Forty Chapter Sound East (2)

As soon as the captain said it, Xie Zhifei understood. The possibility that the outbreak of the pale fruit in Longcheng was accidental is too small! To say that the Sheepshead Christians were not involved in this matter, he would not believe it. Pale fruit is troublesome, especially for the average person. But that's definitely not unsolvable.

Luo Yunxi's initial report said that it was over, and powers above the fourth level could clearly cause damage to him. You must know that Po Jun is still in Longcheng now. Even though this pale fruit tree is so huge, Xie Zhifei absolutely does not believe that there is anything that can resist the attack of the lower army without taking any damage.

You must know that the cause of Behemoth's death was poisoned by the purest holy light that Clement had transformed into. But before that, breaking the army's defense is definitely a key element. And if Behemoth doesn't fight back like a pale fruit tree, doesn't resist, let the army breaker hit for a few minutes. Xie Zhifei estimated that Clement probably wouldn't have to die.

Under the premise of this understanding, his perception quickly spread to the distance, and sure enough, he noticed the Sheepshead Cultist 100 meters away. Know that although it is not easy to identify a person in a crowd, it is easy to find a stone in the sand.

In an environment where everyone except the Fool was affected by the pale fruit. Some people choose to hide and observe in secret, which itself explains his problem.

The pure white robe, the hood that hides the entire face, and the graffiti-like blood-colored pattern. Xie Zhifei stopped in front of this sheep head cultist's escape route, and the moment the other party ran out of the corner, he saw him. Instinctively, he took a step back, showing some fear.

"What do you want to do?" Fear shows sane. It's definitely not the same low-grade product he encountered for the first time. And as if to confirm his guess, he suddenly drew a pistol from his waist.

"Go to hell."

This action almost made Xie Zhifei laugh, not to mention his completely amateur shooting posture and technique, he just rushed at his speed. Although dodging bullets is not an easy task, at such a close position, by predicting the direction of his shooting, it is indeed not difficult for him to miss.

In the moment before the gunshot, Xie Zhifei turned his body slightly, tilted his head again, and easily dodged the bullet. On the contrary, the shooter closed his eyes subconsciously, and then looked in surprise at the young man who was still standing in front of him unscathed.

"Don't continue joking." Xie Zhifei easily tore off the pistol in his hand. thrown away. "What are you? What do you want to do?"

"Hahahaha-" The man looked down at his empty hands and suddenly laughed, as if he suddenly realized what kind of stupid thing he had just done. The smile was so exaggerated that he had to stoop down and put his face on one hand, in a pose similar to the famous Yagami smile.

"I said, you are going to die here." The man's smile stopped, and he said in a rough and sticky voice, "In the name of truth!"

With the completion of this sentence, the sound of the broken cloth suddenly rang out, a pair of blue-purple flesh wings stretched out from his back, and the robe shattered, revealing the face below. Surprisingly, he actually has a very refined face, with a pair of golden glasses, and his meticulous hair is full of the atmosphere of social elites.

A pair of huge black long horns were extending from his head, and his face was rapidly turning blue, changing from a human face to a legendary demon. The blue-purple muscles swelled up, and purple-black flames burned from the arm to the shoulder. The strangest thing is that some gray-white semi-solid substances grow from the back of his head, slowly wrapping his entire head inside, and finally completely shaped, turning into a mixture of sheep or deer skulls.

After the transformation, the Sheepshead Cultist obviously didn't have any idea of ​​forcing a few words with Xie Zhifei, and his thick arms covered with flames from top to bottom. As if planning to do this and flatten Xie Zhifei.

"Heh." Xie Zhifei pulled away such a smile, and grabbed the arm with one hand up. The Sheepshead Cultist roared twice, but found that his arm was motionless, so the purple-black flame on his arm rose up, as if it was going to spread to Xie Zhifei along the arm.

How could Xie Zhifei be succeeded by it, he pushed it violently and flew it out. The huge fleshy wings on the back of the Sheepshead Cultist swayed twice, stabilizing their figure in mid-air. There was another roar, and in the palms of both hands, the purple-black flames formed a huge fireball, which smashed down towards Xie Zhifei.

Xie Zhifei didn't have the heart to evaluate the fighting power of this group of Sheepshead Cultists here. Shen Qing didn't know when he appeared in his palm, so he rushed straight towards the fireball. On the Sheepsaw in the air.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!

