Two as One Princesses

184. The World, God, and Punishment

"If something happens in this world, is it that the various worlds are overflowing?

"This is going to happen temporarily. More vicious than the so-called Demon King was born, and heaven and earth mutated. It's going to be a little troublesome for God (I) to create a new world right away, but with your senses, hundreds of years will be dangerous days for people."

"In my previous life, were there frequent earthquakes or more typhoons?

"It is possible that a monster may be born, but that is generally the case. So in some parts of the world, people may be extinct. Even if that happens, it ends with a lack of effort on the part of the people in the world."

It seems like a God of creation, or a God for the world. I feel like I said it before, but God of Creation is not a God for people. Apparently, Asharose and other gods who listen to their names on earth are for people - or mythical gods.

It seems to me that creative god stance is better, but it is a taboo story now, as the freedom of individuals. Even so far, I can predict to some extent what constitutes a contraindication, but in order to be sure, it is important to position people.

"Well, we're talking about this world, but we didn't originally plan to have people."

"Monsters alone are likely to accomplish the purpose of this world."

"I've calculated and made it. That was the first time that this world was just a world of monsters without fi and spirits. It changed because people came to this world."

"Are you saying that the first person came from another world?

"He seems to have escaped from a place not under God's jurisdiction. I was going to leave this world basically unattended, so I was late to notice. When I realized it, I was getting used to the life of this world."

Man came from God of Creation, unexpectedly. Or rather, outside the recognition of the Creator God. Visitors from the world created by God of Creation would soon know. At this point, it turns out that there is at least one more pillar of God who is making the world like the Creator God, but is that good? It has nothing to do with this world today.

"Didn't you rule it out?

"At first, I thought about it, but when God (I) realized it, he even made it like a prototype of the magic equipment now, so I decided the rules and allowed it to settle down. It's forbidden to break that rule."

That will be the case. It was also found that the magic equipment was in a special standing position. Magic objects that move with Magic Stones promote purification in a sense, as do people who defeat monsters to get them. My role is to make the purification stronger, but I think it is a standing position where creative gods have to be there, but there is no problem.

"It was the Spirit who sent people - along with other animals - to create a world where they weren't supposed to live. In addition to securing the habitat of the monster that was reduced by the increase in the number of people, it was the nest that was built to make it difficult for powerful monsters to be born in the living area of people. Fianamia is in charge of the nest, and now there is a place under it named Keatoui and you."

Nod and answer the words of the Creator God. Did he show mercy that those who decided to let him live would not be able to endure extinction easily, or was he asked to do so by another God? If it is the latter, I would like to say to the god that it has done well... is that really disrespectful?

"I think you're better off in a divine position. You can say that you have a shield called God, so no other God can do anything bad."

"That's how it feels. How many creative gods are there?

"The body of God is the highest group. This god (me) is a superior god."

I see. So what happens to me?

"Ultimately, it could be a little lower than me. I don't know what's going on in this world by then."

It's a long story.

"That's what it is. Now, let's get back to it."

Nod back to the Word of the Creator. It may be better to worry about it one day, but I don't think I can handle it even if the time for people's lives has passed, rather than today or tomorrow, so I have no reason to ask now because it is strong.

"Even if I say forbidden in a word, who made it, what God (I) made is that people continue to live a life dependent on magic stones - and that's a big contradiction."

"The development of magic equipment that does not require magic stones, the invention of energy instead of magic stones, and in some way inhibiting the development of monsters?"

"I guess so. Not so long as it's not massive, but anything that changes the world in that direction is against the rules."

What about the efficiency of the energy used in magic equipment?

If this doesn't work, I think it's okay to a certain extent because what I've done will be out. It may have been missed in particular.

"Safe if I use Magic Stones for now. No matter how efficient it is... the more efficient it is, the more it reaches more people, and the total amount of use increases. I recognize some of the energy that replaces Magic Stones. Otherwise, you might not be able to cook by burning trees.

But for example, thermal power generation, hydroelectric power generation, and so on violate the rules. As a standard, things like magic stones will be fine in the future, and things like magic stones can't be replaced. "

In other words, electricity itself is not bad, but it is acceptable if it is generated using magic stones. Instead, I will use a lot of magic stones, so I may be happy with creative gods. Looking at the Creator God and checking, he smiles.

Even if I could make electricity, I don't know how to handle it, so I want you to find it naturally and spread it.

"Then it's called another taboo, but it's something that was decided by the gods born in this world - the first people to come down here - and it has nothing to do with God."

"Wait a minute."

Waiting for a sudden cumming-out. I thought about it as a possibility, and there was a myth that people became gods when I thought of the previous life, so it wasn't so much that there was no flash, but I still couldn't catch up with my head when I was suddenly asked.

In the meantime, God is the original person.

"They are children who are recognized as gods in this world."

"... the gods who don't make any sense are known by their names."

