Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1250: , Meet Laixiang-senpai

Driving a vehicle, although there are so many people who participated in the preliminary mission, the road was somewhat blocked.

But in the end, when they arrived at the final destination, the Shrine, Zhang Xiang and others arrived early.

"Brother, where is the destination?" Xiaokong asked with some confusion.

"Just at the entrance of the shrine, let's go over, walk behind me, don't get lost." Zhang Xiang said to Xiaokong and the others behind him.

However, no one answered yet, Xiao Chi's loud voice: "Yes" then rang.

This made everyone laugh.

"Haha... don't worry, Xiao Chi, I won't let you lose." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and squeezed Xiao Chi's tender cheeks.

Because Xiaochun was now held tightly by Zhang Xiang.

Beside him, Xiao Kong was hugging Zhang Xiang's arm tightly, fearing that he would be squeezed away by the crowd.

Xiao Ai and Hua Huo Xiao Lori followed Zhang Xiang and Xiao Kong.

As for the end, it was Oshin and Miwa who covered the tail together.

Unsurprisingly, the scene was very popular, and there were too many people participating in the New Year's Eve.

The flow of people in and out is in a disorderly and orderly situation amidst the police's guidance.

Chaos means that the flow of people is too much, and it is inevitable that there will be some collision and loss. As for order, it means that under the guidance of the police, the entry of the whole scene is still under a state of order.

And under this situation, Zhang Xiang hugged the young chick, leading Xiaokong and others to blaze a trail ahead.

After a while, Zhang Xiang and others had already arrived at the predetermined place. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

As for why the process is so simple, it is quite easy, as long as you use magical power around your body to construct a general position of dispersing idlers.

All people who either want to actively or passively participate in this group will subconsciously stay away from this place.

Therefore, even in such a crowded situation, Zhang Xiang was still able to lead everyone to the designated location.

This kind of change makes everyone who doesn't know the inside story call for luck.

"With a brother this year, it's really easier to squeeze into the venue, elder sister, isn't it?" Miyu, standing behind Xiaokong, said to Xiaokong as if he was relieved.

In the past, the three of them had parents, especially the help of a father with a little daughter control, but they were still crowded very hard and almost lost in the crowd.

However, today is exceptionally smooth.

So, it's no wonder she would call for luck.

"Yes, this year seems to have become very relaxed," Xiao Kong said, wiping the sweat that did not exist on his forehead.

She also imitated her parents and helped her family to squeeze a passage, but she didn't expect it to be so easy.

While listening to the conversation between the two sides, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but smile.

However, at this moment, a beautiful figure also appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Yutai, Happy New Year." A line was slightly cold, but when looking at the three sisters of Xiaoniaoyou, there was a surprise figure in her eyes, but it appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

As soon as the figure looks like it is a very expensive kimono, the collar is similar to the kimono from Yuri worn by Xiaosora. It is made of unknown fluff and has good warmth. .

The color of her kimono is slightly purple and blue, and blossoms of winter plum blossoms on it.

The counterpart in this kimono looks gorgeous from head to toe. There is no flaw in the shape of the clothes, and the beauty is unforgettable.

And what attracted Zhang Xiang's attention even more was the pair of Oupai who had grown too far.

Although I know that clothes can't burst open, but it gives people a feeling of eagerness.

Well, in general, it is full of female attraction.

And following Zhang Xiang's eyes, the other party seemed to have noticed something.

"Is it appropriate?" Laixiang-senpai asked me suspiciously, slanting her head to lower her chest.

But it seemed that it seemed to attract Zhang Xiang's attention even more.

"Appropriate." Zhang Xiang replied somewhat subconsciously.

However, after that, he felt something was wrong.

By the way, I am not alone now, but come out with Xiaokong and others! ! !

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang felt a pain in the tender flesh of his waist.

"Horring pain..." Zhang Xiang took a deep breath.

"Looking squinting!" Xiao Kong turned his head angrily.

"That's not the case." Zhang Xiang hurriedly tried to defend, but Xiao Kong, who was helplessly angry, was still very stubborn and just ignored Zhang Xiang.

On the other hand, watching Zhang Xiang's deflated Meiyu, she smiled while covering her mouth.

"Hee hee, uncle, you, irritated my sister again."

In desperation, Zhang Xiang had to turn his attention to the right path.

"Ahem, happy new year, Senior Sister Laixiang. Come on, Xiaokong, hurry up to say hello to Senior Sister Laixiang." Zhang Xiang greeted each other.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, knowing that he couldn't make a small-tempered Xiaokong here, he still smiled lawfully and greeted Senior Sister Laixiang.

And Miyu and others came up to say hello one after another.

However, looking at so many beautiful girls, Raixiang-senpai's true face was revealed again.

"Youtai, will you give them all to me?" Laixiang-senpai hugged Xiao Huahuo Lori with her left hand, and Xiao Ai with her right. There was a blushing Xiaoyan in between, making a request to Zhang Xiang.

And of course, Zhang Xiang rightly rejected the other party.

In the end, Xiao Chi used her cuteness and let her hug her to stop her.

In this way, Zhang Xiang and others began to follow the flow of people and head towards Meiji Shrine (Note: a very famous shrine).

On this path of worship, the flow of people is even denser.

Even Zhang Xiang regretted coming here for worship.

Because there are too many people here, they are about to reach the point where they are stubborn.

Even if there are dozens of venues the size of Tokyo Dome, it can't hold so many people.


The sight of people everywhere is not so spectacular as it is overwhelmingly scary.

(Note: Tokyo Dome is a famous baseball stadium in Japan, and it is also a place where artists expect to hold concerts. It covers an area of ​​46,755 square meters, while Meiji Shrine covers an area of ​​700,000 square meters. The highest number of visitors to this place on New Year’s Day is 400W. , You can imagine the densely packed people inside.)

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