Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1221: , Animation conference!

The next morning, after washing up, Zhang Xiang officially set off in the direction of the JUMP editorial department.

Today is the day to negotiate the right to adapt the "Fullmetal Alchemist".

If it is an ordinary cartoonist, although when discussing the right of adaptation, the preference of the cartoonist will be taken into consideration and let him participate in the selection of the company.

However, most of the time, cartoonists only have the right to make comments, and they do not prevent the company from helping them choose an animation company.

Of course, if it's those cartoonists who have a long history and strong influence.

Then, the comic company still dare not decide on its own, and will fully consider the other party's opinions.

Now, although Zhang Xiang's comics are selling big, he is gradually becoming a big comic.

However, his current influence is not enough, not enough for the comic company to respect his personal opinions.

It was Zhang Xiang's special contract that really allowed the comic company to let him participate in the selection of the animation company.

"Please come in. This is the meeting room where the three animation companies are located." Under the leadership of a young intern editor, Zhang Xiang came to the door of the meeting where he was discussing how to animate.

Then he opened the door and walked in.

As soon as I entered and looked around, the deputy editor-in-chief of Bottle sitting at the front, due to the huge sales of Zhang Xiang's "Fullmetal Alchemist", the copyright fees for the adaptation of the animation naturally went up.

Therefore, the emergence of the next BOSS bottle deputy editor in JUMP Weekly.

And sitting next to the deputy editor-in-chief bottle is naturally Kaoruko, who is in charge of Zhang Xiang.

In the past, naturally there will be some members of the JUMP editorial department related to animation evaluation.

They are mainly responsible for investigating the prices of the three companies, as well as various aspects, and then sorting out a precise table, including the company’s channels, the sales of animations produced in the past, and various All kinds of things are digitized.

For so many years since manga was adapted into animation, there has long been an evaluation formula for possible future sales performance.

Although, this formula is not very accurate.

However, there is still important evaluation value.

Seeing Zhang Xiang stood up, the deputy editor-in-chief of Bottle also stood up and introduced Zhang Xiang to everyone.

"Everyone, this is the author of "Fullmetal Alchemist", Zhang Xiangjun. Zhang Xiangjun is here to introduce himself to everyone." The deputy editor-in-chief of Bottle introduced Zhang Xiang to everyone.

And Zhang Xiang also showed a smile in time.

"Hello everyone, I am Yuta Segawa, the author of "Fullmetal Alchemist" and "Gintama", um, but I prefer everyone to call me Zhang Xiang. Of course, if you want, you can also call my pen name ." Zhang Xiang went down into three waves, with a total of about twelve people. The three animation company teams introduced themselves,

Looking at Zhang Xiang's appearance, I was surprised when I saw members of Zhang Xiang's three companies on the first day.

"No way, so young."

"Yes, I thought that a writer who could draw "Fullmetal Alchemist", a manga with meaning to life, would be a very experienced person. I didn't expect that he would be such a young person. "

"However, although he is young, he holds the right to determine which company is the final winner!"

Upon hearing this sentence, the following discussion suddenly disappeared.

Originally, the doubts in Zhang Xiang's eyes were restrained by those people.

Even though they still have some doubts, they will not be troubled with money!

On the contrary, the heads of the three companies also stood up and began to admire Zhang Xiang.

"Hello, I'm the producer of Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd. (Kyoto Animation), Yakumo Ishikawa, I am very glad to meet you. Zhang Xiangjun is really young and promising. At this age, I have drawn two consecutive best-selling comics. coming."

"Hello, I’m the producer of Sunrise. Friends Sakai, I’m glad to meet you. Zhang Xiangjun’s comics are really wonderful. In order to get something, you must pay the corresponding price. This can be said to be the whole human world. The miniatures are all described."

"Hello, I am the producer and president of BONES (Bone Club), Nan Yahiko. I am very glad to meet you. If Zhang Xiangjun is willing to trade the right of adaptation to us, then it would be great. We will do everything we can to perfect it. Made by the ground."

And listening to the last person's words, both the other two animation production companies and the deputy editor-in-chief of Bottle glanced slightly.

Because they rarely see people who are so disregarded and talk about business as soon as they come up.

However, Zhang Xiang did not pay attention to this.

Because Zhang Xiang was shaking hands with them, but gradually recalling the origins of these three companies and what anime they had produced.

The first Kyoto animation is very famous.

Because, in his previous life, he has produced many famous daily funny animations and love animations.

Love animations include: Full Metal Frenzy Campus (2003), Kanon (Second BSi Version) (2006), AD (AD クラナド) (2007), ADafterstory (AD~クラナドアフターリー~) (2008) ), AIR TV version (2005), Bingguo (2012) and the most famous secondary disease also have to fall in love! Love (Season One and Two) (2012, 2014)

And the funny animes of the daily department include: Light Tone Girl (Season 1 and 2) (2009, 2010), Daily (2011), and the most famous Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Haruhi Haruhi no Melancholy) (14 episodes produced in 2006) 14 episodes produced in 2009).

Especially the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya in the last one, is well-known in previous lives.

More importantly, Zhang Xiang in this world encountered the real Haruhi...

Moreover, in the production committee, this company has also served as Macross FLASHBACK2012, Crayon Shin-chan (TV animation), Doraemon (TV animation of TV Asahi), Inuyasha (サンライズ, 2000~2004), Fantastic The production of well-known animations such as the King of the Crystal Tower in the Baby Movie Edition is very powerful!

Although, in this world, this company has not produced all the animations above.

However, its strength is beyond doubt!

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