Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1246: , Little lazy cat

The plan for a year is in spring, and the plan for a day is in the morning

This means that the plan for one year should be planned in the spring, and the plan for the day should be planned in the morning.

However, Xiaoniaoyou's family did not seem to have done this at this time. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Ah, it's too late, everyone get up quickly." In the morning, Xiaokong's mournful cry resounded through Xiaoniaoyoujia.

Then, Xiao Kong dressed in pajamas and knocked on the door one by one, dragging everyone who was asleep.

And Zhang Xiang was also held by Xiaokong and dragged from the bed.

"Brother, that's true, even you are still in bed. Hurry up and ask Xiao Chi to get up. I'll prepare breakfast, and then I will hurry to Chu Yu." Xiaokong somewhat pulled Zhang Xiang from the bed. Said somewhat complainingly.

The so-called traditional customs of the neon people refer to visiting a shrine or temple for the first time in a year to pray for peace.

Because the first month of the Japanese is January 1st of each year, the first month is usually on the evening of December 31 (Dahui day) or the morning of January 1.

The Little Bird Tour family chose to go in the morning of January 1st because they were afraid of too many people and too many people at night, and afraid that the young chicks would go away.

"Ah, let me sleep for a while" Zhang Xiang said with a very tired look, rubbing his eyes.

"Ah really, brother, if you weren't willing to continue playing yesterday, and you wouldn't have played until that night, everyone would go to bed. So, brother, you are the culprit. Get up soon." Xiaokong hands on his hips On, Zhang Xiang gave Zhang Xiang angrily.

Well, last night, due to the evil's ten-point losing streak, Zhang Xiang dragged everyone to continue playing. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Until Zhang Xiang was unwilling to admit that he was above the game, he really had no talent.

The time has come to nearly two o'clock.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that Zhang Xiang is the culprit.

Looking at Xiao Kong, he seemed to be a little angry, and Zhang Xiang immediately jumped out of the bed.

"Okay, follow Mr. Xiaokong's words, Zhang Xiang will now officially set off to pick up our cutest young girl sauce to get up" Zhang Xiang saluted Xiaokong, then jumped out of the bed and directly Charged in the direction of the young bird.

"Brother, get dressed and go! And, shoes" Xiaokong said helplessly.

However, looking at the smile on the corner of her mouth, she knew that she really enjoyed this kind of seemingly troublesome, but full of warm life everywhere.

After running out of his room, Zhang Xiang ran upstairs in a hurry, directly opened the door of Xiao Chi's room, and ran inside.

At this time, the young bird was sleeping quietly on his own crib.

She is covered with her favorite pink bunny quilt. On the left and right sides, there are her most precious bunny No. 1 and Bunny No. 2 dolls.

Although, in normal times, Xiao Chi often uses these two rabbit dolls as house items.

But her most precious thing is also these two rabbit dolls

Because Rabbit No. 1 was bought by Zhang Xiang’s sister, who is also the biological mother of Xiao Chi.

And, I once promised that as long as Xiao Chi always be a good boy.

So, no matter what kind of wish is, the rabbit doll will help her realize

And lying beside her two most precious rabbit dolls, even if she was sleeping, Xiao Chi still kept a lovely sleeping face.

However, maybe it is because the indoor temperature is a bit high.

The little chick, who was wearing a light yellow cotton pajamas, stretched out his little hand from the quilt and placed it on the rabbit No.1 doll.

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Zhang Xiang had the urge not to bother.

However, he also knows that if he doesn’t wake up the young chick and take her to Chuyu with her, I am afraid that even a very well-behaved young chick will take a long time.

Therefore, at the next moment, Zhang Xiang whispered Xiao Chi's name.

"Little chick, little chick, got up" Zhang Xiang whispered little chick's name by the side of little chick's bed.

Perhaps it was because the young chick was the first to sleep last night, so it was already about to sleep enough.

Under Zhang Xiang's soft call, Xiao Chi's brows were slightly frowned, and after her black eyelashes were slightly shaken, she slowly opened her eyes.

Then, she actually sat up directly.

In her eyes, there was still a trace of sleepy eyes, and a long black hair, because maybe it was because of the bad sleeping posture last night, but a tuft of black dull hair was raised up proudly. , And coordinated with her a little dazed look when she just woke up.

Really, as cute as possible.

"Huh? My uncle," Xiao Chi turned her head to Zhang Xiang's direction, and the black dull hair on her forehead also jumped with her movements.

It seems that Xiao Hina is still half asleep and half awake, and there is still some little confusion.

"Little lazy cat, get up soon. Everyone has to go to the beginning. You have not gotten up yet." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and couldn't help touching the young chick because he was a little confused. Xiaoqiongbi's little chick who can't hear Zhang Xiang

It's just that after hearing the word "Chuo Yu", Xiao Hina suddenly woke up.

"Ah, Chuyu Xiaoshu is going to Chuyu!" Xiaoshu suddenly woke up and got up from the bed.

Then, she turned her head to look in Zhang Xiang's direction somewhat soberly, wrinkling her little nose.

"Also, Uncle, Xiao Chi is not a lazy cat, but Xiao Chi is very powerful," Xiao Chi wrinkled her nose, and said to Zhang Xiang with some dissatisfaction.

"Well, yes, yes, it's the little uncle that is the lazy cat, okay, then, get up soon," Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face, somewhat helplessly.

"Well, I have to get up and go to Chuyu." As soon as Xiaoshu talked about "Chuoyu", an expression of excitement appeared on his face, and he immediately jumped out of the bed vigorously.

"By the way, my uncle, Xiao Chi's clothes" Xiao Chi pointed at the clothes of Xiao Chi that had been put on a hanger not far away.

"Yeah, I got it" Zhang Xiang said as he brought the clothes next to him.

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