I realized that I was approaching your father, I saw it, understood that it was magic, and decided to hide in the corner of the room.

Then a few seconds later, the door of the room was violently opened and I heard your father yelling, "Vertina, come out." Normally, I look around the room lightly and only call me on that day to pull my face back right away, so I show up in a trembling voice, even though I'm scared - I thought it would suit my scarier eyes later if I kept quiet - "I wonder, Father."

I thought you were looking at me as if I was coming out, and I smiled with my nose and handed you a piece of paper.

"Besides, if it's enough to cast magic, can you do it?

"Ha, yes...."

"Do it now!

That's what your frustrating father said, reflexively exudes magic. Even a bell that doesn't handle magic well can't help it. I can use my magic team even if I'm not good at it. It takes a lot of time to activate, and even if it is activated, it doesn't have much effect, but even if it is activated, magic can flow.

Looking at the magical paper, it said only one line: [Bertina Chilandia Professional Magic Eye]. I had never heard of the profession of magic eye use, but I quickly understood what it was. It's probably because of this magical eye that magic began to be seen this morning.

Your father snatched the paper I had, and he looked like, "Magic Eyes?". It seems to have been a profession your father didn't know either.

"Has anything changed since this morning?

Your father asked me, but Bell didn't return anything. It can be said that nothing could be returned.

Your father left the room as if he had lost interest in Bell, judging that nothing had changed.

In a room alone, comfortable as if the storm had left. While complaining to your father in my heart, I kept hitting the pillow.

After I learned my profession, my father stopped coming to my room. I found out when I left the room to pick up food - my profession made it easier to move around the house than before - and apparently your father cares about me. Because I don't really know the profession of magic eye use, and I thought maybe there was a good use for it.

When I found out, I thought that Bell had made the right choice. Because if people know that magic eye use is a profession that can be used in this way, they will have more opportunities to meet your father. I wanted to live quietly, preferably without seeing my father for the rest of my life.

After that, I was able to live a peaceful life. It turns out that Bell is bad at magic because the circuits inside Bell are shorter than others. Your father and others seem to have circuits going all the way to the tip of your finger, but Bell doesn't have such fine circuits going around. When I remember what the teacher said, the circuit is short, so there is less magic that can be used at once, and magic cannot be used well. Maybe that's why it doesn't work. I don't know what I can do with it.

The situation changed about two years after your father almost ceased to be interested in me, when Belle entered school. Until then, I had forgotten about the school, but I suddenly came to my father and said, "I'm ashamed to have you name Chilandia. I will let you go to the second school with at least mercy, and leave the Chilandia family as your last freedom." It wasn't just words, but even magic contracts. I wanted her to leave the house in earnest.

For Bell, who has lived in this house since he was born, it is very difficult for Bell to leave the house, and there is a lot of anxiety, but it was very comforting to think that I don't need to see my father anymore.

I don't think I need to see your father anymore, but I have an unprecedented sense of openness, I feel like I can do anything, and I can read the magic contract with a clear mind.

It says, "Bell will not be allowed to call himself a Chilandia family, and will cease to be related to the Chilandia family." "Bell will instead enter the second school, and the Chilandia family will pay so that they can live freely in the second school." "This contract ends when they graduate, drop out, or leave the second school = they will be expelled from the Chilandia family."

Belle was alone, but he studied a lot. To be precise, I secretly borrowed a book and read it in vain. Some of them were written about the Second School, so I somehow know what it is. That's why Belle checked that his father's signature was already there and then talked to him with the feeling that he could do anything.

"You're free while you're at school, right?

"That's the last mercy."

"In other words, you can pull yourself in freely, so you can live in the best room, right?

Hang on a second.

"I don't think I can keep pulling in the other room. I can't eat unless I go to school at least. If your father can live without eating, Bell won't say anything."

"... okay. But don't get on your nerves."

I was suddenly terrified of what I had done after I dropped your father off with a bitter face, but the contract was signed and he had to put Bell in school. Otherwise, the contract will be effective.

After a while, Bell was to enter a second school.

When the admission to the second school was decided and Belle was put into the dormitory, he was immediately sent to the dormitory with as much freedom as possible. I took the entrance exam normally and passed it on my own, but I was able to get into the dormitory faster than others because of my father's use of connections. As for Bell, who was scared and couldn't see his surroundings when he met a lot of strangers in the entrance exam, it was a great pleasure to follow him silently. Yeah, that's exactly what I couldn't say. I didn't want to be angry with your father any more.

When my father told me when I entered the dorm, "When I left this school, you weren't my daughter anymore", a strange sense of liberation was accompanied by a strange weight in my stomach.

Beginning with dormitory life, Belle started practicing to be able to live alone. This is the next best room for royalty in the dormitory of the Second School, and it's equipped to live on their own. You can cook, wash, and take a bath. Actually, I can't even shop. When I tell her what I want, she will bring it to the front of the room the next day. The Chilandia family is supposed to pay for what Bell bought, so I'm not going to make it luxurious, but I'm going to buy as much as I need.

I brought a lot of food that I could store when I entered the dorm, so I'm fine for a while, but I don't have a servant like when I was at home. Even if you think about what you have to do after leaving school, it shouldn't be a bad thing to practice from now on. If you can't cook, you'll run out of food, but fortunately Belle, who was sneaking to the kitchen to get his meal, knows it to some extent.

The first few times I failed and suffered minor injuries, and it wasn't delicious, but after three times a day for a few days, I was able to make something that I could eat quite well. Sometimes I kept pulling and pulling, and I managed to do the laundry, cleaning and bathing on my own.

Then I noticed that the entrance ceremony was approaching and I had to leave the room. I was getting used to another life, and I was wondering if it would be all right if I stayed like this, but that didn't happen.

There were materials for the entrance ceremony, so I hurried to find it and read the contents. It's good to know how to teach classes from before, and it's good to know where Bell's class is, but I have something to say about a party. I... brought a dress that I didn't have eyes on, but nobody else could wear it except Bell, so I thought I'd never wear it.

On the contrary, wasn't school meant to be with strangers for a long time?

I forgot that I enjoyed my drawstring life. Do I have to talk to someone I don't know? Shouldn't I pull it? If you quit school, you won't be able to live like this, so you have to try not to.

Thinking further ahead, I have to think about what happened after I left school. Suddenly, I felt uneasy about the future. Let's keep it quiet today.

It's over. It kind of ended before Bell knew it. I just went to the entrance ceremony and came back, but everyone else in the class seemed to have a good friend, but Belle was left behind, and at the party, I was just waiting for the end.

And I found you at the party, Alclay. Belle was never taken out as a disgrace to the Chilandia family, but he was taken out several times. It was a gathering of children as old as Bell, and Alclay knew why Bell was falling and always bullied. Besides, Alclay, your Tweethel family is in a better position, and your father didn't help you - perhaps the Tweethel family is in a better position to help you. After that, I would have been angry at the house - but every time I saw her, I came to Belle and watched until I felt comfortable.

That's why I thought my heart would stop when I found him, and Belle was running around with all his might to make sure he never found him.

Then class starts and Belle is all alone in the fun talking around him. I didn't care about it at first, but my shoulders get narrower when all around me seems to be having fun. While I was talking fun next door, I was sorry if Bell was next door, and I was scared because it was big from everybody, and I felt scared when I made a loud noise.

But I wondered if I could take a break from class in the future, and I even felt very happy to be alone when I went back to my room.

In the meantime, I met someone who changed my life in a magic circle class that I took on the second day of school.

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