Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1064: , Seal in the Four Elephants!

"Roar" a stern scream came from the mouth of the psychic beast rhinoceros that suddenly fell to the ground. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The screaming screams spread throughout Konoha.

Its body, which was more than six meters high, hit the ground heavily, and a gully about four meters wide and ten meters long appeared on the ground.

And the more eye-catching thing is to count, from the fracture of the four broken giant legs, a large amount of scarlet blood sprayed out like a fountain.

The large amount of blood that spurted out instantly stained the surrounding dust and mist into blood red, and the **** smell of rust filled the surrounding area.

It's just that even if it has suffered such a strong attack.

The attacking psychic beast rhino still did not return to his psychic world because of his injuries.

On the contrary, on the incision that was hit by the extremely sharp slash, the blood began to stop quickly, and the granulation like biohazard began to squirm violently and began to grow rapidly.

It seems that soon, the limbs that were severed by Zhang Xiang will grow out again.

However, seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang was not too surprised.

Because, among the six ways of Payne, the animal path has a trick that allows the psychic beasts that psychics come out to possess the psychic art of unlimited multiplication.

Although the opponent is not using this trick now, Zhang Xiang is not surprised that the opponent has a similar effect of ninjutsu.

But it is a pity that Zhang Xiang, who is familiar with the plot, has already thought about how to crack it.

"Action!" Zhang Xiang said to his back without looking back.

I don't know when, the four rooted ninjas have appeared behind him silently.

They wear different styles of masks on their faces, and they wear similar to the dark parts, but those familiar with them can still see the root costumes.

At the moment when Zhang Xiang’s voice fell, the root ninja standing neatly behind Zhang Xiang quickly spread out, and quickly appeared on the ground struggling with the instant technique. The psychic beast rhino formed a square.

Then, at the same time, they unfastened the seal scroll on their backs and pressed them to the ground.

And, the ninjutsu that began to skillfully bind certain seals came.

It's just that, although the rhinoceros channeled out by the animal path are not high in IQ.

But the rhino, a psychic beast that can grow to a height of six meters, is definitely not that simple.

Just when the four root ninjas appeared around it and began to seal, it already felt something wrong.

And, the most correct response was made in an instant.

Then, he directly attacked one of the rooted ninjas.

It's just that, how can there be no protective ninjas around the seal class?

It was the moment when the psychic beast rhinoceros suddenly jumped up from the ground and wanted to attack by surprise.

A root ninja hidden in the dark has been completed in good time.

"The earth escapes the sky and the cover!" As his voice fell, a cover engraved with a huge beast, which seemed to be at least tens of tons of earth cover, fell directly from the sky, instantly He smashed the psychic beast rhinoceros that hadn't recovered to the ground again.

At the same time, the four root ninjas responsible for the seal also completed their own seal ninjutsu.

"Seal in the four elephants of Ninja!" With the sound of the four rooted ninjas, the four purple-red barrier walls instantly connected, trapping the psychic beast rhino inside.

And, in the next moment.

A pitch-black void like a black hole suddenly appeared in the sealed purple-red enchantment, covering the entire enchantment in pitch black.

When the dark void disappeared, the psychic beast rhino, which was more than six meters high, had completely disappeared, and even the dirt cover was gone.

Next, even the purple-red enchantment burst at the same time, and suddenly turned into four purple-red rays of light and was sealed into the seal scroll that she carried.

And then, the ninjas at the root just as if they came silently, and disappeared silently.

Only by leaving traces of battles all over the ground can people guess what happened here.

And at this moment, Zhang Xiang, who was moving rapidly in the direction of Penn's Six Paths, finally saw the five voices that were also approaching at high speed in his direction.

They were all dressed in black robes embroidered with red clouds, and the one running in the front had eye-catching orange hair.

Of course, Zhang Xiang is the most sure that the opponent is Penn’s Six Dao, and also counts the number of circles, unified eyes of reincarnation, and the acceptance of those who are inserted into them. I don’t know where to hide. Carat's black stick.

But at the moment of meeting, without hesitation, Shuangyi launched their own long-range attack.

"Weird wrist rocket!"

The Asura Dao running in the middle launched an attack first, and as a small explosion erupted from his wrist, his wrists with both hands were like out-of-the-box cannonballs, quickly bombarding Zhang Xiang's direction. Away.

The attack launched by Zhang Xiang was more orthodox.

That is, I took advantage of my kaleidoscope to write wheel eyes dynamic vision and control, and instantly used Uchiha's throwing method to "spill out" a lot of suffering.

It's just that it's sprinkling, but in fact, the kunai of each root maintains considerable power.

Moreover, under Zhang Xiang's limit control, the dozen or so kunai that flew out were all launching collisions from time to time along their own trajectory, changing their trajectory.

But the ultimate goal will never change.

That is, towards the Six Ways of Payne, no, it is now everyone in the Five Ways of Payne lasing away.

And at this moment, the attack of Shura Dao, who used his own hands and wrists as weapons, also came to Zhang Xiang.

Relying on the power of the explosion, the opponent's hands really possessed the power of a cannonball and speed.

However, if this level of attack is used, it can cause damage to Zhang Xiang.

Then, Zhang Xiang is not worthy of the title of film class.

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