Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1247: , Xiao Chi needs to change clothes by herself

However, after handing the clothes to Xiao Chu, Xiao Chu turned his head and stared at Zhang Xiang.


Xiao Chi's **** eyes stared at Zhang Xiang.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xiang touched his face, as if nothing was stained on his face?

That is, I just forgot to wash my face

"Uncle, turn around," Xiao Chi said to Zhang Xiang with a furious expression.

"Huh? Turn around?" Zhang Xiang was a little confused.

"Yes, my sister said, Xiao Chi will be an adult from now on, so she has to learn to change clothes by herself. Moreover, Xiaokong also said that girls changing clothes cannot be seen by boys" Xiao Xiao said. Said to Zhang Xiang seriously.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded.

"But, I'm your uncle" Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

"Even if it's my uncle," Xiao Chi said in a serious voice.

That cute look is as cute as she can be, and with the dull hair swaying in front of her forehead, it is as cute as she is.

"Okay." Zhang Xiang could only nod his head helplessly, and turned around.

And then, Xiao Chi's clumsy changing clothes sounded behind Zhang Xiang.

As for Zhang Xiang, he was sitting on the ground, waiting for Xiao Chi to change clothes and take her to wash.

Only, not long after.

Xiao Chi's panicked voice rang behind her.

"Uncle, help me, I can’t see things anymore." I sat on the bed with a small body, holding her pajamas with his hands, but it was because of the wrong posture. She was stuck on her neck, covering her little head, and she couldn't move forward or backward.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang really couldn't laugh or cry, so he stood up, ran to Xiao Chi and helped her tidy up her clothes.

"Don't move, I'll help you take off your clothes. Otherwise, the more you break free, the tighter it will become." Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

However, his movements were very gentle, getting out the clothes that had entangled the chicks little by little.

After dragging the clothes out, Xiao Chi was obviously relieved and sat down on the bed.

"Wow, Xiaochun finally came alive" Xiaochun said with a frightened voice, patted her breast.

"You know it's great, do you want to change your clothes yourself" Zhang Xiang said amusedly.

"Uuuuuuuuu", Xiao Chi said, looking at the clothes next to her obviously with lingering fear.


Two minutes later, with Xiao Chi's cooperation, Xiao Chi finally put on her thick clothes.

After all, because of the relatively low immunity of children, no one dares to take it lightly.

After getting dressed, Xiao Chi's vitality was obviously mobilized.

"Ah Chuyu Chuyu" Xiao Chi sang a song written and directed by herself, bouncing on the corridor.

Behind her, Zhang Xiang followed helplessly.

Because Xiao Chi was a bit too lively today, she didn't want to stay in Zhang Xiang's arms.

"Okay, Xiaochun, don't be too excited, what if you don't have enough energy to wash up soon" Zhang Xiang shouted to Xiaochun with some helplessness.

Seeing the back of Xiao Chi jumping and walking directly towards the stairs, she knew that she had forgotten to wash because she was too excited.

And as expected

"Ah, I forgot, Xiaochun," Xiaochun knocked her little head cutely, and said with a tongue out at Zhang Xiang.

"I know that I forgot, come here soon after that long" Zhang Xiang said while pushing open the toilet door on the second floor.

However, when he opened the door, a scream rang from inside.

"Ah...Uncle!" Meiyu's sorrowful voice rang from the toilet.

Because, in front of Zhang Xiang, Mei Yu held her orange-red short skirt in both hands, blocking her lower body.

Through the faint gaps, Zhang Xiang could see that Meiyu's lower body was just wearing a white and pink fat body.

Then, there are the extremely smooth thighs, and the black stockings that cover from the toes to the knees and under the thighs

Such a scene made Zhang Xiang stunned for a moment.

"Ah, uncle, look at it!" Meiyu's face showed a blush that I didn't know if it was shy or shy, and the grief became louder.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang could be regarded as reacting.

His face turned red, and immediately closed the door to the toilet again.

After all, he felt shamelessly, seeing such a scene by himself, it seemed that he was really a little moved.

Only the little chick who just hopped over, raised her head curiously.

"Uncle, what's the matter with Sister Meiyu? Why do you call your uncle's name?" Xiao Xiao asked Zhang Xiang, tilting his head in some doubt.

Faced with the innocent face of Xiao Chi, how dare Zhang Xiang answer the real content?

"Ahem, it's okay, it's just that Sister Meiyu has something in it. Shall we go in later, okay?" Zhang Xiang's face blushed, but he made up a story.

And the innocent young chick, of course, nodded.

"Hmm!" Xiao Chi nodded happily.

Obviously, she was still excited about the waiting for the first time.

And Miyu didn't let Zhang Xiang and the others wait long, it was already out of the toilet.

However, as soon as she came out, Mei Yu ran up to Zhang Xiang in a **** look.

"Uncle, how can you just go in without knocking on the door? At that time, fortunately, I was just cleaning the stains on my skirt when I ate mustard wheat noodles last night. If, if I were in the shower, , What should I do?" Meiyu said angrily.

It's just that when it comes to the latter sentence, even if it is a little adult-like Miyu, her face can't help but flush.

"Sorry, I just forgot...and, you all locked the door before... How could I have thought that you didn't close the door this time..." Zhang Xiang defended quietly behind him.

It’s just that what he didn’t expect was that Meiyu’s ears were more intelligent than he thought.

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