Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1261: , Fuck that thing (fog)

"Sakura, help, this guy wants to treat me as food" Xiao Ke yelled without any ethics, without any majesty as a sealed beast guarding Kuro cards. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

In order to achieve better results, its acting skills are superb, and even a few drops of tears came out.

And the miserable voice, even more sad, the listener shed tears

"Xiao Ke Zhang Xiang, Xiao Ke, it is my partner, let it go..." There was a worried light in Xiao Sakura's eyes, and she looked at Zhang Xiang with pleading eyes.

However, looking at Zhang Xiang who seemed to be full of inexplicable power in front of her, her heart was still a little uneasy.

However, to make her feel a little relieved, Zhang Xiang turned his head and smiled at her slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm just teasing it a little bit" Zhang Xiang said as he let go of the restraints on Xiao Ke.

And when he felt the right hand that bound him let go, Xiao Ke naturally played super level, and in an instant he jumped from Zhang Xiang's hand to Sakura's back.

Then he stroked his chest as if he was relieved.

However, when it saw Zhang Xiang looking over again, it immediately retracted behind Sakura.

However, Zhang Xiang looked in Sakura's direction again, not to do something to Xiao Ke.

He just wanted to talk to Sakura.

"Sakura, don't be stunned. Hurry up and take the Turkuluo card. I know, you are only one Kuluo card short, right?" Zhang Xiang smiled and said, slightly letting his body open, revealing The Turkuro card that couldn't move behind came. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

After confirming that Zhang Xiang hadn't changed, Sakura also smiled again and came to Zhang Xiang's body hopping around.

"Yeah." Kozakura nodded heavily.

Then, she walked in front of the Turkuro card and took out her magic wand.

"Seal!" Sakura bravely waved the magic wand in her hand and slammed into the midair in front of the Turkuluo card.

And as her voice fell, a blank Kuro card appeared out of thin air.

A huge magic circle appeared under Sakura's feet. It was an existence with moon and sun patterns.

And under the effect of this magic circle, the Turkuro card that was completely tied up, there was no time to dodge, it turned into a illusory aura, and it directly collided into the Kuro card. In the past, I didn't get into the blank Kuro card.

When the breath was completely submerged in the Kuro card, a mighty earth dragon appeared on the Kuro card.

And Zhang Xiang's originally bound water rope fell to the ground, and under Zhang Xiang's will intervention, it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this moment, the magic circle at Sakura's feet also disappeared, and the Turkula card slowly floated down and fell into Sakura's hands.

"Yetukuro card, I accept it!" Sakura made a triumphant move.

On the side, Zhi Shi, who had filmed all the scenes just now, also clapped his palms.

"Sakura, it's really wonderful, especially Sakura's last serious expression. It's so cute, it's Sakura!" Zhi Shi was covering her cheek again, with a happy smile on her face.

On her DV machine, the shot was replaying.

However, Kozakura, who had been praised for a while, blushed immediately, a little shy, and was a little bit twitched while holding the magic wand in both hands.

"Knowing the world, no, I just made the usual actions..." Sakura held the magic wand, blushing, lowered her head slightly, and glanced at Zhang Xiang with a slightly shifted gaze.

However, in the middle of speaking, she suddenly stopped.

However, it is not that she can't speak anymore.

But because of the light, a large amount of light began to converge not far from her, converging towards a certain existence.

"Xiao, Xiao Ke?" Sakura looked at Xiao Ke with a panic that was completely surrounded by the dazzling light like the sun.

However, just when she wanted to get closer to the past, Zhang Xiang, who had already retracted those wings and put away her own domain, came to her.

"Don't worry, it's just beginning to return to what it was like." Zhang Xiang stretched out his hand and pressed it on Sakura's shoulder, comforting her.

But at the moment when his voice fell, the light that had gathered enough energy suddenly skyrocketed, starting from the original light ball-like appearance, gradually becoming larger and changing into a corresponding shape.

After two seconds, although the dazzling light like the sun disappeared.

A patron saint beast with beige wings and tiger-like appearance, but covered with armor and a huge ruby ​​on its chest, appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and Sakura.

Seeing Xiao Ke who suddenly changed her shape, Sakura seemed a little hesitant, but she finally took a step forward.

"Xiao, Xiao Ke?" Sakura asked strangely.

And at this moment, the mighty and mighty patron saint beast Ke Rubellos also took a step forward.

Xiao Ke, who transformed "Sakura" into a complete state, also took a step forward happily.

Then, Kozakura suddenly hugged Xiao Ke's head.

"It's really you, Xiao Ke has become so mighty!" Kozakura was jumping happily.

At the side, Zhi Shi also showed a slightly surprised face.

"Yeah, Xiao Ke has really changed so much. He has become the tiger of the king of beasts." Zhi Shi's face showed an interesting look, and he started shooting with the DV in his hand.

In the midst of a lively conversation, Sakura also knew that Xiao Ke had already recovered her magical powers, allowing herself to return to the original state.

Moreover, under the leadership of Sakura's teacher, Kanzuki Kaho, everyone also walked toward the shrine.

Zhang Xiang knew that the other party did this deliberately, and did so deliberately in order to allow the final trial to begin without affecting ordinary people.

However, Zhang Xiang did not stop it.

Because, he knew that this would not do any harm to Sakura, on the contrary, it would make Kuro cards truly belong to her.

Moreover, his purpose is only possible if Sakura passes the final judgment.

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