Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1245: ,favourite

"Ah, you, my uncle, I really lost to you" Zhang Xiang showed a helpless smile on his face, and touched the little nose of Xiao Xiao with his nose, causing Xiao Xiao to smile like a silver bell. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Then, Zhang Xiang turned to Meiyu's direction, reluctantly wanting to continue to say something.

However, at this moment, Mei Yu's face showed a mischievous smile.

Then, her whole body flew into Zhang Xiang's arms and hugged Zhang Xiang and Xiao Chi together.

"I like Xiao Hina and Uncle the most, as well as everyone in the family, so Uncle, you don't have to worry about Mi Yu, I will empathize with each other, and I have no interest in the show business at all..." Mi Yu With a smile on his face, he slyly blinked at Zhang Xiang, and said with a pun.

However, at the end of the talk, her words were so light that they were almost inaudible.

Her words seemed to be joking, and they seemed to be telling the real thing, which made people a little bit unable to understand.

At least, because of Miyu's words, Zhang Xiang is quite confused by some of her husband's monks and can't figure out what Meiyu means.

However, if he could hear Miyu's heartbeat speeding up a lot after saying it, and seeing the blushing cheek when he was buried in Zhang Xiang's arms, he would know.

But unfortunately, there is no if

And at this moment, Xiao Ai and Hua Huo Xiao Lori also walked out of the kitchen.

And Meiyu also let go of the arms that hugged Zhang Xiang and Xiao Chi, and got to the seat.

"Come and eat soon, uncle, if the mustard noodles are cold, it won't be delicious" Mei Yu smiled and invited Zhang Xiang as if nothing had happened.

And Zhang Xiang was also confused and did it. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

It's just that the little grief and fireworks in the kitchen are not unheard of these things that just happened.

When passing by Zhang Xiang's seat, Xiao Ai gave Zhang Xiang a secret glance.

"Are you pedophile? Not only did you start with Xiaokong, even Miyu didn't let it go? Moreover, I now particularly doubt my clothes at that time. Are you still keeping them?" Xiao Ai said in a small voice in Zhang Xiang said in his ear.

Then, she walked over as if nothing had happened.

Only after Zhang Xiang took a sip of the soup, he coughed constantly


"Brother, is it choking or is it scalded? Is it okay? Drink slowly, this kind of soup is hotter" Xiaokong asked with some worry.

But Zhang Xiang stopped after a few clear coughs.

"No, it's okay, it's just that I drank a little faster." Zhang Xiang explained to Xiaokong.

However, he looked helplessly in Xiao Ai's direction.

Normally, he didn't speak coldly, but at this time such a burst of words broke out, and Zhang Xiang really had to be slightly surprised.

However, he did not see it.

Not far from him, Hua Huo was looking at Zhang Xiang with a weird look.

Well, at such a close distance, with the specially trained ears of the ninja, it is not difficult to eavesdrop.

And at this time, everyone started to move

"I started" everyone said together.

"Ah, this kind of noodles looks so delicious, and it tastes very delicious. It's delicious" Mi Yu showed a surprised face while eating.

"Yes, it's delicious. It's unexpected." Zhang Xiang was also a little unexpected.

"It's rude, I learned from my aunt, and sister Huahuo just helped me a lot," said Xiao Kong, wrinkling his nose.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong" Zhang Xiang smiled and apologized as he ate.

In this way, family members seem to dismantle each other, but in reality, they are in a warm dialogue that exchanges feelings with each other. This is not the first time that happened in Xiaoniaoyou’s home.

Everyone is familiar with this atmosphere

And at this moment, the little chick who was working hard beside him also spoke.

"Xiao Xiao, eat slowly, no one will grab it with you" Zhang Xiang helped Xiao Xiao cool down the noodle soup, and said to Xiao Xiao who was eating quickly and happily.

"Well, but, it's really delicious, uncle, the little chick should be full and the pink one." The little chick put her small bowl on the tabletop, and signaled that she would have another bowl. .

"Yeen, fish cakes, right? Xiao Chi will have more than everyone else." Zhang Xiang took Xiao Chi's small bowl and handed it to Xiao Kong, who stood up, and said with a smile on his face.

In the small bowl dedicated to the small young bird, Xiao Kong cut the fish cakes as Zhang Xiang said, and put a few more pieces in it.

On this New Year’s Eve, the full pink fish cakes that I put in looked auspicious.

After half an hour, everyone wiped out the full pot of mustard wheat noodles. Even the young chicks had swollen belly, obviously very satisfied.

After finishing all the dishes and chopsticks, it was still half an hour before twelve o'clock.

However, Miwa proposed to rely on games to expel drowsiness. This proposal was strongly supported by the little chicks who like games very much.

Therefore, after eating the noodles, everyone started to play the game.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't expect was.

Originally it seemed cold and cold, as if he only liked scientific research, but his knowledge in games was far beyond Zhang Xiang's expectations.

Hehe, Zhang Xiang wouldn’t say that he suffered Qilian kneeling

And because they haven't played for a long time, whether it's Meiyu or Huahuo Lori, they all abused Zhang Xiang from the game.

Only when Xiao Kong looked at Zhang Xiang pitifully, he let Zhang Xiang win two sets.

As for the young bird, although Zhang Xiang won, but does he dare to win?

When I first came here, I accidentally won the memory of making Xiaoxiao by playing games with Xiaochun, but Zhang Xiang has a deep memory.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang did not know how many losing streaks.

Xiao Chi nodded sleepily, while Miyu and Xiao Ai were struggling to play the game, the bell rang on New Year's Eve.

The elegant bell rang not only from the TV, but also from the bell of the temple not far away.

Of course, it was because of Zhang Xiang's sensitive ears that he only heard it.

As for ordinary people, they just heard the bell from the TV.

After all, the distance between the two parties is really far.

In this way, in such a warm atmosphere, the New Year’s Eve night was slowly passed.

As for Xiao Hina, no one knows whether she heard it or did not hear the bell on New Year's Eve with her sleepy eyes...

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