Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1053: ,volcanic eruptions!


The whole situation of the earthquake mountain shaking, that extinct volcano in the Sifang enchantment, broke out by the way.

The fiery red hot magma rushed out violently from the crater, projected to an altitude of hundreds of meters, and then blasted towards a radius of hundreds of meters.

Naturally, the square barrier that originally enveloped this extinct volcano was also directly pierced under the mighty power of nature.

With a sound of ‘Pala’, the dark purple barrier that was originally invisible was instantly shattered into countless fragments.

And the root group of four who maintained the barrier also vomited a mouthful of blood collectively.

After all, in order to maintain this barrier, the Chakras in their bodies are connected to this barrier.

However, they didn't care about the fact that they had been hit hard. Instead, they looked at the direction of the crater with suspicious eyes.

Because their root force leader is in the crater.

However, they did not confirm the death of Zhang Xiang and did not receive the relevant orders. They just dodged the scattered magma and continued to wait in place.

It was silent, and no one said anything.

This is the root of the order.

As for Zhang Xiang, who was in the crater, the situation was not so bad, nor was it as bad as imagined.

There is nothing wrong, referring to the hot magma spewing out from the crater, but it didn't even spill on his body. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Or it should be said that, being blocked by the three frantically stirring energies surrounding his body, even the smoke and dust could not get close.

The submerged magma rushed violently from his side, rushing towards the passage when Zhang Xiang came.

But quickly.

Because of the stone gate's obstruction, the raging magma quickly filled the entire passage.

Gradually, the magma that had some signs of backflow formed a magma pool that was gradually increasing around Zhang Xiang.

The reason why it was said to be around Zhang Xiang was because the turbulent magma was not close to Zhang Xiang's body at all, and was rejected.

Therefore, in the flaming red magma pool that almost filled the crater, there was a hemispherical exception.

But also because of this, bad things have happened.

As we all know, there are two things necessary for human beings to survive in this world.

That is, water and air.

However, when the turbulent magma submerged the top of Zhang Xiang, a sealed state was completely formed around him.

Oxygen is gradually being consumed. ,

Even, because of the hot magma rolling around, I consume more happily.

Coupled with the constantly intensified range of energy conflicts, everything is developing in a bad direction.

However, it is at this time.

The "Shadow Demon Blade" that was inserted in the purple enchantment and sinking in the fiery red magma rushing in madly, has swallowed all the mist of the soul of sprites completely. Up.

An invisible transformation quickly surged in the sword body of the "Shadow Demon Blade", prompting the "Shadow Demon Blade" to remove the last seal and evolve to a higher level.

The purple-black line began to spread in the crystal scarlet sword body, and it was still spreading from the hilt to the point of the sword.

And it was in that purple enchantment that Zhang Xiang’s power was lost, and he was completely submerged by the fiery red magma that was coming in. It shattered into countless fragments. The magma of more than two thousand degrees would make the scarlet The moment the sword body was completely submerged.

The purple-black line successfully penetrated the scarlet sword body.

So, at the next moment.


There was a purple-black flash in a scarlet, flashing past the sword.

Then, the "Shadow Demon Blade" that was originally floating in the hot, fiery red flowing magma suddenly "swimmed" to Zhang Xiang's body.

Yes, it is'swimming', like the most flexible swimming fish, going upstream in the fiery red lava flow, breaking through the extremely hot magma, and rushing to Zhang Xiang's side.

Moreover, before Zhang Xiang could react, he ‘stucked’ into Zhang Xiang’s body.

In other words, it was like a treasure of heaven and earth in the fantasy, directly ‘drilling’ into Zhang Xiang’s body.

Then, inside Zhang Xiang's body, it suddenly shattered, forming countless broken awns with purple and black silk threads in the scarlet, which penetrated into every part of Zhang Xiang's body.


A domineering scarlet light burst out from Zhang Xiang’s body, and instantly swept everything within a five-meter radius of Zhang Xiang, flashing towards the sky and below the earth, forming A blood-red beam of light across the horizon and the earth.

Moreover, because of the loss of the shielding of the square enchantment, the blood-red beam of light was instantly seen by everyone within hundreds of miles.

However, Zhang Xiang has no time to take care of this.

Because, now he is at a critical moment, an opportunity to soothe all the violent power in his body.

With the help of that scarlet energy burst, the three constantly conflicting forces in his body have been temporarily suppressed.

Next, he was going to use that scarlet power to suppress these three constantly conflicting forces and bring them into his own control.

However, it is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to do.

Because it seemed a little difficult for him to command that huge scarlet energy.

However, this is something that has to be done.

If Zhang Xiang doesn't take this opportunity to soothe the violent power in his body.

Then, as the level of conflict between the forces gradually escalated, his body will be torn into pieces by one of them, or a few energy.

Not to mention, in the current situation where it is difficult to move and the surrounding air is gradually being consumed, a fight is the last and the only way...

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