"Maybe there's a record or something. They became gods because they believed in people and they had all kinds of conditions. It's a little different from you, some sort of natural occurrence."

"They're closer gods to people."

"For them, the human race in this world is like a child."

At least it must be descendants, and I understand that I want to help if I can. In any case, I would have actively helped you in the past.

It is very different from the stance of the Creative God, but it does not conflict with the degree of forgiveness of the Creative God.

"What is the difference between the taboos of the Creator God and their taboos?

"Gentlemen, in the eyes of man, it would be good to say that punishment will come only from what God (I) has decided."

"Was it a contraindication, or a request, if Master Ashalose said so?"

"There are no particular penalties for breaking it. It would be a kind of penalty for God not to have a better face in a higher place, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't mind."

No matter how taboo they are, they will not die unless it is what the Creator has decreed. I do not intend to touch the taboo more actively, and I am not familiar with the taboo decided by the Asharose people in the first place.

"Well, it's turning into a wreck. If you're worried, I think you should ask him... but I don't know if he'll listen because he's teasing me."

"Ah, after all... the god you're teasing is like Ashalose."

It seems that only Ashalose will give the deity, so it is also Ashalose who has given the taboo. And I think maybe people have teased you because they have made too many contraindications.

"That's it, but she's not the only one who's got a myth."


"Compared to her, there are exceptionally few other children that the church doesn't know about, so that's how they communicate."

Even if I heard about it, it seems that I didn't dare spread it. That's it, this is it. The Church - so to speak - does not deny the beliefs of other gods, but it will move to treat Asharose with special importance.

"Can't they punish you?

"What they can do to the earth is to lay down a consecration, give a little protection... or destroy the city on a massive scale. The last one is not recognized by God, so I won't."

"You can hardly do anything about it."

"Somehow, the power of God is strong. And it's a mess. I'm telling you not to make any mistakes, because this world has a huge impact when it breaks down. Instead, it's like giving them a job system."

Does handing over the occupational system instead of being in a position to do so - and can God determine the occupations to be given to them to some extent? The vocational connection is connected to the power of God because it is proven by Rispergia, and vice versa.

"I wonder if I've given my favorite child a Virgin or an Angel of God. But it's forbidden to give a child that you don't like a proper occupation."

"If you can do that, you'll be able to manipulate the whole person. If you don't believe in yourself, it's not going to be a busy profession, so you can use it as a threat."

"I can't change my profession often in the first place. Especially around Turnorus, because we don't make private career decisions for the time being."

"Heroes and all that sort of thing."

"That's what it is. When a danger of such magnitude as the destruction of a country comes, they choose one to solve it."

"The Creator is a no-touch God."

"I'm not interested. I'm not leaving until I cross the line."

Suppose some great power conquers the world and the Great War begins, it has nothing to do with God of Creation. Because monsters are more dangerous than that, priests who pray to God to prevent monsters from appearing must be more troublesome.

Unlike animals, monsters can occur on a devastated earth, and even if the earth becomes a burning field, the world can continue to play a role.

"I understand the contraindications. By the way, do you know anything about people who are about to commit the taboo of being in school?

"All I know is that you're in school."

"You're in school, right?

"At least I'm sure you were close when you were in school. I don't know any more, and even if you commit a contraindication, it's automatically eliminated, so I don't mind leaving you alone."

"In the position of the Creator, I'm sure it is."

My mother was talking about why she sent us out, but I didn't think she really wanted us to do something about it. I suppose you told us just in time to send us to school. Otherwise, you wouldn't have bothered to go to school.

In this case, we may be in a good position to find the person and listen to him or her on a casual basis.

"But that's right. If you cure a small bud of a world crisis, but don't let it be punished, let me make you one wish. Just as much as I was able to do last time."

Are you sure?

"This is still a god I've been seeing all kinds of people."

I've seen people lose motivation because they've been robbed of their goals. Certainly, there are places where I think that what was originally intended was merely a waste of time, but it is surprising that it will be put on my shoulders. I think there's something behind it, but I don't think the Creator is planning anything against me.

"That's right. If the divine punishment falls, you can't do anything to protect it, so just remember that. You could die if you don't."

"- Okay."

My power does not extend to the power of God, the Creator. I know that there is such a difference in power. But the fact that I went out of my way meant that I was thinking about the possibility of protecting him.

Nevertheless, among the candidates, excluding Sierre, is Parra and Rutina the only one I think I will protect, and Princess? And I don't think anyone can stand up and protect themselves. Anyone but Sierra would say that.

"Well, maybe it's time to go back.

"That's right. I don't want to get too far away from Sierra."

"It hasn't been an hour since you've been here, but it's going to be a little interesting, so I'll be looking forward to it."

For now, I heard what I wanted to hear, so I decided to go back as I was told, but at the end, the Creator God said something disturbing. I wondered what was going on, but I returned to Siel.

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