Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1266: , Kurorido!

And at this moment, looking at the appearance of Kerubelos, there was Yue's scream. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Kozakura finally couldn't help it.

"Zhang Xiang, don't be like this, let go of Yue and Xiao Ke." Xiao Sakura ran over with a cry, and hugged Zhang Xiang all at once.

I don't know when, Sakura was already shocked by the scene in front of her, with panic and worry on her face.

Not far away, there was also a little fear in Zhishi's eyes.

Obviously, it was what Zhang Xiang just did that made these two pure girls feel scared.

Looking down again, the eyes were a little red, obviously they were worried and afraid to the extreme. Although they were afraid and worried, they were still big eyes full of imploring meaning, but Zhang Xiang couldn't help sighing in his heart. Tone.

'I almost forgot, it's not in the Ninja World or Academy City. With Sakura's kind character, she will not accept such a method to let her go through this final trial. . Moreover, in her heart, she should be thinking now that it was because of her that the scene became like this. So, that's it. So many thoughts flashed through Zhang Xiang's heart.

However, his superficial effort is still to be done.

At least, let Xiao Sakura not realize that she is helping her, and let Yue and Xiao not notice that they have suffered so many accidents, but Zhang Xiang wants to weaken the other's ability, let Sakura passed the final trial smoothly.

"Oh, sorry, did you scare you?" Zhang Xiang's face showed a sigh, but he took his left hand back.

Crubellos, who had been forcibly overwhelmed by an unknown force on the ground, finally got a rare breathing opportunity and stood up again from the ground. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, resisting the pressure, the other party also consumed a lot of strength.

When Zhang Xiang let go, Rubellos was already panting, tiredness leaking from his eyes.

However, when it saw Zhang Xiang, what it revealed in its eyes was not hatred, but fear.

In the face of enemies that can be defeated, we will hate and work hard, but in the face of enemies that cannot be defeated, we often only have to be afraid of this emotion.

Maybe Rubellos has a feeling of hatred, but at least it dare not show it at this time.

Seeing that her companion was finally released, Kozakura couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but her eyes were still full of anxiety and prayer.

"Zhang Xiang Oni sauce, there is still moon..." Sakura's eyes were full of anxiety.

"Okay, okay." Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

Immediately, he slowly retracted his right hand.

The moonlight beam of light that reached the sky began to shrink slowly, and the little bit of moonlight no longer continued to emerge from the opponent's body, and the screams no longer sounded.

After all, in the Yuehua beam of light, the opponent was only suppressed and could not move.

What really caused the other party's pain was the indescribable pain when the Moonlight was extracted from the opponent's body.

Slowly, the beam of light that reached the sky also disappeared.

The body floating in the middle of the sky also fell directly to the ground after losing the suppression of its strength.

Amidst Sakura's exclamation, she ran over quickly, trying to help him up.

However, the other party did not seem to accept Sakura's affection.

"Go away, I don't need your help..." Some weak Yue pushed Sakura away, and stood a little shaky.

"Remember, you are not Kuroriduo. Then, don't talk to me in such an arrogant tone." Zhang Xiang stretched out a finger and shook it at the other party.

Then he walked back without looking back.

However, when he was halfway down, he still turned his head.

"By the way, the final judgment, I think you'd better conduct it. After all, you are a competent guardian of the moon, and Sakura is also the next magician appointed by Kurorido. I believe that after the final judgment, everything will come to fruition. Sakura, will relay the words about Kurorido," Zhang Xiang turned his head and said in a reminder.

"What are you talking about?" Yue's face changed, and she seemed to hear something from Zhang Xiang's words.

"Nothing, believe it, don't you already have an answer in your heart?" Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

"By the way, Sakura, you have to trust your Kuro cards and communicate them with your heart. Then, they will not be restricted by others. After all, Kuro cards also have their own will." Zhang Xiang turned his head to face Still confused, Sakura said with a smile.

Then, instead of waiting for Sakura to react, he leaned on the stone pillar in front of the shrine next to him and made a look on the sidelines.

And looking at Zhang Xiang's posture, it seemed that he wouldn't say anything.

Standing in the same place, Moon seemed to have thought of something with a gloomy expression, but in the end she forced her body to make a final judgment on Sakura.

Of course, the final result this time was that Sakura passed it all at once.

After being reminded by Zhang Xiang who knew the original plot, the added body had been weakened by half, and even after Yue consciously released the water.

Kozakura finally used her own mind to communicate the magic wand in her hand, turning it from a sealed magic wand into her own star magic wand, defeating Yue and successfully becoming the next magician.

However, just as Sakura succeeded in acquiring her own star magic wand.

A will was revealed from the scepter, and it came into contact with Sakura's will.

At the same time, a bright light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

From his eruption, there was an unprecedented magic storm, using the power of angels and magic to cover the entire shrine in the water domain.

At the same time, a bright light was also emitted from Zhang Xiang's right hand, submerged in Sakura's mental ocean.

"Come out for me, Kuroriduo!" Zhang Xiang shouted, pulling a bright light out of Sakura's mental ocean, tracing a bright line, and falling in front of Zhang Xiang.

As the light began to dissipate, an illusory figure began to appear in this world...

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