It hurts, hurts, hurts, hurts, hurts! "

From the face, you can tell that he is definitely the kind of person who has never fought or even fought, and he never imagined that he would be hit like this after his transformation. Two stubby palms covered the huge wound on his chest, but blood continued to drip from it.

"Impossible! It's impossible! My body is invulnerable, I will live forever, you can't kill me!!" Hearing his words, Xie Zhifei frowned, walked over, kicked his hand away, but grabbed his neck, Pull him off the ground.

"Tell me what your plans are! Or you will die now."

After the transformation, the neck of the sheep head cultivator is very thick, and Xie Zhifei's fingers are almost clasped into the meat, so that he can squeeze it tightly. And such an action undoubtedly brought severe pain to the Yangshou cultivator. A huge cough came from his mouth, and his arm was waving to pull Xie Zhifei's hand away. But as soon as he moved, Xie Zhifei tightened the hand holding his neck, as if he was going to crush his throat and cervical vertebra. Terrified he stopped in place.

But in such a change, his expression suddenly became indifferent. His eyes looked up into the sky, as if looking at something.

"Haha...hahaha...haha..." Laughter mixed with blood clots came out of his mouth.

"what are you laughing at?"

"Lord... The Lord has come to pick me up..." Sheepshead cultivator laughed, the blood of the gorilla gushing out from his eyes, leaving two clear marks on the white goat skull mask, "Flesh and blood are like grass and trees... the ephemera, the grass, the grass will wither, and the flower will wither...ahem...but...death is not the end, just like, like the truth...forever."

After saying such a sentence with a smile, his whole body softened. lost life. And Xie Zhifei noticed that the white skull that originally covered his head had once again turned into the soft state it had when it appeared, and disappeared behind his head.

Did the masks of the Sheepshead cultists disappear like this last time? Xie Zhifei thought. At this time, a sharp whistling sound was blowing from behind, and the sharp sound even vaguely exceeded the limit of human hearing. But it brings a very strong piercing feeling.

Xie Zhifei turned his head abruptly, and saw that the tree pillar with the huge pale fruit was lit up, and countless tiny red lines were like breathing lamps that lighted and dimmed, as if the pink lights on Tokyo Tower were all on. Get up in general.


Chapter forty-one comes

What a major change over there! Whether it was an accident caused by the Pale Fruit, or the Fool's attack caused such a situation. Xie Zhifei felt that he should go to support.

And after he got closer to the pale fruit, he was finally able to see what happened. Countless monsters are crawling out of the pale fruit's trunk. Every red dot that lights up is the light they reveal after tearing the bark of the tree trunk. They detached from the inside, and the epidermis healed, followed by a second tear.

The detached monsters will rush out for the first time, attacking and destroying. But there was a wall of people standing in front of them. Only then did Xie Zhifei know that the number of people in the outer action team responsible for those affected by the pale fruit would be so small. Because compared with the things in here, they are really harmless to humans and animals.

The Fool isolated them from these things with two circular lines of defense, and protected them first. But with the change of the pale fruit, the entire line of defense began to crumble.

It is difficult to estimate how many monsters emerge from the nearly 100-meter-high pillar every second. Among them, the largest number is a bizarre creature about half a human height. It also inherits the general characteristics of humans and dogs. A weird way to mix it together, it's annoying. The strength is not high, and only bullets can cause damage.

But the number is absolutely overwhelming, especially after the mutation of the pale fruit, looking up and seeing a dense and terrifying dark red ocean falling from the sky, as if red paint dripped into the clear water, quickly just render. But after these ink dots landed, they would quickly bounce up again, and the height of the jump was more than 5 meters, overwhelming the sky like locusts.

"Prepare to fight!!" Xie Zhifei heard such a roar, and countless flames lit up at the same time. With the thin shouts of the soldiers compared to the monsters, the gunpowder and steel instantly solidified into an indestructible wall, running in the front line. The bodies of the monsters were instantly destroyed, the flesh was penetrated, the muscles were torn, the bones were broken, and turned into a pile of broken pieces of meat. Simply destroying humanity goes too far.

In a salvo, more than 10,000 bullet cups were poured out, and the tide of the monster splashed with ink was like a sea tide, just like the sea ebb. Although the quantity may be comparable, but in terms of quality, these monsters summoned by the pale fruit are far worse than the beast tide and the evil spirits of Behemoth.

