Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1267: , Not a ghost

He has a wide black sun magic robe, white underwear underneath, wearing translucent silver round eyes, and holding a sun magic wand. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Is this part of my spiritual body pulled out of the mental ocean? What a terrible junior?" Although the figure's mouth was scared, his face still kept a smile, just like Encountered something interesting in general.

At this moment, everyone came to a sense of consciousness from Zhang Xiang's sudden outbreak.

"This figure and clothes..." Sakura's face showed a confused look, but she felt that the figure standing in front of her was very familiar.

But I don't know why, but I can't remember related memories at all.

However, on one side, Sakura did not recognize it.

However, the other two, no, it should be said that they were one person and one beast, but they all recognized them.

"How could it be you? Haven't you already died? How come you will appear again?" But Rubellos's face was both surprised and shocked and looked towards Kurorido.

In their memory, Kuroriduo should have died in front of them!

And because of reluctantly fighting, even Yue, who was unable to stand firmly in the battle, bit her lower lip and struggled to stand up.

"Why are you still alive, Kuroriduo!" The expression on Yue's face was a surprise, but there was too much unwillingness and anger, and various emotions that Zhang Xiang could not see clearly hidden below.

With Yue's performance, Sakura next to her couldn't touch her head.

When she wanted to come, Yue saw the Kuroriduo who had been missing, she should have been surprised to the extreme, why is it the way she is now?

However, she did not expect to go deeper. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Because she was also slightly shocked by the scene before her.

"Yue, and Mr. Kurorido?" Kozakura's face was deeply puzzled and puzzled, looking worriedly in the direction of Yue and Kurorido.

Just as she figured out something, when the magic wand in her hand suddenly changed, the figure of Kurorido suddenly appeared in her mind, which was enough for her to be surprised.

However, at the next moment, Kurorido's figure was pulled out by a ray of light.

By the way, she also emerged from that kind of magical scene.

Then, she knew that person, who created the Kuro card, as well as Yue and Xiao Ke's Kuro Rido.

How can this not make her feel more shocked and puzzled?

"Yue, it's been a long time." After immersing for a while, Kurorido scanned the people present, with a smile on his face, and greeted him first.

"Don't say hello to me so affectionately, let's talk, why are you still alive!" Yue suddenly waved his hand, staring at Kurorido's direction.

"Yue, calm down." But Rubellos stood in front of Kurorido and persuaded Yue.

Because it can also see that there is something wrong with the month.

"Don't you want to know why he, who has been dead for so many years, appeared here?" Yue said excitedly.

But after Yue finished speaking, Rubellos was a little speechless.

Because, in its heart, it is not without a bit of anger, and it can't wait to figure out everything right away.

It's just that these are temporarily suppressed by it.

Because it fears a certain answer.

But faced with the same experience, Yue's questioning, it could no longer be suppressed.

It fell silent and looked in the direction of Kurorido.

"Oh, it's really embarrassing, both of my subordinates are doing this to me" Kurorido continued with a gentle smile on his face, shook his head.

"However, I do owe you an answer. What you want to ask is why I am still alive, right? Actually, I don't know if I am still alive now." Kuroli helped his eyes and face. He continued with a gentle smile.

"What?" But Rubellos's face showed a puzzled look.

Then, it and Yue can be seen clearly, the other side's figure under the shining of the moonlight, there is no shadow.

And at this time, the observant Zhishi, who was good at observing, also observed this in his DV machine.

"No shadow?" Yue raised her head suddenly, and looked in the direction of Kurorido in surprise.

However, he did not know that this sentence of his was enough to make her whole body shiver for someone who was very afraid of ghosts.

"Ghosts, ghosts?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... there are ghosts!!!" Sakura closed her eyes suddenly and screamed. Shivering.

After all, for Sakura, she has been very afraid of ghosts since she was a child.

Although she is now exposed to supernatural powers, it hasn't changed her personality.

"It seems that it scares my next magician a bit... But girl, you don't have to be afraid of me. I am not a ghost in the traditional sense, but just a spiritual imprint. And, in this one Place, I still have the body, I can come into contact with you." Kuroriduo showed a gentle smile, stretched out his hand, and said to Sakura behind Zhang Xiang.

But on the other side, the expressions of Rubellos and Yue also changed suddenly.

"Is it just a spiritual brand?!" But Rubellos's face became a little distracted.

On the other side, although Yue was also very depressed, he still had many other questions in it.

So he turned his head to Sakura's side.

Sakura was a little timid and slowly moved a small part of her body from behind Zhang Xiang, stretched out her right hand, and suddenly closed her eyes and touched Kuroli's hand.

At the next moment, Kozakura suddenly opened her eyes.

"Ah, is it really accessible. And the temperature?!" Sakura's face showed a look of surprise.

But immediately, she became a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, I think you are a ghost," Kozakura touched her head in embarrassment.

But Kurorido shook his head carelessly.

"It doesn't matter, because I am like this, maybe even worse than a ghost." Kurorido said with a smile.

Then, he looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"You seized this opportunity and called me out. Is there anything wrong?" Kurorido continued to ask with a smile on his face.

However, at this time, Yue couldn't help speaking anymore.

"Wait a minute!" Yue said suddenly.

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