Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1098: ,hooligan!

"Yuebu!" Zhang Xiang's feet quickly trampled through the air, driving his body to land in the air in a slightly difficult way. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

At this time, Nagato's body also fell heavily on the ground, marking a long scratch on the ground.

There was even a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, Nagato, who used his life force to forcibly perform this trick of ‘Earth Blasting the Star’, suffered a not weak internal injury.

However, this did not affect Nagato's subsequent actions in the slightest.

After stopping, Nagato didn't even have the thought to stop and rest, and the whole person rolled to one side in embarrassment.

By the way, he also used the rocks and branches on the ground to integrate his feet with rough techniques.

And at the moment he flashed past, the painful voice of ‘Bah, Bah, Bah’ rang around Nagato.

Don't forget, Jilai also experienced World War II, three stops, and has a rich experience in melee combat. How could he miss the opportunity to hurt the enemy?

However, although the observing ability of the reincarnation eye is not as strong as the white eye, it is not even as strong as the reincarnation eye.

However, he still has a way to capture Jiraiya's figure.

Not to mention, since he crashed into this piece, he had already taken into consideration the possibility of a sneak attack as well.

It was just when Nagato dodged and avoided.

Dozens of figures in succession jumped down from midair and rushed towards Nagato. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Then there is the iconic ninjutsu, besides Naruto who knows the technique of multiple shadows, who else will there be?

"Ah, I must catch you and make you apologize to the **** fairy!" Jumping down from the tree branch at high speed, the Naruto of Kuwu in his hand made a roar.

It's just that Naruto's attack with such a big fanfare, how can Nagato have no way to deal with it?

"Psychic art!" Nagato jerked onto the ground.

In an instant, there was a reincarnation eye in one eye, and the huge Yatawu suddenly appeared at Nagato's feet.

In addition, the next moment he flapped his huge wings, driving Nagato's body to fly into the air.

The strong wind that fanned out from Yata's bird's wings caused most of Naruto's shadow clones who jumped over to fall down in midair.

However, there are still quite a few Naruto who jumped up when Yatatori successfully leaped over the forest.

"Lie down for me!" Naruto raised his fist and waved to Nagato.

However, Naruto, who has not experienced a war in the Ninja world and can only win by number of physical skills, can be the opponent of Nagato who has experienced three wars and various shadow-level battles?

Although, Nagato's feet became more inconvenient because of the rough treatment.

"Really?" Chang Meng responded indifferently.

Then, he dodged abruptly to avoid the attack of Naruto Shadow clone.

And, when he dodged the attack of Naruto Shadow clone, he stretched out his right hand and pressed it on his abdomen.

"Palm of Gale!" Nagato snorted.

The powerful wind burst out from Nagato's hand instantly, driving Naruto's shadow clone to hit three successive shadow clones behind him, and was knocked out of Yatatori's body, turning into a cloud of smoke.

It was just a moment, and there were only three Naruto shadow clones on Yatatori.

"Damn it! Stop it for me!" Naruto yelled angrily and rushed over.

But it was just three or two, and Naruto and his only two shadow clones were completely resolved.

Also, Naruto was caught by the throat.

"Hungry Ghost Dao Sealing Technique to **** the seal!" Nagato showed the power of the Hungry Ghost Dao, and the powerful Chakra who belonged to the Maelstrom clan suddenly poured into his body, so that his about to wither Chakra got no good. Few supplements.

Even the color of the hair gradually showed signs of recovery.

But would Zhang Xiang and Zilai also give him this opportunity?

"Xianfa Toad Erzhong!" Jiraiya, who didn't know when he flew to the sky above Nagato, suddenly displayed the magic of cooperating with two toad immortals.

The powerful sound wave swept all around in an instant, especially the Nagato directly opposite, and fell into the illusion enchantment of the cooperation of the two great toad immortals in an instant.

Moreover, a huge toad also jumped up, nearly tens of meters high.

"Give me back to the psychic world. Hidden weapon technique toad short knife cut!" The toad boss slammed out the huge "short blade" in his hand, slashing to Yata bird's body, causing him to be seriously injured at once. He returned to the psychic world with a burst of smoke.

And the Jiraiya who landed, took the opportunity to use the body of the toad boss Wenta who landed in the air as a springboard, and rushed to the side of Nagato who could not move.

"I'm sorry." A trace of grief flashed in Jilaiya's eyes, but it was more determined.

"I can't just watch you destroy this world." Jilaiya quickly pierced his own kunai, and pierced Nagato's chest.

But at this time.

An illusory distortion suddenly appeared in the air. A hand stretched out from it and grabbed Jilaiya’s right hand. Then the whole body was wearing a red cloud and black robe with a spiral mask, only revealing A person who came from Sangou jade writing wheel broke free from it, flew to the abdomen of Zi Lai Ye, and knocked it out.

"Ah, he almost came late, the boss of our organization, can he be killed by you so easily?" A burst of hippie smiles made a funny voice, from the silhouette of the figure that suddenly appeared in the air.

Who else would there be such a person?

It will only be Uchiha who is pretending to be Afei!

But in the next moment, his voice stopped abruptly.

"Really?" Zhang Xiang, who appeared suddenly, waved the "Knock of the Sky" in his hand.

As soon as the sharp blade appeared, it was only less than a few centimeters away from A Fei. The sharp cold light caused A Fei to see a lot of cold sweat on his back in an instant.

As soon as ALFY appeared, he had to resort to the illusory trick again.

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