"They have indeed been testing us, but they have not made any progress so far. This time the increase in dispatch has also taken this part of the conditions into consideration." Hao Lianhongyi replied.

"Don't underestimate them." The young man raised his head with a smile on his lips, "As an organization that can deceive the world, how powerful they are. It's definitely not just what it looks like, whether it's ability or intelligence. superior."

"Yes, Lord Heguang!" Hao Lianhongyi couldn't hold back, stood up suddenly, and wanted to kneel down and apologize. But when he got up, he couldn't move. Then he pressed him back onto the chair as if he was being pressed against his shoulders.

"No need to apologize, this is just my guess." Hao Lian and Guang waved their hands, and the power that controlled Hao Lian Hongyi suddenly disappeared. "That's just my guess."

"Then what should we do next?" Hao Lianhongyi felt a chill in his vest, and the cold sweat soaked through his clothes, sticking to his skin, like a big snake crawling up and down that place.

"It's good to send more people. They need information, and we can give them more information."

"But then, they're not easier to spot..."

"So we need to be quicker. As long as we completely solve this matter before they find the problem, then there will be no problem." Hao Lian and Guang interrupted him. "What they can't find out, this is not a temporary intention, but a thousand-year-old wish of our family."

"Yes, Lord Heguang!" Hao Lianhongyi nodded. After being instructed, he left the house. The moment he walked out of the room, he felt his whole body softened. In just a few years of effort, has he actually become so powerful? He wanted to kill himself just now, but he really had no ability to resist. I just don't know the unfathomable monsters he and The Fool, who is more terrifying?

But soon he shook his head again, throwing these things out of his mind. Hao Lianhongyi is a person who doesn't like to think too much. Who is stronger? This kind of thing doesn't matter at all, because even if Hao Lian and Guang are weaker than The Fool's Frontier, they can easily decide the fate of him and his family. So he still has to do everything in his hands.

In fact, if it weren't for his character, he wouldn't have survived four years ago. Four years ago, when the previous patriarch named Hao Lianjingguo died, the radical faction represented by Hao Lian and Guang suddenly emerged, and there was a fierce rivalry between the conservative faction represented by the original heir of the patriarch.

Those seven days were like a nightmare for the Hao Lian family. The elders almost died in this firefight. And the man who seemed to be weak and gentle was even covered in blood at the time, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was still as shy as it is now.

Hao Lian Hongyi, who thought of that scene, shuddered suddenly. All the Hao Lian family who died in that battle could not understand why Hao Lian and Guang were so strong. There is no reason, the power of the five truths. Perhaps it was just as people said in private, perhaps he was the evil spirits and grievances condensed by the people of the Hao Lian family who died in order to seal the White Demons in the past thousand years. Carrying thousands of years of hatred, the evil spirit that was born in order to completely bury the White Demon in history.

He raised his head and looked into the distance, Daughter of Shadows... Did you just foresee this scene in advance and leave?

What he didn't know was that in the room, Hao Lian and Guang were also looking in the same direction as him, and their eyes seemed to have crossed the endless mountains and screens to see what was happening in the distance. The corner of his mouth curled into another smile, completely different from the one Hao Lianhongyi had ever seen. It was as if the soft exterior was peeled off layer by layer, finally revealing the inner core.

The two lips were cut apart, and the dark and thick foundation inside was slowly pulled out, crazy, desperate, vicious and cruel.

"Soon, very soon, this will be completely over soon..."


Xie Zhifei rushed to the west of the city at the fastest speed, crying, making noise, and roaring. Countless people crowded, pushed and maintained a certain order. Like a painting of the Ukiyo world. It even creates a weird illusion. An unreal feeling as if the real world is no longer here.

It's really strange that it took only a few decades for peace to come to this land completely, but everyone seems to take it for granted that the world should be so peaceful. Think of things like war, war, and the like as beings in another world. Even he who is still fighting and fighting on weekdays is not exempt.

In order to stop looking at these things, he speeded up again, his mind was empty, and he rushed to the west of the city without thinking about anything. It's like some kind of forward or backward time journey, with the human voice, the existence itself, constantly diminishing, and the traces of chaos and destruction increasing in number.

