Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1088: , The painful past!

"Teacher Jilaiya, and the person who ruined my Penn's six body..." The skinny Nagato raised his head and looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang and others through the scattered red hair. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Looking at Xiao Nan and Nagato who slowly appeared on the stage, Jilaiya also had a complicated look in his eyes, sometimes painful and sometimes confused, as if thinking of the past.

"Yeah, it's been a long time." Jiraiya nodded bitterly, and looked at the Nagato not far in front of him, with infinite words to say.

However, in the end he chose to tell his own experience.

"After the Third Ninja World War, I visited you several times, but the small building was already empty. At that time, I was still worried about your safety, thinking we didn’t know when We will meet again. However, I did not expect that we met, but we met under the circumstances of today..." Jilaiya’s words were full of complex emotions, and there was regret. , There is also pain.

"Really? After you left, the three of us wanted to find you very much. However, thinking of your usual teachings, we resisted this impulse and started practicing in Yu Ninja Village to help Weak and small. During this period, we also experienced a lot of things and saw a lot of human suffering, which made us feel quite deeply. Later, in order to change this situation, under the mention of Yahiko, we established the establishment of not relying on extreme force Akatsuki, the organization that came to create world peace. At that time, we really thought that with our strength, we could change this war-torn world and restore peace to Yu Ninja Village."

"And the process seems to have also witnessed our seemingly incredible dream, which is about to come true. Look at'Mao Xian, Chinese Wen, Wang, because in this process, although our organization has received a lot of suspicion, There are still all kinds of difficulties. But in the end we all passed, and many ninjas who originally suspected us and hostile to us became members of our organization. It was like a snowball. Although the entire organization grew stronger The process was very difficult, but our general atmosphere did not make us dissatisfied. Moreover, in several difficult battles, we also achieved victory by unity. At that time, we really Very happy..." Nagato's expression was calm, and his eyes were all plain. Even when he said the word'happy', his reincarnation eyes were still so plain.

It can even be said to be indifferent.

And listening to Nagato's words, the expression on Jiraiya's face gradually eased, revealing the color of memories.

"Yes, at that time, even if I was in Konoha, I could hear your deeds from time to time..." Jilaiya's face showed a nostalgic expression, and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. , It seems to remember that when I heard the news, I felt at ease and proud of their safety and achievements.

"Yes. But what made us happier at that time was another thing. After experiencing a battle of mutual understanding, once again succeeded in getting a group of like-minded people to recognize us and our determination Do not rely on extreme force to create ideas. At that time, our organization was already the most powerful organization in the entire Yu Ninja Village, except for the Yu Ninja Village. So, after a period of mutual exchange After the test, the leader of Yuninja Village Sanshoyu Hanzo invited us to discuss, and wanted to borrow our power to propose peaceful negotiations with the three countries of fire, wind, and soil (because Yunin Village is at the junction of the three countries. , The strategic position is very important, and the third Ninja war was intensified at that time.) In the excitement, Yahiko also agreed to his request." Nagato said lightly.

However, at the next moment.

His reincarnation eyes diverted his gaze slightly, and then turned his gaze to Jilaiya's body.

"At that time, we really thought that our dream was finally going to succeed. Although it was only realized in Rain Ninja Village. Moreover, at that time, we were still fantasizing how to complete our dream in Rain Ninja Village. After dreaming, I further promoted my ideas across the continent to create a world without war. However, we were wrong! We were wrong too much to believe in the other party, too much to believe in the other side, too much to believe in ourselves, and to miss the belief in the original It's impossible to succeed!" Nagato raised his head, and for the first time there was a wave of hatred in those extremely cold eyes.

However, those fluctuations just passed by in a flash.

In the next moment, the hatred in his eyes disappeared completely, leaving only infinite indifference.

"Our organization was in ambush. Hanzo colluded with Danzo and lay in ambush at the meeting place. A large number of Konoha's dark parts (roots) and Yuren surrounded us. Xiaonan was captured, and Yahiko was killed by despicable means. Then. , In hatred and anger. I, clearly realized one thing. That is: human beings are stupid creatures that don’t understand each other anyway."

"So, in the pain of infinite existence, I grew beyond mortals and turned from mortals to gods. At the same time, I also made up my mind to make this world feel the real pain in order to make this painful horror. Suppress war and bring the world to stability and peace. This is God's duty!" Nagato stretched out his skinny right hand and shook it sharply.

And listening to Nagato's words, Jilaiya's face showed excitement for the first time.

"It's not right, it's because of being hurt, it's because of being betrayed. Therefore, we should remember this kind of pain and treat others with our sincerity and kindness. Don't you know, because you The plan has already made many people taste the same pain as you. Since you already understand the pain of hurt, why continue to hurt others like this! The peace is hard-won, why should you destroy it? What about it?" Ji Lai was also excitedly defending, with pain and hope in his eyes.

I felt painful for what happened to Nagato and the others, and felt painful for why I was not there.

The hope is that Nagato can turn back and return to the right path.

However, the reason why a **** can become a god, even if that **** is an evil god, is a **** who gives people pain.

Then, he must not be so easily persuaded.

You know, the foundation of God's existence is his faith.

If faith collapses, is he still a god? !

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