Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1104: , Five Shadows Conference!

But in the next moment, Raikage's originally friendly conversation suddenly changed. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"However, you Konoha were not attacked by Akatsuki organization. Why, you still have leisure to come by yourself and not clean up the mess?" Raikage's face showed a somewhat mocking smile.

But, in terms of irony, who can compare to a woman?

Because of this, it was also destined that Raikage would not be able to take advantage of Tsunade's words.

"Thank you for your concern. We Konoha don't rely on Raikage-sama like Yun Ninja Village. Even if I'm not here, someone will help me with this little thing. But, you Yun Ninja Village is okay. Did you hear that you were also attacked this time? I heard that even Raikage-sama, your brother Yao Manzhu was also captured." Tsunade even canceled Raikage's taunting words. , And thoroughly mocked Yun Ninja Village once.

"You!" Upon hearing the words about his brother Kirabi, Raikage, who was already very grumpy, suddenly became grumpy.

The subtle light of thunder and lightning filled his body.

‘It’s very strong. Is it just because of the leak of Chakra that caused it? Moreover, his cultivation of nature must have reached a certain level. Otherwise, the leaked Chakra would not turn into thunder and lightning so easily. Zhang Xiang squinted his eyes slightly, and San Gouyu's writing wheel revolved in his eyes, always ready to take action.

"I don't know, is my lv5 body strong, or the strength of the body after Lei Ying completely activates the cells?!" Zhang Xiang looked at the power revealed by Lei Ying under the observation of Sangou Yushulunyan , And between his actions, the perfect coordination of every muscle fiber in his body can not help but sigh in a low voice.

However, he also knew that this fight would not be possible. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Sure enough, under the circumstances that the Five Shadows Conference is about to be held, no one wants to be accused of sabotaging the Five Shadows Conference.

After taunting each other, he realized that he was really nothing but Tsunade's fourth-generation Raikage, and suddenly turned and left. ,

Of course, the trees along the way are miserable.

At least, after Zhang Xiang and the others lifted their guard and continued to run for several kilometers towards the target place, they could see a huge tree in the distance that was stained white by snow, and collapsed suddenly.


Soon, the time came to the day of the Five Shadows Conference.

The venue of the Five Shadows Conference is in a slightly widened room. In the middle of this room is a round table. Except for the messenger of the Iron Kingdom sitting on the main seat, the other five shadows are all pressed Sitting on both sides with their seats.

Behind them, standing their respective subordinates, on the wall behind them hung a banner with the symbols and names of various major countries.

"First of all, welcome everyone to come. As the leader of the Iron Nation, I am very happy to have everyone here. I hope everyone here can calm down and solve the problem perfectly. Now, it is the Lord Raikage who held the conference, Tell me about the purpose of holding this meeting." Mifune, who was sitting above the first seat, sat down and motioned for Lei Ying to start speaking.

After getting permission from Mifune, the leader of the Iron Kingdom, Raikage nodded and began to speak.

"Everyone, I won't talk any more nonsense. I believe that with the spies that everyone planted in our Ninja Village, in this short period of more than half a month, everything has been investigated clearly, right? Wrong, we are the eight-tailed manpower pillars of Yunninja Village. Kibila was attacked by Akatsuki. Moreover, it is very likely to be taken away. The manpower pillars of Ninja Village were attacked and were taken away. I believe everyone knows. How important is this for our Ninja Village? Therefore, the content of our Five Shadows Conference this time is how to wipe out the organization of Akatsuki!" The fourth generation of Raikage’s right hand hit the table. His face was solemn and angry and told everyone about this matter.

However, just before he finished speaking, there were already other shadows who had given their opinions.

"But, aren't these things in your Yunninja Village? What's the matter about our Rock Ninja Village?" The third generation Tukage Twotenka Ohnogi relied on his own qualifications to be the oldest here, and gave his opinion to Raikage's words. .

The other shadows also looked in the direction of Lei Ying at the same time, with a look of dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Although they also want to unite, they don't want Raiking to initiate, because the initiators occupy a lot of interest in it.

At least that promoter's identity can win enough benefits for his Shinobu Village.

"Huh! Three generations of Tukage, don't think what exactly you plan to do, I won't know. I believe that everyone here will not know it. Also, since Akatsuki has already hit our minds The body of Yao in Ninja Village. So, what about the manpower pillars in Ninja Village? Ha ha, according to the news I received, except Konoha's nine-tail manpower pillar, from one tail to seven tails, most of them must have been organized by Xiao Let’s catch it! You know this, Shaying you have tried your best!" Lei Ying stood up suddenly, glaring at the three generations of Earth Shadow, and pointed his finger in the direction of Shaying.

Gaara's eyes also revealed a hint of dissatisfaction as Lei Ying pointed at him.

However, for the sake of the overall situation of the joint, he still nodded.

"Yes, they are very powerful, they have already taken one tail from my body. Moreover, as far as I know, their members are all S-rank rebels." Gaara said lightly.

"Look, since Shakage has already admitted. She also said their threat. So, what are you still hesitating? If you don't unite, I believe that no ninja village can resist their organization. Raid?" Lei Ying glanced around, his words were full of aggressiveness.

"Hmph, I don't believe that they can invade the Ninja Village. If they dare to attack, I will let them know that my'Primary Realm Stripping Technique' is not vegetarian!" Tuying snorted coldly.

"Moreover, with regard to the human pillar, our misty human pillar has long defected. Since their target is the human pillar, it doesn't matter what happens in our Mist Ninja Village." The charming Shui Ying has his hands folded on his own. Under his chin, his face calmly said such a sentence.

"In other words, you don't want to unite anymore?!" The third generation of Raikage slammed the table top, with anger on his face.

"If that's the case, it's useless to say more. Our Yun Ninja Village will uproot Akatsuki alone." Three generations of Raikage suddenly stood up and started to walk outside.

Seeing that the Five Shadows Conference was about to fail.

However, at this moment, a voice rang.

"Wait!" Zhang Xiang's plain voice rang in the small meeting.

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