Two as One Princesses

185. Return and the girl child and the church

When she came back from the Creator God, Siel was still sitting in the chair provided in the temple.The date hasn't changed, but I think you've been waiting here for quite a long time.

But when I came out of the temple and the like, was there any chance that I would not come back?Then I did something bad to Siel.I thought I'd let you spend some free time...I immediately remembered what the Creator said just before I came back here.

"I still think Mr. Asharose is wonderful!

"... I see."

A girl like the one I saw somewhere is talking to Siel.Looks like other Sisters, some sort of luxurious clothing, a child his age.He is smaller among his classmates - bigger than Sierre - and has bright brown hair and mountain-blown eyes.I get the impression of a girl with a bright personality.

The difference in tension between her and Siel is noticeable, and the girl talks pleasantly, whereas Siel doesn't hide her grumpy expression.Wouldn't it be amazing to keep talking to Sierra in a way?

I'm back now.

"Welcome home."

That's how she laughs at me.It would be a pity to think that if it weren't for the temple - if this girl hadn't been here, she would have shown me a lovely expression - she would have welcomed me with a smile.And I don't know why I laughed, so I decided to ask.The girl is obsessed with talking and doesn't seem to be aware of it.

Something strange happened?

I've never seen Ein like this before.That's why I'm a little happy. "

If they say so, maybe so.

When we went home together, I said, "Welcome back" or "I'm home," and so was Sierre, but this is not the situation where she came back from a distance.Could this be the same situation twice in the past?This is my first experience because I couldn't talk to you in this calm mood.

By the way, can I ask you about the situation?I can't even predict it from what I've seen. "

It's not particularly difficult, but I'm just suddenly talking to you and appropriately hammering you.That's why I don't remember much about it.I'm sure I've been doing this all by myself, so I thought I'd come to talk to you. "

Siel would have been sitting there for quite some time, and he would have been interested to know if he had been able to sit there and feel something in the temple.

I don't know if she's moving on her own or if someone told her to approach her, but even though she hasn't asked me to, I'm in trouble even if she talks to me so much.I'm going to hesitate to come to the temple in the future.

"Did you hear who this kid is?

You said it was a silicate of the same class.Looks like one of them was around Jiweld. "

Surely there was someone like that.

I tried not to get involved with Geweld very much, so it was not very impressive, but I did feel like I was there.

It seems that Sierra noticed it because she told us when we turned down the invitation to collect herbs.Jiweld said he heard about it, so there's no doubt that one of us is around him.

She wanted to cherish the spirit of solidarity in the Church, and she didn't have a good impression of us wearing sleeves.And yet, it was surprising or strange that he came to the temple, so he called out.

After that, it's a mystery what our reputation in her is like, because Sierra is handing it off properly.Looking at the current situation, I don't think it's very bad.It seems to have a depth of faith, so you may want to pass on the doctrine and make us.She's around Jiweld, where she breathes, where she finds her virtue.

Today is like my day, can you replace it?

"... okay."

I guess I'm a little upset because I didn't think it would be a good idea to replace it in this bad situation.Otherwise, they'll be happy to replace me.

Even as we switched sides, Siletto kept talking, but decided not to hesitate to interrupt.

"I've been wondering for a while, is Mr. Siletto different from a regular Sister?

"Oh? Yes!I am a candidate for Virgin Mary. "

"Can you be a Virgin later?If I remember correctly, it would have been one of my professions..... "

"I wish I could, but the Virgin I'm talking about here is the Virgin in office."

What kind of work do you work for, not the system profession in this world?Or a title, as she said.Nothing, professional swordsmen can do farmers in this world.

"It is said that in order to become a saint as a profession, we must help and guide many people.But there are very few people who have become saints in this way.It seems that more people are given a profession as a saint from the beginning. "

Acquired occupational changes.Can't you just leave aside whether this Virgin's method is correct or not?When born into royalty, there are exceptions to the profession, so that the profession is fixed in "royalty".Perhaps it is not strange that there is an acquired change.

But basically, I can only tell the profession once at the age of 10, so I can't confirm it.It will be difficult unless there is such an experience where magic rises all at once even if there is a change.

"So, Mr. Siletto is working hard for the people."

"Ehehe... it stinks a little bit, but it does.But that's not just to be a saint... that's why I'm going to have to tell Miss Ayrnage... "

"Who can Siletto help?

I changed the story because it seemed to be a hassle or because it was going to make us help people.

Siletto rounded his eyes as if he had seen it, but started talking with a face that seemed to have noticed something.

"I believe that I should be equal to many people, including those in unfair positions."

Some people aren't.

