Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1134: , Liu Dao Ren Zhu Li!


A screaming scream suddenly sounded. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Uchiha's body with soil was retreating quickly, and the unstoppable blood sprayed from his broken arm, staining the sky a little bit.

However, even in pain, he was guarding against Zhang Xiang's attack again.

Regardless of the hidden dangers that may be caused by the continuous use of the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, his entire body was hidden in the space vortex and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared dozens of meters away.

"Why, how could you attack me in a virtual state!" With his right hand, he covered the soil on his left half of his broken arm, with a shocked expression in his eyes, and looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

But after cutting off Uchiha's arm of soil, Zhang Xiang did not rush to attack again.

Because, he knew that after losing the opportunity just now, it was impossible for him to kill the opponent at such a good opportunity.

After all, the opponent has shadow-level strength!

"Do you want to know? If you want, please beg me, beg me, and I'll tell you." Zhang Xiang said in plain words.

However, it is precisely because of the plainness that it is more irritating.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the shock in Uchiha's eyes with the soil disappeared, replaced by a slaying light.

After all, if Zhang Xiang would tell him how to get rid of his blurry moves.

Then, his combat effectiveness is equivalent to cutting several layers out of thin air.

"Very well, then I don't want to know anymore. As long as you disappear into this world, no one will know it!" Uchiha brought his eyes to Zhang Xiang's direction and said in cold words.

However, Zhang Xiang sneered when Uchiha took the soil and looked at himself.

Indeed, as long as he disappears in this world, no one can crack his blur.

Because this trick requires a very deep sense of space, and combined with the technique of Flying Thunder God, successfully achieved the trick that interferes with the opponent's blurring.

After all, the other party's blur is a reference to space.

If the surrounding space is disturbed by another force, then the opponent's moves are bound to change.

Relying on this principle, Zhang Xiang created this trick to attack the opponent by using the technique of Thunder God.

The reason why Zhang Xiang didn't say this is very simple.

I haven't seen a lot of them. It is obvious that the villain will kill the protagonist, but is it just the brain-dead who tells the principle of the move that he thinks he can't crack, and gives the protagonist an example of an impossible way to reverse it?

Although Zhang Xiang thought that the other party could not be the protagonist, he was not the villain.

However, don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case.

If the other party has a way to solve this problem, isn't he going to have nothing to do with the opponent's illusory body again? !

And Uchiha didn't know what method he used to bring the soil. After resting for a while, his broken left arm didn't spurt blood anymore.

In addition, he also made a look of victory.

"Let me take a look at what the reincarnation eye can achieve!" Uchiha took the soil with his right hand and one-handed knot, and slammed it on the ground.

"Psychic art!" followed Uchiha's voice with soil.

Six successive reincarnations of the filthy earth appeared in front of Zhang Xiang. They all had reincarnation eyes with the left eye, and the reincarnated eyes with the right eye.

And they were also famous during their lifetime.

They are:

The human column power of the two-tailed brigade is shared by the wooden figure, the tail beast jade, the rat tail ball jade

Mizuo Isosuke's human column power Yakura visual sharing, tail beast jade, water mirror, water mirror, water waterfall

The four-tailed Monkey King’s human column power old purple shared vision, tail beast jade, melting river rock, melting flower and fruit mountain

Five-tailed Mu King’s human pillar and Han’s vision sharing, tail beast jade (good at physical attacks)

The six-tailed rhinoceros’s human column has high vision sharing, tail beast jade, water escape foam, water escape dissolving coat

Nanao Shigeming Human Zhu Lifu has shared vision, tail beast jade, phosphorous powder hidden, insect bite

"What? Renzhuli?" Behind Zhang Xiang, Kakashi who rushed over also exclaimed.

And at this time, Naruto, who successfully entered the tail beast mate mode again, also rushed past from the side.

The golden flames all over his body trembled slightly, and a pitch-black spiral pill appeared on his right hand.

"I want to avenge everyone, let me die!" Naruto roared, and the pitch-black Helix Maru on his right hand slammed against Uchiha's muddy face.

But at this moment.

The corners of Uchiha's mouth with soil, but instead showed a sneer.

"Go ahead, my six ways!" Uchiha said coldly.

And at the moment his words fell, why a lava flow violently bombarded Uchiha's soil, and passed by Naruto who had barely stopped.

"Damn, what is this?!" Naruto felt the lava before him that was enough to cook his whole person, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

If he had just rushed over, he would have rushed directly into the magma.

At that time, even with the protection of the tail beast clothing, he would inevitably be seriously injured.

However, he did not expect that the attack was far more than just one attack.

Zhu Lihan, the five-tailed Mu Wang who was made into six daos, did not know when he had already appeared by his side.

Then, without saying a word, he kicked him in the abdomen with a kick.

Suddenly, he thought he had been kicked by Zhang Xiang again, and he flew out suddenly.

And, on the way he flew upside down,

"Shuidanisodam Great Falls!" Sanwei Isosuke's person Zhuli Yakura quickly seals, and a huge waterfall, centered on himself, rushes out.

If he hits Naruto, I'm afraid he will be shot and fly out again.

And that direction is the direction of the other six people.

In other words, it is a mortal ending!

However, at this moment, the eight tailed beast transformed into a body but successfully arrived.

"Give me back!" Yao roared sharply, and used his tail foot to take Naruto and surround it to resist the impact of the waterfall.

But the other tail feet slammed out, slammed in the direction of Mizuo Isosuke's manzhuli Yakura, slapped them back and hit the ground hard, knocking out one From the pit...

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