Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1251: ,desire

There are more people on the boulevard leading to the main shrine than in front of Ikebukuro Station on holidays. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

In this wave of people, Zhang Xiang and others can only go forward with difficulty.

Even if the idlers attached to the surroundings are dispersed, it is somewhat unable to withstand such a turbulent crowd.

After all, even if it is subjectively unwilling, it is very possible to be squeezed around.

Because of this, Zhang Xiang had to move around, secretly resisting the people who bumped into it, and increasing the power to disperse idlers.

But even so, in the end, Zhang Xiang had to use his mental power to perceive the Transformed Person No. 1 that was originally waiting at the foot of the mountain, and the Transformed Person No. 2 and No. 3 who had found rare materials at this time. Come up together.

Then, surrounded by three sturdy big men, and Zhang Xiang, a handsome young man who looks like an ordinary but in fact is as powerful as a tyrannosaurus, directly facing the shrine’s Go in the direction.

Although because the three transformed people were all wearing black clothes, were at least about 1.9 meters tall, and were covered with visible muscles, everyone around them came to the spotlight and thought it was a big figure traveling.

Even Yu Xiaokong and Xiaoqi, the two easily shy girls, bowed their heads in embarrassment and embarrassment.

However, under Zhang Xiang's insistence, they still remained in the protection circle.

In this case, even though the surroundings were still crowded, Zhang Xiang and the others wandered like a lone boat in the ocean, but in the end they reached the value of the offering box.

However, after arriving at this location, Zhang Xiang asked the reformer to leave due to the need to visit. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But fortunately, in front of the gods, everyone is still very orderly. Although everyone is walking with the flow of people, they do not feel anymore that they can only go with the flow of people, but it is difficult to move even if they move. Situation.

Under Zhang Xiang's leadership, everyone put a few coins into the offering box and put their hands together to make a wish.

And Zhang Xiang was holding the young chick. Although he could only bow slightly, he still promised his wish.

‘I hope that this year, our whole family will be healthy, healthy and safe. I also hope that the young chicks can grow up faster, Meiyu’s grades can be better, and Xiao Kong can be happier...’ Zhang Xiang sincerely made a wish.

Even if he knew that such a wish was made, there was no such thing as a god-sir to help realize it.

However, some superstitions developed in the previous life, as well as the good wishes in his heart, are all urging him to make such a wish.

And after he paid the visit, Zhang Xiang also put down the young chick, lifted her small body slightly, let her also throw a coin in, and put her hands together and made a wish very seriously.

After the worship was over, everyone began to follow the flow of people and walked outside.

It's just that Zhang Xiang was a little curious looking at Xiao Kong who was holding the young chick.

"Xiao Kong, what is your wish this year?" Zhang Xiang said curiously.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, a touch of warmth appeared on Xiao Kong's face.

"I just hope that everyone's body can be healthy, the family can be harmonious, and the young chick can grow up quickly." Xiaokong smiled on his face and gently hugged the young chick in his arms.

"Since my sister's wish is like this, Xiao Chi must grow up sooner in the future," Mei Yu said with a warm smile on her face, approaching Xiao Chi.

"It's the little chicks who will eat more and grow up faster." The energetic little chicks raised their little hands and said.

"It’s okay to eat a little bit more, but don’t eat too much and become a little fat guy. It’s not cute anymore." Zhang Xiang put on a gentle smile on his face and stretched out his right hand. He squeezed slightly on his cheek and said.

"Ah, I won’t become a fat guy, I don’t want to be a fat guy, I don’t, but I take ten guards for a walk every morning," Xiao Xiao said unconvincedly, her face puffed up and retorted to Zhang Xiang.

"Yes, uncle, our little chick, in the future, there will be a big beauty who surpasses my sister and me. How can he become a little fat man?" By the side, Miyu also pretended to be the same enemy, and talked to the little chick. The line was in a line against Zhang Xiang.

"Yes, yes, yes. It's my younger uncle's fault." Zhang Xiang had no choice but to apologize with his hands together.

Then, he turned his head to look at Xiao Shi next to him.

"That's right, then, what is your wish, Xiaoyan?" Zhang Xiang looked at him and smiled, and asked Xiaoyan with a slightly envious expression on his face.

It’s just that, maybe it was because Zhang Xiang would ask about her. When Zhang Xiang asked, Xiao Xiao’s face was a bit shy and flustered.

"Ah... yes, did you mean me?" Xiao Shi asked in a flustered manner, pointing to himself.

"Yeah." Zhang Xiang nodded.

"Um... my wish is also very ordinary, and I hope everyone can be healthy and safe... Then, I hope, I hope that in the new year, I can and I can muster the courage to follow..." When he got here, Xiao Yan's face was blushing, and he looked in Zhang Xiang's direction surreptitiously.

"With what?" Zhang Xiang continued to ask with some curiosity.

"Follow, confess with (Zhang Xiang) You Taijun..." Xiao Shi said in an inaudible voice.

However, because the scene was too noisy, and Xiaobian's voice was too small, Zhang Xiang could not hear clearly.

"What? I didn't hear it." Zhang Xiang continued to ask with some uncertainty.

It’s just that, at this moment, even though she didn’t hear it from the side, Miyu, who clearly saw something, inserted her small body so that the roots of her ears were red, and she had no courage to talk about Xiaobian. Here comes the middle of Zhang Xiang.

"Really, uncle, don't know the girl's thoughts!" Mei Yu gave Zhang Xiang a white look, and said with a bit of bitterness.

Seeing Miyu come forward on her behalf, Xiao Kai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, like a frightened little rabbit, hiding behind Miyu.

And looking at Xiao Qiao's appearance, and Mei Yu's appearance like a little hen protecting a chick, Zhang Xiang could only give up regretfully.

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