Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1061: , The daily routine of the patrol...

The golden sunlight shone down from the sky, illuminating the entire peaceful Konoha Ninja Village. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

The people in Konoha Ninja Village are following the usual trajectory, living in peace and occasionally in some turbulent days.

In the village, a large number of vendors began to sell, and the villagers also began to stroll in the streets, or started their work in the day.

As for outside the village, inside the various outposts built around Konoha, the ninjas on duty also started a new round of patrols.

Although, closer to the village, there are enchantments that can perceive chakras and creatures.

However, if there are a large number of enemies.

It is very dangerous to reach that distance, because with the power of the ninja's feet, it can be said that it is a very simple matter to invade Konoha Ninja Village and massacre civilians at that distance.

Therefore, it is very necessary to build these sentries outside the barrier that covers the entire Konoha.

Even, sometimes these outposts can play unexpected roles.

For example, to hold back the enemy's attack.

And at this time, the patrol team of the three-person team once again patrolled to the farthest point from their guard post.

Although most of these ninjas on patrol were Zhongnin who had experienced the war more than two years ago, perhaps it was because they hadn't encountered enemies since then, or even sneaked spies.

The patrolling team of this squad was not as rigorous as it was at the beginning. Although it maintained the formation, it did not concentrate much on patrolling. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Fujii, the weather is pretty good today." In the team, he was about 30 years old and had a bunch of messy beards. The middle-aged captain looked at the bright sun projected from the dense gaps in the leaves. , With a relaxed expression on his face, said to a man in his twenties next to him.

"Yes, Captain, the weather is really good today." The man named Fujii responded with a smile to his captain.

And it was at this moment that another man in his twenties broke in.

"Yeah, Fujii, in such a nice weather, haven't you thought about what you are going to do?" The man who ran at the back, ran two steps forward, and said to the guy named Fujii with a wink.

"What are you doing? No, isn't it a patrol?" The young man named Fujii was slightly embarrassed to change the subject.

However, the other young man obviously did not intend to let him go.

"Yes, patrol, but after the patrol is over," the young man said with a stretched voice.

"After the patrol is over? Ito, is there any show after Fujii's patrol is over?" The captain also interrupted curiously at this moment.

"No, no, I'm not the captain, like I'm a lonely family member. After patrolling, of course I will exercise my throwing tools or take a break." Fujii was a little hurried, trying to explain something.

But at this time, everyone has already seen that the young man named Fujii has some secrets.

But at this moment, the young man from Ito blinked his eyes and told the secret hidden by the other party in a teasing voice. .

"Hehe, when I was passing by Yumi Flower Shop yesterday, I saw someone ask Yumi to go out today," the young man Ito said to the man beside him with ridicule.

And listening to the young man Ito telling his secrets, Fujii's face couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment that contained happiness.

"Unexpectedly, your kid also has a girlfriend. That's great. I've already seen that you are very interesting to Yumei. However, I originally thought that with your shy character, I wanted to confess to Yumei. It takes a long time to wait. Unexpectedly, you started so soon." The captain showed a smile on his face, and patted Fujii's shoulder with embarrassment on his face somewhat boldly.

"Captain..." With an embarrassed smile on Fujii's face, he scratched the back of his head.

However, at this time.

A bright red figure embroidered in a jet of black, but it flashed past the corner of the captain's eye.

When he took another look, six consecutive figures in black robes embroidered with blushes had already appeared in front of them, only a few tens of meters away.

"Alert! Enemy attack!" The captain slammed aside, and shouted out such a word in a stern voice.

And in the next moment, although the remaining two people have not fully reacted yet, after undergoing severe training, they have already followed the instinct exercised through multiple trainings and re-formed a defensive formation. Up.

At the same time, the guy named Fujii also took out a signal bounce from his arms and was about to send a signal.

But how long can they resist and can they send a signal?



Fifteen seconds after planting, Fujii lay down on the ground, and the aura of dead leaves emanated from the dead leaves scattered on the ground.

However, he could not smell these breaths at all.

In his nose, all he could smell was the smell of rust.

Even breathing is a difficult thing.

Because, a huge shuriken pierced his body, nailed him to the ground, and pierced his lungs.

Whether it was from his mouth or his nostrils, only scarlet blood came out.

The scarlet blood stained the ground.

However, he still clenched the flare in his hand with difficulty, trying to pull out the launch line.

But at the next moment.

A cold, flat voice rang.

"Weird wrist rocket!" A burly figure flashed away.

And then, a small explosion broke out in the forest.

In the place where Fujii was originally lying, a small pit appeared, and his body was bent at a strange angle.

On his right hand, he still held the flare that could not be launched...

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