Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1063: , The water is cut off!

Pseudo) Southern Cross!"

As Zhang Xiang’s voice sounded, seven consecutive stars burst out with dazzling light, and they gathered into a huge beam of light filled with stars, poured directly from the sky and directly suppressed into the six paths of Penn. The body of the animal road. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, Payne is also worthy of being a person with reincarnation eyes and whirlpool physique.

The moment he found that he had nowhere to escape, he chose to sacrifice his body, and instead chose not to impose any defensive ninjutsu, and directly faced the terrifying mighty power of the sky.

However, it is not without reason that Beast Road gave up resistance.

Because, just before that bright beam of light was about to come.

In the midst of that moment, Beast Dao had already completed half of his mission.

——The psychic comes from the psychic beast under his command.

"The Six Spiritual Rhino!" Payne's cold voice echoed in the air.

But at the next moment, the bright beam of light with a diameter of more than five meters directly crushed the body of the animal Tao directly on the ground, knocked down the house below, and directly bombarded the ground.

At the same time, a huge psychic contract appeared in the air, and amidst the sound of'Peng', a large amount of white mist emerged.

First, a huge rhino head broke free from the white mist, and then the huge body weighing more than twenty tons and about six meters high.

Especially this huge psychic beast rhino appeared in midair.

Wait until its huge body directly falls from the air of tens of meters. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

There was a loud bang.

A huge dust mist, large enough to block most of the line of sight, radiated from the place where the huge psychic beast rhinoceros fell, spreading towards a radius of several hundred meters.

It's just that the scattered smoke and dust can block the sight of others, but it can't block the sight of Zhang Xiang who has a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

In Zhang Xiang's field of vision, smoke and dust with a powerful impact came through the face.

The psychic beast rhinoceros that fell from tens of meters in the air is slowly recovering from the huge crater caused by its huge weight and the acceleration of gravity. Slowly broke his limbs out of the mud.

Although it fell from tens of meters in the air, it also withstood the impact of creating a pit of tens of meters in radius.

But with his huge size and his own rough-skinned figure, the rhinoceros, a psychic beast over six meters tall, suffered only minor injuries, perhaps strictly speaking, even minor injuries. Isn't it?

Because it suffered the most serious ‘trauma’, it was just a little paralysis of the limbs, and some dizziness due to the impact.

At the same time, beside the huge psychic beast rhinoceros, the five-meter-thick pillar of light gradually dissipated, exposing the deep pit under it.

That was Zhang Xiang's attack of the "Southern Cross" constructed by using magic power alone.

In the deep pit, besides the tumbling smoke and dust, even the fluctuation of Chakra or the breath of creatures did not exist.

The real situation is also true. During the whole process, in order to prevent the Beast Dao from counterattacking, Zhang Xiang was always using mental power to perceive and investigate.

For this reason, seeing how the body of Beast Dao turned into flying ashes in that bright starlight pillar, Zhang Xiang was very sure that Beast Dao was already dead and could not die again.

However, Zhang Xiang is still a little dissatisfied.

"...I didn't use the angel's power, is it still a bit short?" Zhang Xiang looked at the psychic beast rhino that would be shrouded in the attack range, and whispered a little dissatisfied.

However, this trace of dissatisfaction did not appear on his face for long.

"Forget it, it's just a little extra effort." Zhang Xiang said in a low voice, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

And at the moment his voice just fell, the psychic beast rhinoceros, which was a little dizzy due to the impact, was completely awake and began to execute the last command set by his master.

——That is to try to destroy all the houses and ninjas that can be seen within the line of sight.

So, at the next moment.

The psychic beast weighing more than twenty tons began to run.

What's unexpected is that although the body of the psychic beast rhinoceros is six meters high and weighs more than twenty tons.

However, the speed at which it ran was unexpectedly fast.

With a burst of trampling that gradually became denser sounded from the spreading smoke, the psychic beast rhino with a sharp hook rushed out of its own path in the smoke.

All the houses blocking it in front of it were under its huge body and strong impact. As soon as it touched, the whole house was shattered, turning into countless fragments and flying in all directions. Away.

Fortunately, before that, Zhang Xiang had already ordered all the roots to be dispatched and the villagers in this area were evacuated in advance.

Otherwise, relying on the powerful destructive power of the psychic beast rhinoceros, people who are in the house or those within a radius of tens of meters will be blasted from the house fragments. , Let's shoot into a hornet's nest.

It's just that the damage it can cause is just like that.

Because, at the next moment.

With a sound of ‘swish’, a rune-engraved kunai nailed its way forward.

Zhang Xiang's body, which didn't appear to be so strong, was already there.

And with the appearance of Zhang Xiang, there was also a sharp slash that was enough to cut the air out of the vacuum.

An illusory blue light flashed through the smoke-filled air, slashing out a cut mark without any impurities, forming a sword light, a huge psychic beast that rushed from that The rhino's body just flashed.

The illusory blue light, like the waves of the sea, waved away slowly and quickly, giving people a real feeling of waves.

Even, I can vaguely feel the smell of the sea.

But in fact, that is just the angel's power of water attribute, the little energy left when cutting off the air.

"One knife flows and cuts water!" Zhang Xiang silently muttered that the trick he created was called sword art, but in fact, it was a slash that could be used with a sword.

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