"Change bombs!" The commander didn't look happy or relaxed at all, and issued the next order without delay. He won't let up until the fight is over. Well-trained soldiers remove the empty magazine from the gun and push the new magazine into the gun from the most convenient position of the armed belt. The whole action took no more than five seconds, and they raised their heads again to prepare for the second wave of shocks.

During this period of time, the originally frustrated monsters rushed forward more than fifty meters. They were not afraid of the death of their companions at all, but were excited by the blood. Each monster opened its mouth wide, revealing different fangs, and the sticky yellow saliva fell to the ground, corroding pieces of white mist.

"Shock bombs!" The commander changed his command, "Get ready!" A special soldier stood out among every few people. The firearms in their hands were obviously more than one size larger than the others, and the diameter of the muzzle was completely Has reached the level of a gun.

"Let's go!" Dozens of silent explosions sounded, and the huge black bullets fell into the monster's rushing line from all directions. The speed was not fast, and the human eye could see the blurred trajectory, and basically did not cause any damage. But the next moment, a white air wave burst out instantly, and the formed wind pressure moved forward and swept into the dense formation of monsters.

The first row of monsters that bore the brunt seemed to be crushed by a hammer, and the momentum of the rushing forward stopped, and the head and chest were suddenly deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye. It squished and folded back eerily, and exploded back in a split second like a cloud of pink minced meat. There was a loud 'bang', and the three rows of arc-shaped monsters turned into a cloud of blood. The white wind pressure was dyed pink, but the wind pressure did not mean to stop, and continued to hit the middle, blowing more of their kind directly.

The air pressure exploded completely, and countless invisible air blades exploded in all directions like a storm, and for a while, countless limbs flew into the sky with a continuous scream. The power of this blow completely disrupted the formation of the monsters, and the monsters with more than 3 floors died directly.

"Go forward!" The black wall of people pushed forward neatly, while pushing forward, he shot at the monsters that were rushed in a mess. The circle was slowly and firmly shrinking little by little. This kind of neat killing even showed A shock that is more terrifying than madness.

But just think that there will be one or two reefs in the turbulent flow, even such a precise killing will not be completely accidental. The casualties still appeared. A monster with half of its body rotted on the ground opened its mouth and slammed into a soldier's calf. While the soldier bent down and knelt down, the sharp claws of the monster directly penetrated his head.

Even if the teammates next to him quickly completed the kill, the soldier's life could not be saved. Xie Zhifei was so far away that he didn't even have the chance to make a move. Seeing his own **** death in front of him made him frown deeply. From the beginning, he has always had a feeling of boredom, and now it is almost reaching its peak.

Just as he was about to rush down to help them slaughter the monsters, he suddenly heard an exclamation from the commander. "Large unit!" The commander's tone, whose voice had not fluctuated from a while ago, was surprisingly high this time.

Xie Zhifei hurriedly turned his head and saw a few hill-like beasts in the red ocean 'breaking the waves'. The huge heads of dogs mixed up and down with the galloping, these monsters rushed down from the hills not far away, slammed into the dense formation, and directly knocked those low-level monsters into the air or stepped into mud, no matter at all. Consider things like slowing down.

"Prepare for defense!!" the commander shouted desperately.

"Look over there!!" Suddenly a warrior shouted, everyone raised their heads, and saw a tall and straight figure shot out like an arrow, with a curved back, and the whole body was full of strength, as if the dragon was about to strike. The next moment, the taut bowstring was suddenly loosened, and the blood-colored spear pierced the air, and a crisp eagle-like whistling sound came out, smashing heavily on the beast's head.

The majestic power penetrated into the body of the behemoth from the back of the head, half of the head was smashed into the ground, and part of the brain and spine were completely shattered. The giant beast swayed twice and fell to the ground, and the huge mass made the ground shake twice.

"Okay!!" All the warriors cheered. Such cheers have been circulating since thousands of years ago and have never changed.

"Be careful!" Xie Zhifei suddenly heard a girl's reminder, and then saw a blazing white light flashing, and then a beam of blue light shot out of the center across the rain screen, bringing a long line with a slight arc along the horizon, and shot him directly in front of the door.

The speed is so fast that Xie Zhifei dodged dangerously and dangerously, but he was still wiped with blood on his face. The extremely high temperature instantly coked the wound. The beam hit the ground and exploded a small mushroom cloud. Hundreds of monsters were lifted into the air and directly carbonized into white ash by the high temperature.

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