"... uh, yes.There are factions like these. "

Siletto checked the surroundings and then answered with a low voice.I don't think I can speak too loudly about factional issues.

Then I will ask you about the area in detail.I wonder if Siletto himself confirmed that there were no people around and answered.In fact, some people are looking for us, but they are soundproof.

"Is there a faction in the church that doesn't approve of unfair employment?

"... that's right.Professions enable gods to live better.He says he was abandoned by a god who couldn't defeat monsters and gave him an unnecessary occupation that didn't help people's lives. "

I don't think it's such a good idea to talk about it, but it may be surprisingly famous.I just don't know.

Such church movements may be one of the reasons why unfaithful jobs are said to be bad.In the meantime, it will suffice to listen here and there.I don't feel well even if I keep talking a lot and think I'm getting close.

"Thank you for your talk.It's time for me to go home. "

Well then...

"Good luck with your work.Bye. "

I would have lived in a dorm longer than I was a schoolboy, and I was about to be told to stay together, so I stabbed my neck.

I don't know how I received it, but I didn't keep saying anything, and instead I called out, "Help each other."Probably because Sierra gave it back ambiguously - you want to take the word for it.Well, I can't take it.

"I'll think about it."

Turn back sharply and leave the temple behind.On his way back to the dorm, he said to Sierra, "Do you think?'.'You shouldn't lie,' he replies.At a time when you're getting closer to Parra and Vertina, it might be a good time to think again about how far you'll get involved.

"Such a thing... I wish I could have gone with you."

"I was going to work as Eisel today, so I can't help it."

"I know, but...."

Looking back at what happened today while Mia took care of me.

I had a conversation with Mia, but I've been talking to other people lately, so I'm going to talk to them.The area has been appropriately changed so as not to be biased either way.Does it feel like the basics have been out there longer?

"If you're with Mia when you're acting as Eisel, people might notice."

"I am aware of that too.But... "

Although it is not clearly listed, I may be dissatisfied with Mia because the time I spent with her has been shorter since the beginning of the school.

It's probably free during the day, and I don't feel like I'm much of a hunter.Shouldn't we be doing this all the time?Though I think it may still be difficult for Mia to make the request alone.If you concentrate on one thing, there are places where you can't see your surroundings, and if you think about it, you don't normally work in solos.

It's about tomorrow, Sierra.

You're off tomorrow, right?

It's a holiday. So why don't you take Mia and start working as a hunter tomorrow?I couldn't get out of King's Landing today. "

Yeah, that might be nice.

So, shall we go hunting together tomorrow?

"Is that okay?

"After all, I couldn't do it today.We can't go in Eisel any more than we do with Mia, but we'll be able to see the A-Class request.Stay with Sierra. "

"Yes, sir."

I took the form of an order not to deny it, but, well, I'm not used to it.I should have changed that because I was better at Sierra.Now, as a hunter - and as a junior hunter who is likely to meet people - I would like to think a little bit about what happened just before I returned to the dorm.

Sil and I will definitely be biased in judgment, or it should be a deviation from common sense, so Mia, who still has a general feeling, might want to talk about it.

"What do you think Mia should do if someone is in trouble?

"You mean at the temple?Doesn't it depend?

That's true.

I can't help everyone if I see someone in need, and I don't want to get involved as much as I can.I don't want to thank you or thank you, so I want to live as calmly as possible.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what Einsell is afraid of is that helping her can be a problem, right?

"Basically, yes.If I saved a carriage that was attacked by a monster, I might even be sold as a slave. "

"I don't think I can forgive the killer very much... but if that's the case, why don't you help me when I can?

"Looser than I thought."

"Because I can help and I can't help everything.If that's the case, you might want to help with life-threatening things.If you abandon it too much, you can see it with white eyes. "

If you say so, you will feel like it is okay.You'll need to walk a little more than live in a world of people.

"If you don't think it's going to be a burden to us, or if you think it's going to be a burden to help us, do you feel that?

That may be good, but if we don't do something, we don't have to worry about it.Or do you have to help people?

"Ah... that's true.If you live under the laws of this country, you can't complain, and it's not your duty to help people.And that's when?

When it's time, think about what you'll do together!Yeah, let's do it!

Leaving aside why Sierra's tension has increased, it is certain that it is not an obligation to help others.The person who helped you will make a good impression, but it doesn't mean you have to.

So we help those who want to help, and leave those who do not.I wonder if that's a good idea.If Parra and the others are dying, they will help, and if the request is difficult and difficult, they will probably not help.Mia also asked me, and I was told that I don't mind, so I decided this is a good thing.

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