"Hey—" After he ran for a while, he finally made sure that he had reached his destination. But the scene in front of him made him hiss suddenly.

In the jungle of steel and cement in the city, a white column with a height of more than 100 meters was erected strangely. In the middle of the huge fruit at the top, a blood-red eye was opened. Inside the dark red pupil, madness and destruction The concept seems to be materialized.

Knowing that the existence of the White Demon is lagging behind, the Fool's worst fear finally became a reality. Will the Pale Fruit appear within the city limits! After all, the last time the Hao Lian family recorded the recovery of the White Devils occurred in an era when the population was small and the land was sparsely populated. Issues that did not need much attention at that time will be the most difficult problems now.

"This...really, hell..." Xie Zhifei could only think of such words to express his feelings now.


Chapter Thirty-Nine Sound East (1)

The deepest roots of the power of war lie in the people. It was this sentence Hu that guided the group of warriors who could no longer be soiled, and defeated countless enemies that were several times stronger than them with crude weapons in their hands. In the end, he became a world-class light infantryman. All enemies who stand opposite the people are paper tigers. It has become a classic.

And Xie Zhifei didn't expect that the first time he really saw the so-called position of "the greatest power of war" and "the ocean of people's war" was actually on the opposite side of this ocean. It was also at this time that he came to understand why the team leader used the word attacking the city.

The sweet and fishy smell released by the pale fruit will trigger the human desire to attack, turning even the most refined and restrained gentleman into a vicious thug. As a result of the outbreak in places like Lubian Village and Jinhua Village, all the 100 people in the village and village died during the fighting.

And what kind of result would such a thing break out in a place like Longcheng? Although Longcheng is not a big first-tier city, it is one of the best in the second-tier. Although most of the permanent population of 16 million people were evacuated, before the Fool reacted, more than 10,000 people were affected by the Pale Fruit.

Huaxia has never been short of people since ancient times. Everyone grew up listening to the stories of Bai Qikeng killing 400,000 people, Zhuge Liang setting fire to Chibi, and killing Cao Cao's 800,000 army. Based on this comparison, 10,000 people will feel that this does not seem to be a huge number.

But like all other assumptions that make no difference, this idea is naturally wrong. 10,000 people is a large number. A high school has 60 students in a class, and it takes 167 classes to make up 10,000 people. You can think about how many classes your school has, and then put this Compare the number with one hundred and sixty-six, and finally think about the time of the school assembly every Monday. It is absolutely impossible to see at a glance, the number of pits and valleys.

Xie Zhifei and they are now facing such a huge number, countless people who are affected by the pale fruit. And the pale fruit that grew out of the soil this time was anything but ordinary, as its incomparably huge scale showed. Although he only glanced at it from a distance, Xie Zhifei was able to confirm that he saw the existence of wisdom in that blood-red eye.

And the result of this kind of wisdom is that the madness of the ten thousand people is actually selective. They wander between the streets and alleys, but do not criticize each other. And once the team of Fools with explosion-proof shields and gas masks wanted to take a step closer to the pale fruit, they would rush towards them frantically.

Like a beast, attacking with fingernails and teeth, it is difficult for Xie Zhifei to not think of a movie series named 'zombies' that has no scientific logic at all.

The only difference is that they are also facing crazy enemies, but the Fool's team has more sophisticated and powerful weapons. The development speed of modern weapons is definitely far beyond the imagination of most people. There's even a joke that we're alive simply because we're not worth being killed by the weapons that can kill us.

If a real zombie appears, as long as it is not spread through the air against the sky, it is almost impossible to weigh it in the hands of the army for a day or two. But this does not mean that the suppression of the Fool's team was carried out very smoothly. What they have done so hard is that in front of them are only zombie-like humans, not the zombies themselves.

This greatly limits their effective killing, at least as far as Xie Zhifei can see, the Fool's team seldom even uses bullets. Suppressive weapons such as high-pressure water guns are the mainstream of their equipment. They were brought out of the affected area after trying to knock out these affected crazy people.

