Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1252: , The girl's secret

"So, what about your wish, Meiyu?" Zhang Xiang stepped back and asked Meiyu, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Because, what kind of Miyu is an unexpected little adult, Xu's wish must be in addition to the health of his family.

"Uncle, this is a girl's secret," Mei Yu blinked at Zhang Xiang and said with a smile at Zhang Xiangjiao.

"Really, do you even have to hide it from Uncle?" Zhang Xiang muttered a little dissatisfied.

Then, he turned his gaze for help in the direction of Xiao Chi.

In his opinion, Xiaoniaouyoujia's cutest and kindest young chick will definitely not refuse his request.

"So, Xiaoshu, what wish did you make?" Zhang Xiang looked at Xiaokong in Xiaokong's arms intently.

"Well, ah, ah... secret." Xiao Xiaoxiao nodded his mouth, with a waxy smile on his face, and would refuse Zhang Xiang's request.

"Well, tell my uncle." Zhang Xiang showed a pitiful face.

However, it has no effect! ! !

"Don't tell me!" Xiao Chi turned her head in Xiao Kong's arms, and refused with a tender voice.

Then, as if it was not general enough, I added a sentence.

"This is a girl's secret" Xiao Chi said to Zhang Xiang, learning from her sister seriously.

Well, Zhang Xiang turned gray in that instant...

At the end of the day, Zhang Xiang also failed to let Xiao Chi say what his wish was.

After coming out of the crowded shrine, Zhang Xiang and others set off on the way home.

Of course, I was in the extended car and the driver was Zhang Xiang.

As for those reformers?

Okay, why would Zhang Xiang keep them here?

If they were here, Xiaokong and the others would have a lot to let go.

Of course, it's mainly Xiao Hina, and she will always go up innocently and ask some inexplicable questions about transforming people that will never be answered.

For example, uncle, where are you from? Uncle, are you tired? Do you want to rest; Uncle, do you want to eat marshmallows?

In order to prevent Xiaokong and others from discovering the clues, and not to make Xiaoxiao feel sad, he felt that the other party ignored him, Zhang Xiang moved them away.

Of course, Zhang Xiang would never be jealous of Xiao Chi's concern for transforming people, and he would never be jealous.

Yes, it is like that!

As for how the three reformers should go back?

There is no need for Zhang Xiang to worry about this. Although there is no emotion to transform people, it does not mean that they have no IQ.

If there is no IQ, wouldn't it be better for Zhang Xiang to build several robots?

Well, his current technology has not yet reached the point where it can make robots...

Not long after, Zhang Xiang and the others returned to the bird's home in Ikebukuro.

"I'm back" Little Chicks's energetic voice rang in this empty birdie's home, bringing a touch of warmth to the whole family.

After that, Xiao Chi also stepped on his own little feet and ran inside.

However, this action made Xiaokong, who was taking care of the young chicks, a little anxious.

"Little chick, don't run, don't run in the house with bare feet, hurry up and change into the shoes at home, it's very cold." Xiaokong quickly took off his shoes and ran inside.

However, she did not realize that she had forgotten to put on her shoes when she was anxious, just wearing the above white socks, she ran into it.

The ribbon of the kimono dangled behind him.

Coupled with that petite but warm back, it makes people feel a touch of warmth.

This made Zhang Xiang who saw this scene a smile on his face.

And soon, Xiao Chi's silver bell-like laughter also rang.

"Sister Hug is so amazing, I caught Xiao Chi so soon" Xiao Chi's very cheerful voice rang in the hall.

Obviously, she regards this kind of activity as a game.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Xiao Kong was both happy and somewhat helpless.

"You, just continue to be naughty like this. If you have a cold and become unwell, what should you do?!" Xiaokong was a little angry, and said little chicks helplessly.

While talking, he squatted down, let the little chick sit on the sofa, and put on her special warm shoes.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's figure is also recent.

Seeing that Meiyu and the others hadn't come in through the entrance, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt bad thoughts.

He quietly ran behind Xiao Kong, and then... suddenly hugged Xiao Kong and hugged her.

"Ah!" Xiaokong exclaimed, and hugged Zhang Xiang tightly with both hands.

"Haha... scared," Zhang Xiang said with a smirk on his face.

"Ah, brother, how can you be like this?!" Xiao Kong angrily used his fan fist to beat Zhang Xiang's chest several times.

However, it is said that it is a fight, but in fact it is more appropriate to say that it is massage.

"Haha, that's the way you are," Zhang Xiang said with a smirk, and then moved his face slightly closer to Xiaokong's cheek.

Suddenly, a blush appeared on Xiao Kong's face, as if he had thought of something.

However, at this moment, the curious little chicks next to him spoke up.

"Uncle, sister, what are you doing?" The young chick sitting on the sofa tilted his head curiously and asked.

There is a sense of curiosity in those big pure eyes.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang and Xiaokong were also seen, a little embarrassed.

Okay, Zhang Xiang almost forgot that Xiao Chi was there.

"Ahem, my uncle and my sister are just playing a game of lifting. When the young chick asks for it, my uncle will lift you up too." Zhang Xiangqing coughed twice and hurriedly covered up.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi's **** eyes suddenly sparkled, as if they had encountered something funny.

"Yeah, ah. I want to play! I want to be as tall as my sister" Xiao Xiao said expectantly.

"Ah, you still don't let me down." Xiaokong was blushing. How could he not make her feel ashamed when his youngest sister saw this scene?

"Okay." Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

However, he didn't directly put Xiao Kong on the ground, but put it on the sofa.

"Well, no problem." Zhang Xiang first agreed to Xiao Chi.

Then, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Xiao Kong.

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