Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1089: , A wonderful way to play!

"Really? It's a good ideal. It turns out that that is the real justice. Look at the 1 Mao 2 X 3 Chinese website. However, you have ruined my entire family, my companions, and my village like you are now. Same. Is it possible that only you can define peace and justice?" Nagato's indifferent reincarnation eyes watched Jiraiya.

If it had nothing to do with Zi Lai Ye, and the plain words, it hurt J Lai Ye's heart deeply.

"Yes, I admit that we did wrong. But are you not doing the same thing now? Hatred will only breed more hatred. If you continue like this, the world will not become more Feel the pain?" Ji Lai also tried his best to retort.

However, listening to Jiraiya's words, the expression on Nagato's face did not change at all.

"Yes, pain, I am creating pain. Because I want to make this world feel enough pain. In this way, I can make them not dare to act rashly in their pain, and bring a truce in this war-torn world. Rests, this is the mission of God. I once thought about how to stop the war quickly in the war between nations? But after experiencing the pain, I understand. As long as the forbidden weapons are involved in the war among nations, Those who hold this weapon will definitely use its power. Thousands of people die instantly, and anyone will feel terrified! People, countries, and the whole world know pain. That kind of fear will produce inhibitions. Power, there will be no war from now on. It can be said that the world is growing in the direction of stability and peace. Pain will make the world grow like I did before. To make this world grow, think, and move forward requires God’s explanation. This world is just Child, if you want the world to grow, you must let him know what pain is." Nagato's words are still so plain, and there is a cold light in his eyes.

However, no one could hear the firmness and enthusiasm in his words.

And even when Zilai wanted to say something, everyone's expressions changed.

"It's interesting, the most unscientific, and the strongest mouthpiece is here?" Zhang Xiang said this sentence lightly. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

At the same time, his body also moved two steps to the right.

But at this moment, a voice: ‘Ah, ah, ah...’ appeared in everyone’s ears from far and near.

Then, a figure that was advancing rapidly, suddenly smashed through the other side of the sky tree, and the whole person fell heavily on the ground, sliding a continuous scratch on the ground.

Well, it’s worth mentioning that the other party touched his face first.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang felt pain for the other party.

How painful it should be!

"Naruto, it seems that your way of playing on the stage is getting more and more weird..." Zhang Xiang watched with a bit of toothache, looking at the person who was screaming'pain, pain', and slammed his hands up from the ground. Naruto was leaping alive with his face.

And the protagonist is worthy of being the protagonist, even if it is this way, at least one layer of skin enters the field.

For Naruto, it was only after a while that he was back to normal.

At least, on the surface, apart from the fact that the opponent's face was reddened because of his face grabbing the ground and sliding the distance, there were no other wounds.

This makes Zhang Xiang can't help but sigh, the protagonist is privileged.

Of course, there is another very important reason why Naruto didn't suffer much damage besides the reason why the opponent is the protagonist.

That is, there is a dense layer of chakra gathering around Naruto, helping him to reduce the impact.

‘Is it a fairy? Zhang Xiang squinted his eyes slightly, his gaze swept across Naruto's eyes that resembled red cheeks.

Zhang Xiang knew that it was a unique sign of the state of the fairy in Miaomu Mountain.

However, he now doesn't want to let others know that he knows the immortal state.

And at this time, Jilai also recognized Naruto.

"Naruto, why are you here?" Jilaiya's face showed a surprised expression.

"Ah, it's Mr. Jiraiya." Seeing Jiraiya, Naruto's face showed surprise.

In the following conversation, Zhang Xiang and others also knew that Naruto had been practicing in Miaomu Mountain before.

However, today he suddenly received a notice from Miaomu Mountain Toad and learned that someone had attacked Konoha.

So, in a rush, he used reverse psychic techniques to get himself from Miaomu Mountain back to the forest beyond Konoha.

However, when he came back, he realized with hindsight that the battle was almost over.

Just when he wanted to return to Konoha, he saw a person with Akatsuki's costume flying through the sky, and he followed the trail.

As for which kind of weird approach just now.

According to Naruto's own introduction, he wanted to come out unexpectedly, and deal with the opponent before the opponent reacted.

However, he did not expect that he calculated the wrong trajectory.

Therefore, what just happened.

And listening to Naruto's experience and his lack of root thoughts, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

However, he was also surprised by the strong inertia of the plot.

Although the plot has changed a lot, Naruto will eventually appear on this most important occasion.

‘Just don’t know if Naruto at this time is as strong as in the original. Zhang Xiang's gaze scanned Naruto's body, feeling the active Xianshu Chakra on his body, and understood that even if Naruto is weaker than the original, he is not weaker.

"Very well, my original goal in Konoha was to capture Nine Tails. But I didn't expect that you would appear directly in front of me now. Then, don't blame me for harming the friendship of brothers. Just capture you. , I will also capture Yao. Then, my plan can be completely unfolded." Nagato stretched out his hands, as if embracing something.

With his movements, the seemingly ordinary car was clicked, releasing some locks.

The wooden blocks that wrapped his lower body and arms were moved away layer by layer, revealing the body under him.

It was just a while, and Nagato's scrawny figure appeared in front of everyone.

But at the same time, the war has begun!

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