Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1065: , Dance of the Moon on the Three Days!

At the moment when the strange wrist rocket came into the body, Zhang Xiang's body suddenly turned halfway, and his right foot suddenly kicked towards one of the strange wrist rockets. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Faced with the Six Paths of Payne that could destroy a village, Zhang Xiang didn't have any idea of ​​retaining his strength.

So, at the moment when Zhang Xiang's right foot flew up to the strange wrist rocket.

With the power of Tsunade Monster Power Fist that was not inferior to that of Tsunade, the strange wrist rocket that slammed into it with the force of the explosion was kicked out.

It was just a moment, and the strange-arm rocket that was kicked out had already penetrated through the numerous houses and sank into the ground.

It seems that under this kind of impact, even if it is barely able to maintain its shape, the design of its mechanism has already been shaken into powder.

However, the strange wrist rocket launched by the other party was not just one.

And in the next moment, under the control of the other party deliberately.

It was originally just a strange wrist rocket that followed a straight line, and the five fingers suddenly broke away from the palm, forming something similar to a large bullet. The speed has been accelerated a bit, and it has the power of a sniper bullet. .

And the palm of the rocket with the strange wrist that broke away from the five fingers suddenly ejected flames from behind, turning a bend and attacking Zhang Xiang's back.

It seemed that the opponent wanted to attack Zhang Xiang back and forth, making him unable to react.

If Zhang Xiang really just leaned on his two hands and two feet, then he would definitely be messed up, at least he would be bombarded by the five ejected fingers.

However, when did Zhang Xiang say that his physical attacks rely on pure flesh instead of foreign objects?

"The dance of the three-day moon, Yuehua!" Zhang Xiang said softly, and his right hand pulled out a cold light from the void. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But in the next instant, the slash like moonlight rippled from Zhang Xiang's body.

It was as if there was really a bright moon above his head, irrigating a large amount of moonlight, forming a sea of ​​moonlight.

It's just that the ocean is an ocean, but it is a deadly ocean.

Because that is the ocean formed by the sharp blade.

If a piece of meat hits it in, then within half a second, that piece of meat will be chopped into minced meat by the countless sword light.

And no surprise, whether it was the five fingers that were sprayed, similar to the bullets of a sniper rifle, or the strange wrist rocket accelerated by the jet of flames, they all slammed into the moonlight outside Zhang Xiang's body. Above the ocean.

Moreover, what is even more insidious is that both the five fingers and the strange wrist rocket are filled with a lot of gunpowder.

Moreover, the moment before it hit Zhang Xiang, it was detonated by the opponent remotely.


The powerful impact was accompanied by the fiery red flames, waved away, centered on the place where Zhang Xiang was standing, and hit a big hole.

However, the injured person was not Zhang Xiang, but one of Payne Liudao.

Because, when did Zhang Xiang say that the "Zhang Xiang" that was attacked by the explosion was his real body? !

An illusory figure suddenly appeared beside Penn Six Paths, and suddenly rushed towards the Hell Path among the Penn Six Paths.

In his hand, a long sword that was flowing like a moonlight and flowing like a flower, quietly stabbed towards the head of the **** road, trying to cut his head off.

But helplessly, the Six Paths of Payne deserved to be able to rely on the reincarnation eye and share the vision 360 degrees.

Even Zhang Xiang appeared behind Hell Dao, and only made a sound at the moment of the attack.

However, Payne Liudao successfully reacted.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!" At that moment, the Six Paths of Payne had already determined that it was impossible to completely protect the **** path by using other methods.

Therefore, in the next moment.

Heavenly Dao among Penn's six realms, raised his right hand without pity, and at the same time attacked Zhang Xiang, he also attacked the Hell Dao that stood in front of Zhang Xiang.

A shock wave that was rapidly propagating like a sound wave could be seen by the naked eye, suddenly erupted from Tian Dao's right hand, forming a spherical shock wave, impacting in all directions.

The first to be affected is to count the other Penn six paths around him.

It's just that, as the other four of Penn's Six Paths, who were also controlled by Nagato, they had already retreated violently at the moment when Heavenly Dao raised his hand.

In addition, they are not the main targets.

Therefore, they did not suffer much.

However, Zhang Xiang, who was the main target of the attack, felt tremendous pressure.

The powerful shock wave coming in one direction of his own, if he wants to bear this level of shock when he is in his heyday, it is not a big problem.

However, the three powers in his body are maintaining a strange balance.

He didn't dare to gamble, and didn't want to test whether he would let this balance fail if he received a strong impact.

For this reason, at the moment when he saw Tiandao displaying the Shenluo Tianzheng, he did not hesitate to withdraw the long sword in his hand and quickly dodge away.

However, his dodge does not mean that he will let go of the **** road that has the ability to revive other Payne.

At the moment when he pulled away and retreated, his right foot slammed onto the body of Hell Dao, causing it to slam into the shock wave of the Shenluo Tianzheng.

And he, following the recoil, escaped from the scope of Shenluo Tianzheng in time.


Another burst of smoke rolled up, flooding everything within hundreds of meters.

However, the impact this time was obviously stronger than the previous one.

Because, centered on the front of Penn's six heavenly paths, with a diameter of 20 meters, everything in a fan-shaped range of 270 degrees was razed to the ground.

And the Hell Road, which was greeted by the impact, had responded in time.

However, his lower body has completely disappeared.

Even his upper body was in a tattered state.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but sighed inwardly: ‘It’s still a little bit worse. ’

And at the moment he looked at it, the other four realms that had violently exited the realm of Heavenly Dao had already quickly returned to Heavenly Dao's side.

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