Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1054: , A big loss!

Just do it when you think about it, this is Zhang Xiang's style. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Zhang Xiang gritted his teeth, and forcibly used his mental power to stimulate the blood red energy in his body.

Let the blood-red energy that had unconsciously suppressed the three powers began to suppress them consciously.

It's just that as Zhang Xiang's repressive behavior began, the three forces that were originally in conflict with each other felt a sense of crisis, and began to converge their power autonomously.

Moreover, the conflicts between them are increasingly reduced.

It seems that they are accumulating strength, if you want to work together to solve the blood red strength.

However, would Zhang Xiang not know that things might evolve into this situation?

The answer is, the impossible!

"It's this time!" Zhang Xiang's eyes lit up and he shouted angrily.

As his voice sounded, the blood-red energy resembled an opened reservoir. The torrential blood-red energy instantly smashed the entangled forces between the three forces, completely isolating them. coming.

Only at this time.

Those three forces also began to fight back fiercely.

They all regarded the blood red power as their strongest opponent, and began to launch a fierce attack.

Suddenly, the blood-red energy felt shaky.

However, at this moment, an illusory silver-white light appeared on the five fingers of Zhang Xiang's right hand.

That is a highly concentrated mental power!

In order to compress these mental powers to such an extent, the blue veins on Zhang Xiang's forehead have violently flared, and his face has become flushed. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Seal!" Zhang Xiang's right hand suddenly pressed on his abdomen!

To be precise, it is pressed in the area between the abdomen and the heart.

However, what Zhang Xiang sealed was not any of Chakra and magic power, but the blood red power.

And at that instant, the silver-white highly concentrated mental power began to burn violently, turning into a purer mental power, turning into a seal in the shape of Tai Chi, blocking that between Chakra and magic power. The blood red power was sealed.

However, the mutual barrier between the Chakra and the magic power did not begin to conflict after the blood-red power was sealed.

Instead, it was completely blocked on both sides.

Because the blood-red power of the seal did not weaken with the advent of the seal, but instead it solidified even more, turning into a solid-like existence.

From the energy that is close to the liquid state, it directly changes to the existence of a solid. What a span!

Therefore, in this case.

No matter how intense the conflict between Chakra and magic is, it still can't break through the blood red barrier.

However, the conflict between that chakra and magic was blocked.

The conflict between the remaining magical power and the angelic power has become more intense.

It's like, they have become enemies for thousands of years.

In that instant, the blood-red energy barrier between the two had already been broken by half.

And, there are signs of continuing to expand.

Bang, bang, bang...

Everywhere in Zhang Xiang's body, bursts of blood mist erupted because of the blood red barrier being broken.

However, Zhang Xiang still clenched his teeth.

"Give me back...Give me back!" Zhang Xiang roared, his eyes open angrily, the bloodshot eyes were all over his eyeballs, as if he was about to dye his entire eye red.

The blue veins on the forehead that had been bulging had already swelled to the extreme, as if there was a feeling of bursting open.

However, with his efforts.

There is also the impact of the powerful mental power brought by the superpowers of the dual lv5. The two energies that were originally broken are once again temporarily blocked.

And just taking advantage of this moment, Zhang Xiang once again guided the weakened blood red power, once again forming an obstacle.

"Stay obediently for me!" On Zhang Xiang's right hand, the little silver-white spiritual power was once again burning up.

"Seal!" He jerked against his chest.

The spiritual power like silver thread penetrated the skin and penetrated into Zhang Xiang's body, once again forming a blood-red barrier.

Although this blood-red obstacle is a bit weak.

But at least, it still truly blocked the impact of the two forces.

After doing these things, the three weird phenomena outside Zhang Xiang's body also disappeared at the same time, causing Zhang Xiang's body to collapse to the ground weakly.

"It's a loss... It's a loss..." Zhang Xiang panted, sweating all over.

To be honest, he really lost it.

Originally, the three powers in his body did not interfere with each other.

However, at this time they are in conflict with each other.

Although it was temporarily suppressed, if there is no solution, it will be broken one day.

Because Zhang Xiang could feel that his body was actively absorbing the natural forces in nature.

Perhaps it was because too much power was consumed by fighting with each other, or because those three powers all had a sense of crisis, but those three powers had all begun to actively absorb natural forces to supplement their own consumption.

And it is still growing gradually.

Feeling this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Zhang Xiang couldn't help being speechless.

Because these three forces can actively absorb natural forces.

This means that Zhang Xiang's own lack of strength that Zhang Xiang had originally worried about has undoubtedly been resolved.

Because he can feel those three forces, and the speed of absorbing natural forces is not slow.

It can even be said to be fast.

But at the same time, the rapid growth of these three powers also means that the time that the blood red barrier will block will not be too long.

It can even be said that it is imminent...

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