Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1133: , Crack the ‘blur’!

As Uchiha's voice fell, a huge spatial vortex appeared in front of him. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The huge tail beast jade that impacted in front of him was directly swallowed by that spatial vortex.

If this is the only thing, the key is that at the next moment, as a spatial vortex not far in front of Zhang Xiang appeared, the huge black-tailed beast jade that exuded devastating fluctuations was directly transferred to it. In front of Zhang Xiang and others.

"how is this possible!"

"not good!"

"Run away!"

The sound of horror came from the team behind Zhang Xiang.

However, it was said that it was a quick escape, but everyone knew that with the speed of the tail beast jade, as long as it was not the existence of the elite level of ninja, in any case, it would not be able to avoid this tail beast jade.

Because the power of the tail beast jade is well known, once it falls, there is absolutely no living thing within a radius of tens of meters.

However, even so.

The ninja coalition forces of the second unit who had just transferred from the battlefield also changed their faces and tried their best to escape.

However, just as the tail beast jade was about to bombard the ninja coalition of the second unit, a miraculous thing happened.

"Don't run, let me come!" Zhang Xiang's flat voice rang in the team.

And the magic is probably because of Zhang Xiang's ruining figure in the second unit, or because of Zhang Xiang's plain words, which gave everyone confidence.

In short, after hearing this sentence, everyone present could not help but believe it. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Seeing the reactions of everyone present, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but nodded secretly.

‘It seems that my newly figured out with a little illusion based spiritual hint, the effect is good. Zhang Xiang said in his heart.

However, he is not a person who ignores everyone's crisis in order to test his abilities.

He said that he didn't need to run because he really had a way.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang's figure flashed to the forefront.

"Give me back again! The Art of Flying Thunder God!" Zhang Xiang took out two Kuunai with runes and blocked them in front of the huge tail beast jade.

In an instant, with a burst of space distortion.

At that moment, the huge tailed beast bomb turned into another space jump and directly came to the sky above the Uchiha belt.

Moreover, in the next moment, it bombarded the ground, exploding the powerful power contained in the tail beast jade.


Chakra, full of corrosive and tyrannical nature, instantly swept across a 100-meter radius centered on the landing point, and directly annihilated everything in the range into nothingness.

A huge pothole appeared on the plain.

However, beside the pothole, Uchiha's figure with soil appeared beside it intact.

"Flying Thunder God's technique?!" Uchiha's soiled eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Zhang Xiang who rushed over.

You know, he had suffered a lot in front of Water Gate who possessed the Art of Flying Thunder God.

And Zhang Xiang stared back without fear.

At this time, he discovered that Uchiha's belt soil had become a reincarnation eye in the left eye and a kaleidoscope in the right eye.

"You disperse, reinforce towards the first unit, clean up the battlefield and retreat. As for him, hand it over to me and two Renren Zhuli!" Zhang Xiang gave orders to the ninja coalition forces behind him.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, all the ninja allied forces responded and began to disperse quickly.

As for the original rule of Loess, he did not express any opinions at this time.

"Let me come and meet you well, you guy who hides his head and shows his tail. By the way, I want to let you know what is wrong with taking shots at other people's prey!" Zhang Xiang just fell off his words. The figure was already following the rune kunai he threw out, and it flashed to Uchiha's side.

"Give me to die!" As Zhang Xiang's voice sounded, the "Sora no Taiblade" in Zhang Xiang's hand had already drawn a mysterious trajectory, directly towards Uchiha's soiled body.

"It's useless, as long as I'm still in the illusion, you will always..." Uchiha said arrogantly with his eyes indifferent.

It's just that he hasn't waited until he finishes.

A strong sense of crisis spread all over his body. It was a feeling of life and death crisis that he had rarely encountered since he learned the trick of blurring.

‘It’s going to die, if it’s cut, it’s really going to die! Uchiha took the soil to look at the "Sora no Taiblade" waving, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

At the same time, his body began to retreat violently.

But how easy is it to escape from Zhang Xiang, who is close?

Following his movements, Zhang Xiang's "Sora no Taiblade" caught up at an even faster speed. The sharp blade even broke through the clothes outside his body and began to stab It broke his skin.

‘Impossible, my blur is perfect. How could anyone hurt me? ! The heart with soil is full of fear.

However, he deserves to be the one chosen by Uchiha Madara as his successor.

In the next moment, he already calmed down.

He knew that his most important task now was to survive in Zhang Xiang's hands.

As for the others, only those who survive will have a chance to know.

If you can't survive, then even if you want to understand everything, what's the use?

So, at the next moment, he brought the soil and forcibly removed the blur from his body.


"Shenwei!" Uchiha's kaleidoscope with his right eye suddenly widened, and a wisp of forcibly transformed blood flowed out.

But everything is worth it, a huge spatial vortex, instantly enveloped the ‘Knight of the Sky’.

A powerful force acted on Zhang Xiang's right hand, which was a sign that the "King of the Sky" was about to be crushed by the spatial vortex.

'Pity. Zhang Xiang sighed secretly, and pulled out the "Kora no Taiblade" that was about to pierce Uchiha's body with soil from the space vortex.

"But, don't think about staying at any price, just run away like this!" Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed.

His hand was actually covered with a layer of angel power, and suddenly the edge of the space vortex broke free, and he swept past Uchiha's soil, bringing up a puff of blood and a left hand that flew out. There was a scar that spread from his chest to his mask.

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