Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1097: , Earth burst into the sky!

However, at this moment, something that Zhang Xiang didn't expect happened. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

The body of the huge outside golem suddenly dissipated in the sound of a ‘puff’.

Regardless of whether it was Zhang Xiang, who was standing on the Golem of Outer Dao, or Nagato whose limbs were removed by Zhang Xiang, they all lost weight suddenly and fell into the forest.

And, at this time.

Nagato unexpectedly caught the moment Zhang Xiang adjusted his body weightlessly. The whole person slammed hard, but got rid of Zhang Xiang's control. The whole person shook his body abruptly, but his hands took the opportunity. Stretched out.

"Vanxiang Tianyin!" He coldly applied this ninjutsu technique to his hands.

With the emergence of a huge force, two successive sounds of "click" sounded, but his hands that had been removed were reassembled by him.

Moreover, regardless of the hot and painful sensation from the meridians of his hands, he once again used the move of Vientiane Tianyin, pulling his body and rushing towards the big tree next to him.

Even his feet that had been removed had no time to reinstall them.

Because he knows deeply that if he wastes this time, he probably has no room to escape.

And the result was not beyond his expectation. From the smoke dissipated by the outer golem, a giant hand burning with pitch black flames suddenly came out.

"Where to go!" Even in the dissipated smoke, Zhang Xiang's scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes still captured Nagato's figure clearly.

Boom! ,

The left-handed body of the'Devil Devourer' controlled by Zhang Xiang hit the ground heavily, and its feet stamped two large footprints on the ground, but its right hand was still stagnant. No, I ran straight to Nagato's body that was about to fall on the tree to grab it. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Only at this time.

However, Nagato suddenly displayed the "Shinra Tianzheng", and the powerful impact was acting on the right hand of the "Devil Devourer" Shuneng's left hand, causing its right hand to bounce up suddenly, losing the chance of tracking.

And Nagato's body slammed into the forest with this blow. In the forest, he quickly broke countless small branches and green leaves.

"Don't even want to run!" Zhang Xiang controlled the body of the'Devil Devourer', bounced abruptly, and flew high.

At the same time, the large amount of pitch-black flames escaping from the'Devil Devourer' also suddenly gathered towards the mouth of the'Devil Devourer'.

Soon, before the huge body of "Devil Devourer" jumped to the highest point, a pitch-black energy bomb had already appeared in Demon Devourer's mouth.

A strong sense of oppression swept all around in an instant, making Jiraiya, who wanted to attack Nagato, his expression changed.

"No, tailed beast bomb! Run!" Jiraiya, who was still in the fairy state, made a judgment in an instant, and by the way also dragged away Naruto who had some unknown reason beside him.

However, Nagato, whose broken body quickly penetrated through the branches of the forest, did not feel any worry about Zhang Xiang's blow.

On the contrary, there is quite a sense of accomplishment.

Because, at the next moment.

Nagato's hands snapped together, and then slowly opened.

Between his hands, a powerful ball of chaotic energy full of powerful repulsion and gravitational force was spinning rapidly between his hands.

"Destroy him!" Zhang Xiang ruthlessly locked the position of Nagato and issued an order.

At the same time, the ‘Devil Devourer’ who had received the order, Su Neng Zuohu, also suddenly spit out the pitch-black energy ball two meters in diameter from his mouth.

It was a pitch-black energy ball that was burning with pitch black, as if it could swallow the soul of a person.

And, at the moment it was sent out.

The energy that escapes is already crushing all the trees along the road to pieces, causing the broken trees to ignite an ominous dark flame, directly smashing everything to the direction of Nagato. go with.

And at this time, Nagato also prepared his ninjutsu.

"Earth Burst Star!" Nagato said the name of this trick in a low voice, and the chaotic energy ball that was spinning rapidly between his hands, flew out slowly, like a one An ordinary stone.

However, after performing this trick, Nagato's originally iconic hair of the whirlpool clan suddenly became a lot dim.

The two-meter-long pitch-black flame energy ball rushed away unscrupulously, while the chaotic ball that was only the size of a child's fist was slowly flying.

If it were judged by ordinary people, then no matter it was, everyone would think that the black flame energy ball with a diameter of two meters would win.

But the result is the opposite.

After flying to a certain extent, the chaotic ball that was only the size of a fist stopped.

Then, as if a supernova exploded, the chaotic sphere suddenly shrank into a small spot, forming an existence like a black hole, and the extremely powerful gravitational force swept all around in an instant.

The earth began to crack, the trees were uprooted, and even the air and sunlight seemed to be distorted. They gathered together toward the black hole formed by the chaotic sphere, wrapped around it, and gathered into a huge sphere. .

It was only given in one second, and that scale was already five or six meters in size.

At the same time, the pitch-black energy bomb also impacted in front of the ball, and violently collided with it.


Another sound swept through a small half of the forest, causing a huge pothole to appear on the ground, and a powerful explosion that shattered several cracks, which once again raged on the land.

Only when the smoke cleared.

A shocking thing happened. The powerful explosion only blew up a part of the earth and rocks that the sphere gathered.

Soon, a large number of earth, rocks and trees attracted by gravity from a distance have already filled the gap.

Even the large amount of dust caused by the explosion and the splashing stones cannot escape the fate of being attracted to the past as a material.

Soon, the powerful gravitational force attracted the "demon devouring" Xuneng that was imaginary outside Zhang Xiang's body, attracting its huge body, and it was flying higher and higher towards it, and it was already enough. Balls with a diameter of more than one hundred meters gathered together.

"Damn it!" Zhang Xiang's expression changed and he suddenly cancelled the Xu Neng Zuohu outside.

If he was wrapped in by the earth-blasting star, he didn't let himself burst out of the nine-tailed power, breaking free from it!

After all, no matter what kind of power is in his body now, he can't consume too much!

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