Such a response was extremely inefficient, so more and more crowds began to pile up around these executive teams. It is even difficult to keep up with the terrifying density, and they even have to stack up like ants, crushing their enemies with sheer numbers.

Xie Zhifei knew that he didn't have much time to hesitate, so he probably chose the most dangerous group he could see. Like a sharp arrow stuck in the past. He had just stood on the outskirts of the crowd. The people in the outermost circle turned their heads suddenly, as if they instinctively felt something, their eyes were full of bright red, and they opened their mouths and let out a roar like a beast.

Looking at the hideous face, Xie Zhifei felt an inexplicable irritability. The feeling of wanting to completely destroy everything in front of me spread from the bottom of my heart. Let him subconsciously take a step forward. The majestic murderous aura gushed out from him and ran straight towards the crowd in front of him.


This is the name he gave to this technique. He used this technique to force the bottle of beasts to protect Shi Yuqing and produce monsters.

The energy and murderous aura were mixed together, making murderous aura, which was intangible and intangible, seem real, and the cold and **** murderous aura was vertical and horizontal, like a low-pressure cloud at a high altitude hitting the ground. Like a storm, it swept through every sensory nerve. Being in this murderous aura for a long time can even make people feel like they are dying.

Although Xie Zhifei has killed people, he does have some murderous aura. But it is completely impossible to reach such a level like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. This change was one of many that followed Sicily's release of the running wolf.

It can be regarded as the only benefit he has obtained, and he can actively condense the breath of the monster that is the precursor to destroying the world.

The crowd in front of them suddenly stopped, the crowd affected by the pale fruit stopped roaring frantically, and even the executor team stopped their movements. Under such a strong murderous aura, everyone was like a sampan swaying in the storm. All the blood immediately faded from his face. I just want to turn my head and run away, but at this time I find that I can't even move my feet at all.

The sweet and fishy smell emitted by the pale fruit stimulates people's aggressive instincts, but it does not mean that it can completely control people themselves. At least survival is an instinct over aggressiveness. Under the pressure of Xie Zhifei, the desire to survive completely took over the control of the body. So they passed out.

From the moment the first person rolled over his eyes, it was like a chain reaction, and more and more people fell down. After only half a minute, almost all of the roaring crowd collapsed to the ground. Only then did Xie Zhifei restrain his killing intent, quickly moved behind the remaining few people, and struck the back of their necks heavily with his knife. They were put into a coma (physical).

"Why hasn't the pale fruit been resolved yet?" Xie Zhifei asked the executive team leader in front of him with a frown.

"Gudu——" The latter swallowed heavily, surrounded by the crowd, they didn't see Xie Zhifei coming. All I could feel was the overwhelming murderous aura. If it wasn't for the body action group, they themselves had corresponding willpower training. And in a sensible situation, he can take the initiative to fight against this murderous aura. And if Xie Zhifei converges in time, after a while, their results will not be much better than those lying on the ground.

When Xie Zhifei asked a question, he didn't come back to his senses. It wasn't until Xie Zhifei asked the second time that he recognized the face as a member of Blade.

"Because... someone... blocked." The team leader found that he couldn't speak properly. He gritted his teeth too hard in fear just now, and his masseter muscles were seriously fatigued.

"Block?" Hearing this, Xie Zhifei turned his head suddenly, and in his sight, a man in a white robe had just hidden in the corner of the wall.

"You guys take care of this. I'll help elsewhere."

"Yes!" The team captain hurriedly saluted, and at that time Xie Zhifei was no longer there.

"Captain... How many people do you think you need to kill to have such a terrifying murderous aura?"

"It's not our business." The captain shook his head. "You contact the logistics, and the others tie up these guys. You don't want to wait for them to wake up and be surrounded by them again?"

Hearing the captain's words, the team member who just asked the question shook his head violently. After all, although the murderous aura was terrifying, the feeling of being surrounded by countless people, with hands and mouths reaching out from all directions, was definitely not good to go anywhere.


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