Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1103: , Into the country of iron!

Half a month later, after discussions with the upper levels of the entire village, the village finally formed a team of the Five Shadows Talks and moved towards the direction of a neutral country and iron country. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

As for why it took such a long time, instead of moving quickly like the original.

This is also for a reason.

Although Konoha lost a lot in Penn’s Six Paths attack this time, the most important loss about Shinobu did not occur, and there were no large-scale casualties. There were only hundreds of civilians. A dozen ninjas died.

Because of this, Tsunade, who would have been attacked by Payne due to excessive transmission of Chakra, did not pass out.

It just needs to deal with the damage to area D of Konoha Village, as well as incidents related to comforting civilians, and it is a little tired.

Naturally, Danzo is no longer in position.

Therefore, the problem also appeared at the same time.

That is, whether Tsunade wants to attend the Five Shadows meeting this time, who should he bring if he attends the meeting, and even whether the content of the meeting should be approved, etc. are all issues that need to be discussed.

After all, even though Tsunade is one of the three ninjas, because she left Konoha Ninja Village very early, she served as Naruto.

But it is not like the three generations of Hokage who have served as Hokage for decades. They have absolute control over the entire village to a relative degree, and they are even subject to members such as the elders' advisors.

These problems are related to the entire village.

Because, if the Ninja Alliance is really formed, there are opportunities, crises, and all kinds of issues related to interests, which will make many people in the village red eyes. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

There is no such majestic Tsunade like the three generations of Hokage who has a backlog for many years. Naturally, he needs to talk nonsense with all aspects.

Moreover, more importantly, Danzo will also enter the group of the Five Shadows this time, which makes Tsunade very concerned.

Therefore, the problem has been going on for so long.

Of course, the final result was that Tsunade was unable to refute Danzo's request to join the team.

After all, compared to Tsunade, the Konoha elders are more inclined to have mastered Konoha for so many years, have more sources of information, and Danzo with more sophisticated methods.


And because the members participating in the Five Shadows talks are at least members above the level of forbearance, the speed of the entire team is very fast.

In just two days, the entire team has already arrived at the border of the Iron Country.

Zhang Xiang's feet quickly trampled on the snow, and sprinted behind the team.

He wears clothes with roots on his body and a monkey mask on his face. He looks like a ghost.

As for why it’s like a ghost, it’s because if someone stands behind Zhang Xiang and moves forward quickly, then he will find that Zhang Xiang’s figure looks extremely light, like a swallow that can fly at any time. Generally, like a weightless ghost, it may disappear at any time.

Because, even though his feet were trampled quickly on the white snow.

However, Zhang Xiang's footprints are only such a thin layer compared to other footprints that run without concealment.

Once blown by the wind and snow, that little trace will disappear immediately.

But it's a pity that everyone in the team is burying their heads and rushing forward.

Because they encountered a blizzard when they came, they were a bit of a delay, so they had to hurry to offset the wasted time.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly raised his head.

"This feeling?" Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes slightly, and his mental perception quietly bypassed the team without a sound and scanned the surroundings.

"Oh, is it him?" Zhang Xiang's mental power perception showed a young man wearing a grass blade at his waist. The whole person looked very handsome. At this time, there was a hatred expression on his face. .

What's more conspicuous is to count his pair of scarlet Sangou jade writing round eyes.

And in this world, in addition to Uchiha belt soil and Kakashi, who else will have the three-gou jade writing wheel eyes?

That's right, this young man spotted by Zhang Xiang is Sasuke Uchiha after successfully getting the eternal Wanhua Writer.

"It's very interesting. Is the plot still advancing in the same direction as the original? Just so, I have almost controlled the roots. Danzo should let him abdicate naturally." Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a smile.

It's just the next moment.

Sasuke Uchiha, who was ambushing in a snowdrift hundreds of meters away, seemed to be aware of something, with an expression of uncertainty on his face.

Then, he leaped back one by one and disappeared into the forest.

But this move by Sasuke made Zhang Xiang curious.

"Strange, did you feel my surveillance? It seems that his strength is really growing very fast, and he can detect the surveillance that only shadow-level masters can really detect. It seems that the next surveillance He has to be more serious." Zhang Xiang said softly.

In the snowstorm, this sound seemed so inconspicuous.

Only at this time.

Within the scope of Zhang Xiang's mental perception, a new monitoring target appeared.

"This sign is... Yun Ren?" Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes slightly, checking the identity of the other party.

At this time, the perception ninjas in the team also discovered the other side, and the other side seemed to have noticed Zhang Xiang and others at the same time. The entire team slowed down a bit and became vigilant.

Ten seconds later, Zhang Xiang's team contacted Yun Ren who had detected it.

Nothing unexpected happened, and the person leading the team was Yun Ren's current Raiking Ai.

As soon as they met, the two teams fell into a stalemate on high alert.

Because, to a certain extent, these two teams can be regarded as feuds. The countless companions on both sides fell under the sword and ninjutsu of the other side.

"Hehe, I didn't think that Naruto leading the team this time was you, Tsunade!" The fourth generation Raikage of Yunninja Village walked out of Yunren's team and fought against Tsunade in Zhang Xiang's team. Hello.

Of course, the tone is not much better.

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