Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1220: , Animated!

And after Kai Pi Kidd finished things, Zhang Xiang took Xiaokong and the others home. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, while on the way, a phone call came in.

"Moses Moses (hello), Zhang Xiangjun?" Xunzi's voice with a hint of joy passed to Zhang Xiang through the microphone.

And listening to the joy in Kaoruko's words, Zhang Xiang's face not only showed a smile of joy.

"Yeah, Kaoruko, why did you call me so late? Is there something good to share with me?" Zhang Xiang smiled, chatting to the Tiandaiyu sister opposite the microphone.

"Well, there is a good thing. Moreover, it is still related to you. However, I will not say it now, let you guess." Kaoruko said in a slightly coquettish voice on the other side of the phone.

And listening to Kaoruko's words, Zhang Xiang was also a little curious.

"About me, let me guess?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously.

"Yeah, but hurry up," Kaoruko responded.

Zhang Xiang could even imagine that Kaoruko was laughing on the other side, which really didn't fit her natural and dumb elder sister.

"Is it about my comics?" Zhang Xiang thought about it, and only this one would make Kaoru so excited.

"Well, yes, guess again, what is it about the comic?" Naturally silly Kaoruko, lying on her bed opposite, said with her feet slowly swinging.

A dull hair, followed by the shaking of her feet in front of her forehead, shook this

"Could it be that it was the result of the booklet that has achieved another good result?" Zhang Xiang asked with some doubts.

"No, although the performance of the single book is indeed a very good result. However, due to the saturation of the market in the past two months, the single book market has declined somewhat. As for the overseas market, it has not yet opened up Is it done~ Can you guess again?" Kaoru turned her body over, wrinkled her Qiong nose, and continued to Zhang Xiang.

"So, what is it? Could it be that there are new peripherals coming out?" Zhang Xiang continued to guess.

"Well, it's a bit close, I'm about to guess it. Although it is a peripheral, it is something that helps to promote the sales of comics." Kaoruko continued to say to Zhang Xiang with a smile on his face.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang's mind suddenly flashed.

"Is my cartoon going to be animated?" Zhang Xiang suddenly thought of such a possibility.

"Ah, you guessed it," Kaoruko said unwillingly.

And listening to Kaoruko's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a burst of excitement.

After all, no matter which manga is animated, the benefits are immeasurable.

Because, now the sales volume of Youth Weekly in Neon is around five million copies every week, which is far from covering the entire Neon.

However, if it is a passive manga.

Then, with the propaganda of the TV station, people who know this comic will definitely become more.

Some comics even relied on animation to resurrect this, and succeeded in doubling people's anger several times.

Not to mention, after the comics, various surroundings will become popular.

Otherwise, just like Zhang Xiang’s previous life, the author of One Piece earns 30 million U.S. dollars a year, which is equivalent to more than 200 million RMB. Where did the billions of yen come from?

After all, even at the speed of One Piece's out-of-print editions, it would be only five or six in a year.

Five or six individual books, even if every one is a big hit, its sales are close to hundreds of millions at most.

And the contribution fee is more than 50 million yen a year at most, where is the billion yen in revenue.

Most of the real income of these comics comes from peripheral income, such as changing into animation and selling it to get a share, or extracting copyright fees from the peripherals, such as games, that will eventually have such a high price.

Animation is one of the most important things.

After all, compared to TV and the Internet, the people who can be affected by being published in the Youth Weekly are a bit less.

And animation can expand the affected people several times, so as to achieve the IP effect of the formation of star works.

As long as there is enough heat, everything around, including dolls and games, will flourish.

So as to allow the author to extract sufficient copyright fees.

This is the mystery that makes big cartoonists earn a lot of money.

Therefore, after learning the news that could be animated, Kaoru couldn't wait to call Zhang Xiang.

After knowing this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but start to question.

"So, when is it going to be animated?" Zhang Xiang asked nervously.

"Well, it has not been decided yet. However, there are already about twenty-four animation companies that have asked us to purchase the copyright of the animation version. After a preliminary selection, the people in the weekly have roughly selected The most sincere three of them came. As for the final choice, the director and producer said that you need the help of the original creator to make the choice. After all, you signed a special share contract." Kaoru had a face on her face. An expression of joy, pretending to complain, said.

"Really?" Zhang Xiang showed a happy expression on his face.

"Hmm!" Kaoruko nodded. Her pink pajamas was moving slightly with her movements.

If you look at it from the side, we can even see Kaoruko lying on the bed, the deep career line, and the bottomless white creaminess.

However, because it is indoors, no one can appreciate such a beautiful scenery.

"So, when will the animation contract be signed?" Zhang Xiang said with some excitement.

After all, as mentioned earlier, animated works are bound to usher in a lot of explosive periods.

"Well, if you want, I can make an appointment for you tomorrow. I'm a competent editor." At this point, Kaoruko couldn't help but patted herself on the chest. Choppy

But Zhang Xiang was not here at this time, wasting such a scene.

"Yes, yes, yes, our Kaoruko is the best" Zhang Xiang also smiled and exaggerated the other party.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't know that after he hung up the phone, Kaoruko rolled on her bed.

"Yeah, the transformation was successful. The book says that girls who love to act like a baby are more popular. That's true. Well, I will come on in the future." Duan Mao seemed to be shaking with her excitement.

Well, she is just the natural editor

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