Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1062: , Payne Six Ways!

It was when Penn Six Ways pulled out the last secret whistle and successfully approached the outside of Konoha Ninja Village and was about to come outside the barrier. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

A member of the Roots who quickly flashed through the sewers appeared in the extremely quiet Roots underground hall in the blink of an eye.

Without the slightest delay, his whole person flashed onto a high platform in the hall.

And in the extremely quiet hall, at the moment that the root ninja flashed onto the high platform.

At this time, we discovered that in the extremely silent hall, we don't know when, there are no less than two hundred root ninjas.

Perhaps, these people have been waiting here for a long time.

No words, no actions, just like the most sophisticated machinery.

This is one of Konoha's most elite troops-the roots.

Although it is not the most powerful unit, it definitely has the highest mission completion rate. It has made many and seemingly inconspicuous, but in the end it can affect the rise and fall of Shinobu Village, and even the whole Continental troops.

Because they are the roots of Konoha, they have always regarded themselves as the most sophisticated part of Konoha's components, and they are fulfilling their mission at all costs.

Although they are in the Ninja world, even Konoha's reputation is so bad.

But it is undeniable that Konoha without the root organization will definitely not be as prosperous as it is now.

However, perhaps, starting today, the reputation of the roots will begin to change.

At least, there will be some changes in my village. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because they are now about to break free from the underground and become the existence that continues to contribute to the village, but is no longer hidden under the ground!

And at the moment that root ninja jumped onto the high platform, more than two hundred pairs of eyes in the hall stared at the ninja on the high platform at the same time.

However, their eyes are still so indifferent and ordinary, not revealing any breath.

In that dark hall, if you are not paying special attention, I am afraid you will not find the gaze of more than two hundred pairs of eyes.

However, these all changed in the next.

Because, the ninja standing on the high platform said a word.

"The groundbreaking operation begins!" The one standing on the high platform, one of the most indifferent and ruthless squad leaders who was originally represented by the roots, raised his hand with some excitement and raised his hand towards the hall below. More than two hundred root ninjas said indifferently.

And at the moment his voice just fell, the eyes of the two hundred root ninjas in the dark hall suddenly changed.

Excited, fiery, crazy, and so on, the eyes flashed through the eyes of the two hundred root ninjas underground.

However, their formation has not changed at all, and it is still so neat and quiet.

However, an invisible aura change appeared in this team.

Let this team no longer be so cold.

But in the next moment, their eyes became cold again, and people couldn't help thinking whether they were dazzled just now.

It's just that, from the silhouettes of them quickly dispersing and escaping into the passages leading to various places in Konoha, we can still see a slight difference...


And it was at this moment that the Six Paths of Payne came to the barrier that monitored Konoha.

Just like the original work, after obtaining the information provided by Madara, who is pretending to be the soil, Payne successfully parsed out this enchantment that would be difficult to pass silently without a corresponding technique. In fact, it has A flaw.

That is, this enchantment cannot clearly monitor objects that enter the enchantment directly from the sky. (In my settings, there is interference, but it can still be monitored, but it is delayed.)

So Payne came up with an idea temporarily.

That is to send the Beast Dao in it, using the powerful arm of Hell Dao to throw the Beast Dao directly into Konoha.

Then, using the animal road to summon the other five abilities, taking the opportunity of Konoha's miscalculation of his offensive strength, he directly invaded Konoha's important places, and even directly captured the nine tails.

And just like the original book, Payne successfully achieved his goal by relying on the tactics he temporarily thought up. (From this perspective, Payne is actually a very qualified leader with enough strategy.)

If it weren't for the end, Naruto took the advantage of Payne's attention and killed several of Payne's clones one after another.

In the end, Naruto's mouth and guns erupted, successfully dissuading Payne's words.

Then, Penn's intention to invade Konoha can undoubtedly be successfully completed.

Even, Konoha has been erased from the map of the mainland in a sense.

However, facing Zhang Xiang who has already read the original work and is already densely packed with various arrangements, is this useful?

And at that moment, Hell Dao was already using his powerful wrist power to throw the Beast Dao directly to an altitude of several hundred meters, causing the Beast Dao's body to land directly towards Konoha...

The wind of ‘huhu’ sounded in the ears of Brute Dao, and in his vision, there was no lack of a peaceful (rotten) Konoha scene in the bustle, which became clearer and clearer in his eyes.

But at the same time, relying on the powerful vision ability possessed by the reincarnation eye, he caught the figure standing on one of the houses.

"That... is it?!" In the eyes of Beast Road, there was a trace of caution and shock for the first time!

And at this moment, after bidding farewell to the Ninja School, Zhang Xiang, who appeared in the center of Konoha directly using the "Flying Thunder God Technique", also raised his head slightly and looked at Penn Six Dao in the sky. Among the beasts.

Relying on the scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, he clearly captured the other side's figure.

Even the caution that flashed in the opponent's eyes was clearly captured.

"Cautious and shocked, have you noticed it? But is it useful? Let me have a taste of the gift I gave you!" Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a murderous smile amidst the strangeness.

Because, at the moment he raised his head and saw the Six Ways of Payne.

The powerful magic power that permeated his body suddenly condensed.

False) Southern Cross!" Zhang Xiang's right hand gently waved downward.

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