Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1262: , The final judgment!

And after returning to the shrine and talking for a while. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Not unexpectedly by Zhang Xiang, the little wolf who observed a vision here also appeared here.

This is not only a coincidence of the plot, but also a deliberate result of Guanyue Gefan.

And as expected, shortly after the conversation.

As Sakura talked about the issue of the Kuro card, Kerubellos, who had changed to the original, began to look serious.

"If all the Kuro cards are collected, then the'Last Judgment' will be carried out." But Rubellos said this sentence with some solemn expression.

"The final judgment?!" Kozakura looked surprised.

And the face of the little wolf on the side also showed a hint of surprise.

And it was at this time that the mutation began to happen.

The snow hare, who had fainted near the stone bench of the shrine because of the earthquake that had just been affected, began to glow all over and floated into the air.

Then, in Kozakura's worried cry.

But Rubellos told the truth.

"To be honest, before today, I really didn't know who the moon was responsible for the final judgment. Because, at the beginning, I thought Zhang Xiang was coming from the moon. However, I felt the teacher Guanyue later. With the familiar magic power on my body, the objects of my suspicion have become two. However, as of today, I am sure. Because even if it can mobilize the power of the moon, it is impossible for Yue to possess Zhang Xiang. That kind of magical power that is extremely exaggerated. Its magical power is provided by its owner, and I know exactly how great the magical power it possesses. Look at. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net. Teacher Guanyue was also ruled out by me after she took out the moon bell. Because Yue never used any of these things. It was not until recently, when I changed back to the prototype, that I passed the two of us The special connection between the two makes you aware of the other's existence. The person in charge of the final judgment, Yue, is your Snow Rabbit brother..."

And as the voice of Na Kerubelos fell, in the bright light, Snow Rabbit stretched out a pair of white wings from behind and wrapped his body in it.

But in the next moment, with the snow-white wings unfolded.

A man with a pair of silver eyes and silver-white hair, wearing a blue dress with a dark blue jewel on his chest, appeared in the air.

To be honest, the opponent is very handsome, compared to Zhang Xiang's slightly handsome, but it is said that he killed Shi Tiaojie in seconds.

Coupled with the moon-like cold temperament of the other party, I am afraid that some people who only pursue appearance will be infatuated with him.

However, none of the people present are those idiots.

Therefore, no one screamed because of the appearance of the opponent.

"Yue, did you finally show up?" But Rubellos said with a solemn expression.

"Are you asking me to come out for the final judgment? However, with these two children who can't even collect the Kuro cards. It seems that the final judgment is unnecessary. Because it is completely impossible to pass. "Yue Yi said coldly, as if she had no emotion at all.

"Brother Xuetu, how could..." Sakura showed a trace of sadness on her face.

"Damn it, look down on people?" The little wolf, who had collected almost a dozen Kuro cards, suddenly became a little angry.

"Oh, isn't it? Then try it." Yue said coldly, her tone full of contempt.

At the next moment, a scene like the original one appeared.

The little wolf was brought to the roof of the shrine by Yue's magic power, and the two had a duel.

However, just in the blink of an eye, the right to use the Kuro cards used by the little wolf was deprived of the opponent, and he was almost dropped from the roof.

Thirty seconds later, the defeated little wolf returned to the ground.

At this moment, he was already covered with scars, and fainted as soon as he returned to the ground.

"So, do you still want to have the final trial? Little girl" Yue glanced at Sakura, not caring about the other side's appearance.

It's like, everything he said before will definitely become true.

Such a scene deeply hurt the heart of Sakura who once liked the other party.

"Brother Xuetu, why did you become like this?!" Sakura cried out with tears.

"Make no mistake, I am not the Snow Rabbit, he is just a virtual personality when I am in my sleep. In other words, the Snow Rabbit you know is actually illusory. I am the most real. That one." Tsuki spoke out the cruel reality regardless of Sakura's mood.

"Moon, don't go too far." Corbelos, who had been with Sakura for a long time, couldn't help but feel a little angry.

However, the other party did not pay any attention to Rubellos.

"So, do you still insist on that meaningless battle? I won't show mercy." Yue said coldly.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang, who had been watching coldly, intervened.

‘Really, I kept watching Sakura go through the final judgment with cold eyes. I still really can’t do it... Then, let’s get involved! Zhang Xiang made a decision in his heart.

Originally, he hoped that everything would be done in accordance with everything in the original work, so that Sakura had gone through many hardships before passing the final judgment.

Then, he might finally be able to see Kurorido's consciousness within the magic wand.

However, he did not prepare like this at this time.

"Why don't I have no way to deal with Loli's tears..." Zhang Xiang sighed lightly.

"So, how about me to take part in the final trial?!" Zhang Xiang walked slowly to the opposite side, blocking the front of Sakura and said.

"Ordinary people? It's so rare. Even ordinary people want to participate in the final trial. Don't say whether they can be replaced. People who are incapable are not worthy to participate in the final trial. Just give me a good sleep. !" Yue Yi refused Zhang Xiang with a cold face.

He only had the memory of Xuetu not fainting, and he didn't know the terrifying power Zhang Xiang just broke out.

So, with a cold look down on the mouth kiss.

And, at the moment when the voice fell, he used his eyes to release the deterrent magic.


A magical light shone from Yue's eyes.

However, in the next moment, he suffered.

"What?!" Yue's face changed suddenly.

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